Original Sin!
Hi Tim,
Difficult one for me to expound because it was all sorted out in 1562!
It is called Original Sin or Birth-sin!
A Précis,
Original Sin................ is the fault and corruption of the Nature of every man, [man/woman], that is ingendered of the offspring of Adam;
1. Far gone from original righteousness,
2. Of his/her own nature inclined to evil,
3. So the flesh lusteth always contrary to the spirit;
[You don't really want to know what the Church fathers thought about you and I!]
And although there is no condemnation for them that believe and are baptized,
Yet the Apostle doth confess, that concupiscence and lust hath of itself the nature of sin.
[Article of Religion No.9. Church of England 1562 ].
Now I'm sure Tim you don't want to "CONCUPISCENCE" your friend so let me see if I can reconstruct where they got it from.
Faulty men/women? Children of Adam with a little help from Eve!
The fall of Adam, Genesis3:1- 24.
11. He(God) said,
Who told you that you were naked?"......................................................
12. The man said, "The woman you put here with me -........................
Nothing changes does it, He blamed her as usual!!!
Disobeyed God! He did not do what God told him to do,
1. Disobedience in Adams free-will to God's Word caused the Original Sin!
2. Therefore Free-will by association is now seen as the cause of Original Sin! But disobedience is the real cause of this sin!
3. Free-will with Obedience to the Word of God, Jesus: Is the original state before Adam's disobedience.
Therefore, Free-will in a Christian's Salvation has taken the Christian back into the sinless condition before Adams disobedience. (What your Friends IQ. like Tim, I'm struggling and I wrote it!).
Romans 6:10-12. The death He died, He died to sin once for all; but the life he lives, He lives to God. 11. In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. 12. Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires.
In a nut shell if there is such a thing in this,
1. Disobeying the Word of God caused the Human- race to be casted out of God's Holy Presence! Nature was given free range over itself and Earth with all it's systems were allowed free reign to behave naturally!
2. Today we wait for the return of God's control over the universe, The Rapture perhaps? Then we will be taken into a controlled environment in God's Presence which is Heaven perhaps? (Still to early to look at storms and earthquake in these days to be a herald of the coming Rapture, perhaps?).
3. All those who hear and accept Jesus as their Saviour will Be taken to His Presence in that Heavenly Place! Because they have beaten the rap!!! They have been pardoned by the Sacrifice of Jesus, And the Obedience to God's Free-will through our blessed Saviour Jesus Christ. He reached down His hand and lifted me/you up when we freely accept the gift of Salvation! By our Belief He lifted you and I up, Alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What Scripture have we got,
1. Genesis 3:1-24.
2. Romans 6: 10-12.
3. John 3: 15- 21.
The Gift of Salvation and the Continuing disbelief in freewill of the unbeliever is the cause of this mayhem we live in today. [ Jesus, John 3:15 to 21.].
"Come now, let us reason together," says the Lord.
"Though your sins are like scarlet,
they shall be as white as snow;
though they are as crimson,
they shall be like wool."
[The Lord Yahveh, Isaiah.1:18, NIV, Praise the Lord!]
Yours in His Most Holy Name,