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Word on the Web 15 May 2008
Psalm 148 v 1-12
Praise the Lord from the skies. Praise him high above the earth.
Praise him, all you angels. Praise him, all you armies of heaven.
Praise him, sun and moon. Praise him, all you shining stars.
Praise him, highest heavens and you waters above the sky.
Let them praise the Lord, because they were created by his command.
He put them in place forever and ever; he made a law that will never change.
Praise the Lord from the earth, you large sea animals and all the oceans, lightning and hail, snow and mist, and stormy winds that obey him,
mountains and all hills, fruit trees and all cedars,
wild animals and all cattle, crawling animals and birds,
kings of the earth and all nations, princes and all rulers of the earth,
young men and women, old people and children.
I have a 15 month old son and one of the first words he has learnt to say is "wow"! This means that he appears to live in a constant state of excitement. A walk in the park will go along these lines: point at tree "wow!", point at dog "wow!", point at flowers "wow!", point at other children on bicycles "wow wow wow!". It's sweet but also quite infectious. As he jumps around our bed at 6.15 in the morning you can't help but grudgingly catch some excitement for the day ahead.
In the beginning God created the earth and He saw that it was good. Creation is AMAZING. Look around today! Even here, looking out of the window at a block of high rise flats in South London, God's handiwork is still evident. The blossom on the trees, the clouds in the sky, even the intricate workings of an insect's leg can be awe-inspiring. And what's more, God, who made the world with all its wonders, is interested in you and me.
Lord help me to catch a fresh excitement for you and your creation. Amen.
Written by Bianca Parry, Churches Youth Manager at Christian Aid
Psalm 148 v 1-12
Praise the Lord from the skies. Praise him high above the earth.
Praise him, all you angels. Praise him, all you armies of heaven.
Praise him, sun and moon. Praise him, all you shining stars.
Praise him, highest heavens and you waters above the sky.
Let them praise the Lord, because they were created by his command.
He put them in place forever and ever; he made a law that will never change.
Praise the Lord from the earth, you large sea animals and all the oceans, lightning and hail, snow and mist, and stormy winds that obey him,
mountains and all hills, fruit trees and all cedars,
wild animals and all cattle, crawling animals and birds,
kings of the earth and all nations, princes and all rulers of the earth,
young men and women, old people and children.
I have a 15 month old son and one of the first words he has learnt to say is "wow"! This means that he appears to live in a constant state of excitement. A walk in the park will go along these lines: point at tree "wow!", point at dog "wow!", point at flowers "wow!", point at other children on bicycles "wow wow wow!". It's sweet but also quite infectious. As he jumps around our bed at 6.15 in the morning you can't help but grudgingly catch some excitement for the day ahead.
In the beginning God created the earth and He saw that it was good. Creation is AMAZING. Look around today! Even here, looking out of the window at a block of high rise flats in South London, God's handiwork is still evident. The blossom on the trees, the clouds in the sky, even the intricate workings of an insect's leg can be awe-inspiring. And what's more, God, who made the world with all its wonders, is interested in you and me.
Lord help me to catch a fresh excitement for you and your creation. Amen.
Written by Bianca Parry, Churches Youth Manager at Christian Aid