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Word on the web/23 March


Staff Member
Apr 25, 2006
23 March 2008

Word on the Web

John 19 v 38-42

Later, Joseph from Arimathea asked Pilate if he could take the body of Jesus. (Joseph was a secret follower of Jesus, because he was afraid of some of the leaders.) Pilate gave his permission, so Joseph came and took Jesus' body away.Nicodemus, who earlier had come to Jesus at night, went with Joseph. He brought about seventy-five pounds of myrrh and aloes.

These two men took Jesus' body and wrapped it with the spices in pieces of linen cloth, which is how they bury the dead. In the place where Jesus was crucified, there was a garden. In the garden was a new tomb that had never been used before. The men laid Jesus in that tomb because it was nearby, and they were preparing to start their Sabbath day.

Rubbing their hands many of those who had authority no doubt felt that the death of Jesus was the end. A line in history had been drawn and life would soon get back to normal. How wrong they were for the life, death and the resurrection of Jesus, that was still to come, made it possible for people of all ages and backgrounds to find forgiveness. Those who conspired may have done their worst but the reason for His life had concluded in victory.

The focus of our reading centres upon two men, Joseph of Arimathea who is described as a 'secret follower' and Nicodemus who came to Jesus at nighttime.

Yet at this very critical time these two individuals who had kept their discreet distance now own Jesus in such an open manner.

Having gained permission from the Roman authorities the body of Jesus is taken to the tomb in which He is given a dignified burial rather than being put in an unmarked grave oftened associated with criminals.

Clearly for both Joseph of Arimathea and also Nicodemus this was the time when they openly declared their faith to those they worked with and also their friends.

A tough call for there was no going back.

So often in my travels as a full time Christian worker I meet with people who are happy to say I am a Christian in church but then keep quite in secular situations.

We need to be careful not to judge these two men too quickly but rather ask 'Are we being open about our faith'?

Take time this Easter to share with others that you are a Christian, to own Jesus as your Saviour. By doing this your faith will be strengthened and others will hear the good news that sins can be forgiven.

And remember that the story does not end here - Jesus is risen!

Lord sometimes I am quick to judge other people before fully understanding their situation. Help me this Easter time to not only pray for them that they may be strong but also for myself that I may be being willing to share my faith. Amen

Written by David Morgan