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22 April 2007
Ecclesiastes 2:10-11
Anything I saw and wanted, I got for myself; I did not miss any pleasure I desired. I was pleased with everything I did, and this pleasure was the reward for all my hard work. But then I looked at what I had done, and I thought about all the hard work. Suddenly I realized it was useless, like chasing the wind. There is nothing to gain from anything we do here on earth.
The Teacher denied himself nothing and at one level it was a very satisfying experience. Finally the meaning of life was discovered! Until, that was, he stood back and scrutinised what he had achieved. When he assessed the real value of all he had, he concluded that it was worthless, meaningless, useless!
How do you judge the true value of things? How much, for example, would you pay for a tulip bulb? These days 10 will probably cost you about £3 depending on the variety. Would you believe it if I told you in 17th century Holland a single famous tulip bulb sold for the equivalent of £900,000! No, seriously! As crazy as it sounds tulips were a coveted luxury item and a status symbol, and Europeans were prepared to pay BIG bucks for them. What item do you think history will judge as the 21st century's equivalent to the tulip bulb?
In Matthew 6:19-34 Jesus warns His disciples not to store up their treasures on earth where they can be destroyed (especially if they are tulip bulbs!). He tells them to store up treasures in heaven instead. Money will rule your life; and worry will only shorten it; as to going after food, drink and clothes, it's pointless. Trust God for all that you really need. More than anything else "put God's work first and do what he wants. Then the other things will be yours as well'.
Jesus challenges those who follow Him to get their priorities right and tells them that the most valuable thing they can invest in is the work of God. Not empire or fortune building - but Kingdom building. Spend time today praying and thinking about where you see God at work in the world. How you might join Him in that work?
Lord God please help me to know those things that you consider to be of the greatest value and worth. Make me hungry for them. May they be more precious to me than anything that this world desires and goes after. Help me to have the courage and determination to follow the teaching and example of Jesus - who gave up everything for love of us. Amen
Written by Christine Gore.
Ecclesiastes 2:10-11
Anything I saw and wanted, I got for myself; I did not miss any pleasure I desired. I was pleased with everything I did, and this pleasure was the reward for all my hard work. But then I looked at what I had done, and I thought about all the hard work. Suddenly I realized it was useless, like chasing the wind. There is nothing to gain from anything we do here on earth.
The Teacher denied himself nothing and at one level it was a very satisfying experience. Finally the meaning of life was discovered! Until, that was, he stood back and scrutinised what he had achieved. When he assessed the real value of all he had, he concluded that it was worthless, meaningless, useless!
How do you judge the true value of things? How much, for example, would you pay for a tulip bulb? These days 10 will probably cost you about £3 depending on the variety. Would you believe it if I told you in 17th century Holland a single famous tulip bulb sold for the equivalent of £900,000! No, seriously! As crazy as it sounds tulips were a coveted luxury item and a status symbol, and Europeans were prepared to pay BIG bucks for them. What item do you think history will judge as the 21st century's equivalent to the tulip bulb?
In Matthew 6:19-34 Jesus warns His disciples not to store up their treasures on earth where they can be destroyed (especially if they are tulip bulbs!). He tells them to store up treasures in heaven instead. Money will rule your life; and worry will only shorten it; as to going after food, drink and clothes, it's pointless. Trust God for all that you really need. More than anything else "put God's work first and do what he wants. Then the other things will be yours as well'.
Jesus challenges those who follow Him to get their priorities right and tells them that the most valuable thing they can invest in is the work of God. Not empire or fortune building - but Kingdom building. Spend time today praying and thinking about where you see God at work in the world. How you might join Him in that work?
Lord God please help me to know those things that you consider to be of the greatest value and worth. Make me hungry for them. May they be more precious to me than anything that this world desires and goes after. Help me to have the courage and determination to follow the teaching and example of Jesus - who gave up everything for love of us. Amen
Written by Christine Gore.