There's a very fine line, actually a hairline division, whether or not you are working for God or God is working in you and through you.Gal.2:20 says that it is no longer I, you who live but Christ lives in you, me, us. And that this life that we live now, we live by faith of the Son of God who loves us and gave HImself for us.So, Christ lives in us.He's the one working in us to please God the Father.But we can disregard him and do the work for him.But tht will be of no benefit because when the Judgment Day comes, our work or good deeds will be pass through the fire and if it burns, we have no reward(I Cor.3:13,14).But if Jesus in us doing the work for God the Father, when pass throught the fire, it will not burn therefore, we get our pay or reward.That's why we must make sure that jesus is the one working in us by confessing, Jesus it's you in me singing in the choir praising you, or giving this alms to that beggar, etc.So, when it pass through the fire it'll not be burned because it is tag, in Jesus name.So the glory does not belong to you but to Jesus alone. For it is He who did it, that good thing,you as a vessel for His glory.That's why when others praise you, we must eply, To God be the glory! Knowing full well that it's not us who is good and every superlative adjectives, but it is Jesus Christ our Lord. God bless us.