I guess it's a weird topic and the reason
I bring it up is because it's my Aunt's 80th
birthday next week and her daughter, has
arranged a 'surprise' party at a bar for her
all the family have been invited and I find I
have a real problem with this,
My Aunt is a Christian and asked her daughter
who isn't not to orginize any surprises but she
hasn't heeded her mum's request and has went
ahead and arranged this without her knowing.
My husband is not a Christian and I wont go with
him to his club when he goes, I went when I first
got saved, over 2 years ago now, and I just knew
I shouldn't have been there, I can't describe how it
was I just knew it wasnt' were Jesus wanted me to
be, and you can't speak about Jesus to people there
as it's the last thing they want to hear between
their drink and smoke, so it can't be used for his purpose
I suppose that's what came across so strong when I did
that at that time and I've never been to anywhere since,
What do you's think on this, my good Christian friend once
told me that the first person who will tell a christian person if a thing
is right or wrong to do is an nonchristian and she's right,
as my husband's first words were, oh you cant go to that
your a Christian, made me feel good, especially coming from
him. I'm keen to know your views they won't make me change
my mind, but will be interesting to see if there are differances.
Lordbless your comments.
I bring it up is because it's my Aunt's 80th
birthday next week and her daughter, has
arranged a 'surprise' party at a bar for her
all the family have been invited and I find I
have a real problem with this,
My Aunt is a Christian and asked her daughter
who isn't not to orginize any surprises but she
hasn't heeded her mum's request and has went
ahead and arranged this without her knowing.
My husband is not a Christian and I wont go with
him to his club when he goes, I went when I first
got saved, over 2 years ago now, and I just knew
I shouldn't have been there, I can't describe how it
was I just knew it wasnt' were Jesus wanted me to
be, and you can't speak about Jesus to people there
as it's the last thing they want to hear between
their drink and smoke, so it can't be used for his purpose
I suppose that's what came across so strong when I did
that at that time and I've never been to anywhere since,
What do you's think on this, my good Christian friend once
told me that the first person who will tell a christian person if a thing
is right or wrong to do is an nonchristian and she's right,
as my husband's first words were, oh you cant go to that
your a Christian, made me feel good, especially coming from
him. I'm keen to know your views they won't make me change
my mind, but will be interesting to see if there are differances.
Lordbless your comments.