5/31/11: I was babysitting my one year old grandson at his house yesterday. He had a stuffed toy musical turtle that played notes when you pressed on the squares, with notes pictured on the squares. So, I began playing notes for my grandson when this tune began to form. So, I recorded it from...
What is divine healing and is it for today?
by Matt Slick / carm.org
Divine #healing is the act of God through the person of Jesus and the prayers of the saints where a person is healed physically and/or delivered from emotional, mental, or spiritual affliction. Most often, it is seen as a...
Personal Note:
I admire Charles Stanley. I've been listening to his daily sermon podcasts for 4 years now and he has always spoken the truth, in love, no condemning preaching and covered every topic including end times, prophecy, etc. He's head on in his preaching without a doubt. Below is an...