Like I have said before, no man can understand the relationship between the Father and the Son.
We know from Scripture that who we know now as Jesus of Nazareth/The Christ, was with God before the foundation of the world. We also know from Paul and John that this Christ is the Creator of everything in the universe and beyond.
We tend to see Christ on a level much less than who He really is. This is because we only know Him in His humanity on this earth where He lowered Himself and became a servant for the cause of man's redemption.
But in heaven we see that every knee will bow to Christ, not the Father. Just before Christ takes the Seven Seals out to the right hand of the Father on the Throne, everyone in heaven falls on their faces and praises the Father. Then we see Christ take the Seals out of His hand and everyone falls down before Him in praise, equally with the Father.
I was given this analogy many years ago, it's given in construction terms and I think, gives us even more light as to the relationship of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
"God the Father is the owner of everything in the universe and whatever is beyond that.
God the Son is the architect of everything in the universe and beyond.
God the Holy Spirit is the contractor of everything in the universe and beyond, and is the One who actually made it appear."
In this analogy we can see the Godhead at work for the cause of God's greatest creation, mankind.
Your analogy isn't bad really but it isn't complete and it isn't accurate.
In Eph 1 Paul clearly states that
God is the God AND Father of Jesus Christ. God is not His own Father nor is He his own Son, God is the God AND Father of JC.
This statement clearly does not make them co-equal, which some have already admitted to.
The Father of our Lord Jesus Christ gave Jesus life to have within Himself thus He was not a self sustaining entity until that happened. John 5:26
Why did God give Jesus that life? So that He could be the single entity in the universe from which we could obtain eternal life, which was the plan from before the
world began. Tit 1:2, Eph 1:5
By man(Adam) came condemnation and death, so also by man(Jesus) came the resurrection of the dead.
Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord, not God, to the glory of the Father.
Even Jesus acknowledges that He is not the only TRUE GOD John 17:3
He refers to God as His Father just as Paul does in Eph 1 intro.
We can agree to disagree and be fine if necessary it does not change who we are to God just our understanding as to His preeminence.
The reason I brought up Eph 1 intro was to try to show a few things that should create a better vision of Gods plan from
before the founding of the world.
-He chose us from within Him prior to a world being made. And
to what end?
-An adoption as sons of His
He promised eternal life prior to the world being formed Tit 1:2
And unto whom was that promise made?
All whom He predestinated to be embroiled in this world of good and evil in order to become like Him,
all humans.
This was the plan of His prior to the world even being formed. So lets look at the reality of what God has done with us all. He lowered us into human
dust bodies and gave us a carnal mind because of the expected failure of Adam. We did not do what Adam did but because the knowledge of good and evil
is a prerequisite in becoming like God it was necessary to allow sin.
God always had a solution for sin and that was the spirit we call Jesus who was dropped into a mortal body of a human same us all in all regards except
carnality, that occurred in the garden of Gethsemane. The sin of the world was placed on Him and He took it to the cross and killed it.
God perfected Him and Him only to start the process and gave Him life that is self sustaining and now whomsoever the Father draws to Jesus and
reveals who Jesus is to them are His selection of the elect in this last 2000 yrs. Those whom He chose beforehand to be the first group.
Jesus- I am the life. Why because God made it so.
Jesus- I am the resurrection. Unto whom? Whosoever the Father shall reveal Him to and as that life eternal was promised to all that were predestinated
to be sons then that applies to all human beings.
Jesus- I am the way. To what? The original promise of life eternal and the adoption as sons of the living God.
Jesus- I am the truth. Huh? There is no other way to your place in the heavenlies and the adoption unto a son except through me.
My post was intended to show these things to the reader of Pauls introduction to the Ephesians but often we read it over thinking we know what it actually
says already and gravely miss the implication of the glorious things he made plain and clear.
Who but our God could devise such a plan and pull it off?
Who but our Father could ever love us so much that He would put Himself through what we have done to Him through our blasphemy of Him and our
cruel actions toward one another?
We indeed owe Him a great debt that can never be paid and all He asks is be ye faithful unto death, and strive to be Holy as I am Holy.
Love your neighbor as yourself for you are part of one another for you all came out from Me. ALL things are of God!
Love the Lord thy God with all that you have for you are part of Me and to return to Me in glorious splendor.
Isa 54:8 In a little wrath I hid my face from thee for a moment; but with everlasting kindness will I have mercy on thee, saith the LORD thy Redeemer.
Mic 4:10 Be in pain, and labor to bring forth, O daughter of Zion, like a woman in travail: for now shalt thou go forth of the city (God), and thou
shalt dwell in the field (earth), and thou shalt go even to Babylon (fallen carnal state of man); there shalt thou be delivered; there the Lord shall
redeem thee from the hand of thine enemies.