Christ is building the third temple, called the New Jerusalem. This is also the temple John was told to measure. This is a spiritual temple, not a house made with hands.
The abomination of desolation is standing at the pulpits already. They continue to keep the law and reject the Spirit. And they are very offended by spirit filled people entering in. We are quickly dismissed.
They lay heavy burdens upon men grievous to be born and they have not entered in themselves.
How can a speaker tell someone how to be born again when they have not received His baptism? He has a baptism to be baptized with.
When one has entered in His door, there is immediate, supernatural change. One indeed has a testimony to tell. He shall know them by their fruits. We are a peculiar people, a royal preisthood, speaking in Spirit and in truth, rightly dividing the Word of truth, for it is God who gives us what ye ought to say.
The Christian population is still trying to learn abt Him, rather than know Him. Those at the pulpits are hirelings, and care nothing for the flock, but appease the flock so the money tray stays full and their pay is secure.
Even ISIS is standing bold in Allah and calling out all nations, they don't care how many come, how many tanks or weapons one brings, they will kill us all and our number only multiples their faith.
Where is the Christian's?
None realize we have entered the greatest war of all time? It is a spiritual war. Have you entered in and allowed God to dress you in His armor? Your guns won't work. Do you recognize the spirits that speak? Is the Word written upon the tables of your heart?
REPENT! For the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
All praise glory and honor be unto God. Amen