Sorry friends, I like to share with you what I know while I have no intention to convince anyone about anything.
I used to look for knowledge which could be useful to me in the least (scientific or else) without the need to please anyone else or protect anyone's interests. This is why I ended up be an independent student of Jesus since many decades ago (74-year-old now), besides being a private designer in electronics since after graduation till now.
If a kid asked his parents:
"Please tell me, how it was possible for me to exist among you?"
A wise loving parent would surely find, for his little smart kid, a suitable answer instead of the complete real one, right?
And when this kid will grow up, will he accuse his parents of being liars? I don’t think he will because he will also find himself doing the same with his future little children, if asked.
Similarly, the story of Adam and Eve was inspired from Heaven to the kids of humanity (our past ancestors). And it was an important story to introduce them to the idea of Creation, besides other imporatnt things that define life in the material world.
Now, after about 5 thousand years, do I need to hear the story of Adam and Eve to realize, for example, there is a Will/Power behind my existence and of the universe into which I was brought, for a certain period of time? Of course I don’t need, because I know that even the very simple things which I was able to design and build couldn’t exist without my will. So my crucial question wasn’t if this Supernatural Will/Power does exist or not. Instead, it was about the best image of this Will which I need to know and is related to my life/existence directly.
Jesus ‘only’, not anyone else, helped me know (via the Arabic Gospel which I had the chance to get when I was teen) the best image of this Will/Power I was looking for. Naturally, I also got from Him, the Living Word of Heaven (or God, if you like), the logical answers to all my important questions which are related to my own existence and the real world into which I was brought. In other words, I realized that Jesus is indeed my Divine Perfect Teacher about Life’s Reality, I was looking for.
Sorry, I recall that the way I see Jesus in my life hurts, to some extent, the feelings of many Christians who are supposed to just learn from Jesus and certain men (Prophets, Disciples and Saints... to name a few) how to worship the Heavenly Father (and Him, Jesus) in order to be saved by God’s Grace. In fact, my Muslims friends were also told that they will be saved just by worshipping/obeying Allah, as their Mohammad and other men told them how to do it.
On my side, I just used to live the Unconditional Love, as revealed by Jesus Christ, towards all others (good and evil) while trusting to no limit the One Loving Will/Power of my Father in Heaven (not incarnated) and Jesus (incarnated) who are unified, since before Creation, by the Divine Spirit of Love, the Holy Spirit... in every hard situation I had and will have to face.
So, it was impossible for me to live this way and for that long without the rather mysterious ways that the Holy Spirit did to defend me without my knowledge in these hard situations (some of them were real hard, likely beyond your imagination

). So, now, the only remaining question which is related to my existence, and I couldn’t find its logical answer yet is: Why Heaven insists to protect me and keep me alive? I am an ordinary old man who just had the chance to know, thanks to Jesus, how to feed his soul for eternity, nothing else.
Please don’t stop analyzing the story of Adam and Eve and forgive me for interrupting your various interesting discussions.
For instance, this Heavenly tale/story also introduced a very important natural fact/truth that was simply known to the kids of humanity as ‘the Original Sin’ that Jesus only is able to save humans from. Is our evolved knowledge and logical reasoning still at the level of our ancient kids of humanity (our far past ancestors)? If not, what could be the complete real story of this ‘Original Sin’? Only by knowing it, it becomes clear (based on reason, not faith) why Jesus came directly from Heaven (the Living Word of God) to save any human who feels the need in his life to be saved from it, speaking ‘practically’. But I hesitate to share it with you here since it will likely be the first time you will hear it. Therefore, it will likely disturb, to some extent, the inner peace of any loyal formal Christian who should hear and believe only what the men in charge of his Church or Denomination approve as being of his doctrine.