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Angel or Demon?

Very well said..... red flags should of been enough but the devil loves to pique your interest..... and if you take the bait.... he has more
This is excellent, yes thank you. There was a lot more to this
I know someone who lives in my town, I heard about him in a newspaper article in a local paper. Then one day while my internet was down, I went to a local McDonalds to use the WiFi with my laptop. I saw this guy and I could tell he was charismatic. He had a few people show up at his table and he would talk with them a bit and then they would leave, its as if he was counseling them. The holy spirit told me to be wary of him. He noticed me glancing his way from time to time in-between my reading and typing on my laptop. So he was "on the lookout" for interested people to converse with. In a time when no one was with him, he got up and came over to me and engaged me in conversation, bringing up WiFi and what was available locally. One of the local WiFi providers is a christian group that highly keeps users from visiting any sites that are not good. Their software often wont allow you to even view things that are fine, so its often overkill for its providees. He brought this matter up, not liking the christian group, wanting complete freedom to surf as he wishes. I understand his viewpoint and I admitted that I didnt use the service for that reason (there are others), but its their business, so they should get to run it the way they want. He went on to talk about different things and most things I agreed on, and would tell him so, basically wanting him to bait me with more simple things knowing it would lead to other things off base. He eventually went there, talking about Jesus not being exactly as scripture paints him, due to other texts not being added into accepted scripture. I disagreed with him, telling him that indeed we are only told certain things about Christ, and dont know everything, but that what was written in scripture is indeed God breathed. I told him he was welcome to believe what he did, but I agreed with what scripture tells us of Him. I felt a strong compulsion coming upon me to believe and agree with him, and knew this was from an evil spirit he had that helped him to gain many followers. But I had enough of his sliminess, and told him it was time for me to go, and I prayed for him as I left. He had begun to believe all the stuff the evil spirit told him thinking it was from God, but indeed devils can seem like angels of light. I saw him as a slave and felt pity for him.

Thank you so much for taking the time to tell this story. It was most helpful! I have shared my experience with a few other believers, namely my own mother. Her take was that since, nowadays, if someone is possessed with a demon, and showed signs of it, they would be locked up, thus limiting what the devil can do with them. Her point was that surely now the devil must be all the more cunning, and be able to inhabit people without being noticed, also convincing everyone that he is an angel of l light, like you mentioned.

The devil knew my triggers--this guy was raised in a cult like me, so Satan knew that there would be a huge measure of compassion for him (and anyone that comes from anything like that), He had learned about grace and supposedly had come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, and shared that openly (Satan is good at this). He is unusually compassionate with people and more than just sympathetic--like me, there were also quite a few other things that made this one confusing for me. The devil "saw me coming", but what's crazy, guys, is I do know Scripture, I'm not completely without discernment, either. I have a close, personal relationship with the Lord (certainly not as close as it should be obviously). I have been working with the public for over 5 years now, and I know how to protect myself, mentally, emotionally physically.... I can usually see danger/deception coming from a mile away, but Satan knows that. He knew I would let my guard down a little if someone had, had similar experience as I did (AKA came out of a cult)....this whole thing is very unsettling that it got to me like it did.

The example above is so good. I'm glad you caught onto what the guy was saying, and noticed where the devil was trying to deceive you. What if that guy was hand picked, and perfectly crafted to hit every one of your weak points (even ones you don't know are there)....that seems like what happened to me. The devil is devoted, he is patient.... he is far better at this than we realize...

"I felt a strong compulsion coming upon me to believe and agree with him, and knew this was from an evil spirit." Thank you for posting this, I now recognize this happening with me as well. Strangely the guy admitted (again only working aside from me the one day), but he admitted I was "guarded" that I have at least 5 guards on me. I find it interesting that, if that's true, that the Lord has that hedge of protection on me, which He must, then why did this devil persist....wow, everyone be sober be vigilant...I never thought I'd be one to fall for the devil's lies in this way. It's so different when it's happening to you. Thank you for your help, please pray for this person, the human's name is Jay, I still have compassion for the person, though I don't have communication with him, please pray that he will be restored, and cleansed of all of this. It hurts to see someone in a bondage like this, even if they don't know it and seem happy with it...it's so sad. He has 3 daughters. Thank you all, also any further comments/Scripture, must appreciated. It will help as I proceed and process everything.
Okay @Daughter of God

This is my advice as a fellow sister in the Lord, wife and mother......Stay away.

You are happily married with a husband and 3 children.

When you were chatting with this man you said you experienced red warning flags.

Yet you befriended him on FB and later you initiated messaging him to talk about how in your own words "people had commented on my "aura" or "light" being very bright before"
Sounds almost flirty.

Considering all your interest in this man.....where is your husband at, what does he think?

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
Galatians 6:7

This is right of you to question, thank you. Allowing the fb friendship wasn't wise (I agree). He worked at the adjacent company, and I have a lot of friends who are business owners for networking purposes. I do want to let you know that I've been counseling with my husband through this. He has a heart for people who have come from religious tyranny as we both escaped, so he has compassion for the person as well. The guy didn't appear to be being flirty. He mentioned other people's lights as well. My response to the "bright light" comment was "That's Jesus, buddy" lol.
I think you know your answer to this person and is why your asking us.... you know hes wrong but your piqued.... and thats the battle for you..... run while theres time.... i think you know you should run but have to look back one more time..... i would think since Gods against this relationship (imo) that you are walking out alone futher and further from God and this guy has the devil helping him.... even though God is giving you flags your still gonna see how many untill it may be too late... dont mean to be harsh but I know you already know the answer to him before asking..... thoughts lead to actions

This is good, this is truth, I want you to know any relationship with him is severed, but still pray with me for the person if you would.
Bill said: I knowof people who were once in the New Age. And while there did spiritual warfare against the darkness. They knew thier loyalty was with God.

TRADTIONSofMEN replys: this doesnt make sense, they were not in new age and Jesus at the same time....

That's exactly the type of thing this guy claimed...didn't call it New Age, but claimed to battle demons regularly....etc.
Bill said: I have no problem with the out of the body, spiritualwarefare. Spiritual warefare im very involved with

TRADITIONSofMEN replys: maybe I do not recall correctly but are the verses showing say paul in battle of spiritual warfare that you speak of? This you speak of is more of that new age stuff.... with people like bob larson that are way way way out there I got to ask, how do you view mr larson and how he battles spirits?

@Bill I'm interested to hear your answer as well.
@Daughter of God


May I ask a couple of questions? And with them, give some advice?

Is you husband a Christian? If so, please 'pass' this man on to him, your husband, to engage with. This is fitting in the Lord. If you husband is not a Christian, do with the following what you can.

Why did you befriend this man on fb? Do you think that is appropriate, given you hardly know him and did you first discuss this with your husband? Before you or anyone jumps in and suggests that you are free to do whatever you like as a Christian, please ignore that thought, and consider what I am trying to advise you with.
If you or anyone wants to discuss this on another new thread, do so, but for now, please bear with me.

I read a couple of things into what you shared with us and in seeking the Lord regarding your situation with this man, would like to say a couple of things that you might take offence at but you certainly don't have to!

What I saw was that you are quite open to compliments and friendly engagement and when it comes to people telling you about your 'aura', this is not the first time, which leads me to say that you are in some way both open to and attracting this sort of comment and evil. Please don't get this wrongly. It may be something you are completely unaware of but which ever way, you need to close that door, prayerfully.
Having once been into that sort of new age thing yourself, you may well be targeted as a potential customer of the devil on this front.

Another question which you don't have to answer here and there is no insinuation with it - I am only trying to help you and your family. How do you honestly and privately feel about it when people have mentioned your aura or light?

Now, in regards to this chap, he is not a safe person to be 'friends' with. He has invoked and accepted darkness into his life, at it's core, so to speak, having invited this 'cursed angel' into his very life in exchange for his life.
If this person declared to you that he was Satan or one of his messengers, would you still be so keen to 'help' him? Or, would you slam the door shut and never open it again?
I am not saying he is Satan, so don't get me wrong. However much you might want to help him, you should allow your husband to do the helping and you cut any personal communication with him. The young man you mention has delved into something definitely not holy and is at this point totally deluded about any goodness that it might be bringing him or others, even if there seem to be apparent results according to him.
To talk sweetly about Jesus seems so nice and of course would tend to wanting to think there is a possibility that this person is a genuine believer.
He is either a genuine fake or a genuinely deceived soul. If he is a fake, you have family to care for, get the hint, please. If he is a genuinely deceived soul, pray for him and let God do His answering for him and that by means of your husband taking it from here.

May you know the leading of the Lord and follow Him,

Bless you ....><>

Hi there, I apologize I am just seeing this. Yes, my husband is a Christian, and I had brought him up to speed on everything when it was happening. He did what I would have done if someone had brought the story to me--waved it off as him just being crazy or possessed with a devil.

I was not ever mixed up in any type of new age, or occult. I was in a cult, a religious one, masquerading under the name of "Baptist" but, was in fact a controlling, damaging cult (message me for more info on that if you need me to clarify).

Because I see, sometimes, tens of thousands of people a day, and it is my job to draw them in (as a marketer) to talk about the products I represent, I do have a lot of different types of conversations. One time, an older man, a couple of years ago mentioned my light was very bright. It caught me off guard then. He wasn't even close to me, but observing from afar. He smiled and talked about the other things he could see around him. It was easy for me to dismiss this and see it for what it was, as I have a semi-knowledge of the New Age Movement (Frank Peretti fan). Another time, another woman made the same comment. I started to catch on that either they were seeing things the devil contorts in their minds, or they can see some things, and they were seeing some form of Jesus or protection around me. My inner response was (tell your demons that's Jesus, lol, and I never gave it another thought other than feeling sorry for them). Whether or not, I'm opening myself up to this, I do not know. In 5 years, nothing has ever come of it, because I've never given any place to it (until now of course, but there are other factors).

As far as the FB friending (he friended me, but I did accept), it is not uncommon to have a facebook friend as a fellow marketer or a business owner, because of my job and networking. Business owners contact me about events in my area, or other venues, and I do the same. As far as compliments and friendly engagement, yes I'm friendly again I have to be--I'm representing other people's companies. I'm complimented incessantly whether I'm working, or going to the grocery store (women get used to knowing how to take compliments and respond correctly) I'm friendly, I'm not flirty, and I'm professional. (have you ever spoken to a really kind customer service rep!)People don't always know the difference, but if I sense someone misunderstands, I know how to deflect that type of behavior as well. ALso I wear my wedding ring prominently (lol)

I appreciate the help, I know you are trying to help and you addressed me kindly and respectfully, so thank you. It's hard to explain without you actually being at an event, for example, to see how I/we Promoters work. It does take some skill and measure of wisdom to be able to constantly read people. Again, it's because of the fact that I am good at what I do and good at reading people, and because I have been doing this for so long, that I am so shaken.

Thank you!
Daughter of God
My oldest son is a great kid, yo. No doubt. I love him more than I love life, as I do all of my children. He can quote Scripture at the drop of a hat. Sometimes I think he's memorized the entire Bible. He's that quick with it. The thing is is he's also been diagnosed psychotic, a paranoid schizophrenic, multiple personality disorder, and other stuff which seems to allude me at the moment. He has moments where he expresses depressed delusions, as well as moments where he shows scholarly brilliance. Trippy. The medications appear to help, but they mostly help me as his dad. He's lethargic, gains weight, mumbles, etc. but at least I know he's not going to take off hitchhiking to Florida or wherever, which he does every time he stops taking his medications. For a time he appears like a clear-minded individual. He goes around spreading Christ's love. He offers proper verse in different situations to different people. He's very charismatic. Very persuasive. People are drawn to him immediately. Then he does something borderline illegal, gets arrested, and sent back here, usually ending up in a mental health facility. Me? I'm a defender and protector. Especially of my children. Probably over-protective. Scratch that. Definitely over-protective. Here's the thing; as his dad, I feel better knowing that he is safer in a facility. At least I know where he is, that he's eating, that he's safe. Selfish? Of course. I don't believe he suffers from all of the things he's been diagnosed with. In a lucid moment of clarity one time, early on, he told me he has demons in his head talking to him, and I believe him. The devil is a tricky enemy. He comes at us in a bottle, a syringe, in the form of money, whatever weakness he can use. Even one's own mind. I've had him live with me on numerous occasions, hoping to be able to help him, but I also have younger children at home, and as my older boy's actions became increasingly more unstable, I realized that I am to protect my children at any cost, even if it means protecting them from one of my other children. Sometimes we pray, and then we instantly want to help because it seems like the right thing to do, and sometimes, no matter how hard we try, we are unable to help, so we pray. I've learned that in certain situations, all I can do is pray. Even when it's my own child. This all leads to your post, Child of God. You appear to be drawn to this person that you came across, and not in a healthy way. I think the way you write about him, maybe some of the wording, I'm not sure, but if a person willingly states that he has a demon inside of him, and I'm not sure why there would be any difference between a cursed angel and a fallen angel other than to try and justify why it's okay (If you have an angry demon and a juggling demon, they're both still demons) but once a person says they have a demon in them, that person should probably be avoided, if for no other reason than they could become a threat, in any form, to your family. There are a lot of people, many of whom have committed heinous acts, who are convinced they are doing what the Lord wants, and there are many others who listen to those people, believe them, maybe even want to help them, and end up in a bad situation. I will pray for your friend now. My advice would be for you to do the same, and nothing else. Is it possible that God would give you the ability to cast out a demon? Of course. But do we already know that the Lord can do it? Absolutely. Sometimes I have to remind myself to let God be God, and me be me. Peace

Hi there, just seeing this, I am so, so sorry about your son :'( Bless you as a dad for all you have done to help him and protect your other ones. I have a son that has concerned me in this way, though not nearly to that extreme.

The angel this man described supposedly lifted a sword against Jesus in heaven (like drew his sword in an aggressive stance) and was cursed to Earth, which is supposedly different than a demon cast from heaven with Satan--supposedly we judge this type in the last days..... I don't believe this, but it is a different idea. Thank you I agree, I'm not going to try to cast it out, though a part of me wants to.

I'm not drawn to him in the sense you may think, thankfully, but there was compassion for the following: he came from a cult (a controlling religious one like myself) that he had to escape, and the different traumas that come from that, came to the saving knowledge of Jesus and embraced the grace that came from that (so he said), has 3 children...lots of other similarities, freakish almost.

Thank you, will be praying for your son,
Daughter of God
Hello all, I had the most unusual encounter recently. I work events, and, as a marketer, I meet lots of interesting people of all walks of life. Next to my booth, some representatives of a construction company were working away at securing leads. As the event died down and people were more scarce, we all began to get to know each other, as is common with these events. Marketers are incredibly chatty typically ;-).

I spoke with a young man very briefly, but in that small interaction I gathered that we had a similar upbringing (very cult like--not occult, but cult--religious cult). We spoke about grace, and were on the same page about Jesus blood covering all sin...etc. He then spoke about my colors and another worker's colors. I knew he was describing auras, but he didn't use those words. This is an immediate red flag to me. I told him it was Jesus he saw. He agreed. To draw him out, I spoke up that the Lord sometimes lets us see little glimpses of Him, the closer we get to Him. He continued on about seeing things differently, like in frequency.. He got my fb name and friended me....that was most of the interaction....

Later on, I messaged him...saying that people had commented on my "aura" or "light" being very bright before, and usually they weren't Christians, and they certainly didn't talk about Jesus the way he did. He talked about a lot of different things, and seemed to line up with scripture, but were still odd. ONe thing he said (which doesn't line up) was that he had died at one point, his heart had stopped beating, and he was asked to be a channel for a cursed (not fallen) angel (red flag!), and because of accepting that, he was still alive. He described astral projection and fighting demons, healing people...etc. I absolutely riddled him with questions, and the way he spoke about the Lord and so openly about Jesus is the only reason I gave it any more thought.

I know everyone here will want to do what I originally thought to do--dismiss this young man as possessed, but he is convinced he's doing what the Lord wants. Would Satan speak so lovingly of God's son. Isn't the name of Jesus supposed to strike fear in them? Thoughts? I'm at a loss. This whole thing is concerning to me. He's good at everything he does. He plays music easily and learns songs quickly now. He has talent for anything he puts his mind to, and he seems ultra compassionate. I want to help the young man if he is in trouble (aka get rid of the "angel" lol), but has anyone ever heard of anything like this, not being demonic???

Thank you so much for your help,
Daughter of God

This auras thing is new age metaphysical philosophy. To me, junk, but.....Let's leave it in the 'iffy' realm.

He was asked to be a channel for a cursed (not fallen) angel...Well the only angels that are cursed are the fallen ones. You do NOT ever become a channel for anybody. That is highly dangerous...God does not ask us to channel Him. He asks us to say what He said. No channeling. Read it in the book, speak it. So then...he was asked to channel a fallen angel.
Astral projection is a, in my opinion a side science. The military uses it for example to spy. It's, again, highly dangerous.. a good thing to fight shy of.
As Christians we do not have to fight demons, we have all the authority that Jesus has. All we need to do is command them to leave. They have no choice but to obey. Healing? That too is already done. Every malady mankind can have is already dealt with. By Jesus stripes we were healed, two thousand years ago.
Yes! Satan will tell any lie he can to mislead a Christian, and that includes praising Jesus. This man, if he did channel that spirit is no doubt led around in total deception by that demon. You too would do well to fight shy of him..Stay away, but pray for him. If you are asking is it angel or demon then you are not yet qualified to deal with him. Your education continues.
Hugs on you Sister.

Hmmm BTW. It would be wise to unfriend him of FB
Notwithstanding in this rejoice not,
that the spirits are subject unto you;
but rather rejoice,
because your names are written in heaven.

Luke 10:20

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. Revelation 12:17
Dear Sister @Daughter of God
I've been on & off again reading on this thread. Brother Bendito in his mentioning of metaphysical and the previously mentioned New Age practices brought to mind a book that I read a few years ago. It's a testimony of a believer Brian Flynn who prior to his conversion was a new age medium. The name of the book is "Running Against the Wind" with the heading of "the transformation of a new age medium and his warning to the church". Short but powerful book. Any who would believe that somehow they can reconcile/integrate practices found outside of Christianity with the Word of God would do well to read this book of one man's experiences and warning.

Unless you are armed before hand, it would behoove you and your husband to disassociate yourself from this person.

With the Love of Christ Jesus.
Dear Sister @Daughter of God
I've been on & off again reading on this thread. Brother Bendito in his mentioning of metaphysical and the previously mentioned New Age practices brought to mind a book that I read a few years ago. It's a testimony of a believer Brian Flynn who prior to his conversion was a new age medium. The name of the book is "Running Against the Wind" with the heading of "the transformation of a new age medium and his warning to the church". Short but powerful book. Any who would believe that somehow they can reconcile/integrate practices found outside of Christianity with the Word of God would do well to read this book of one man's experiences and warning.

Unless you are armed before hand, it would behoove you and your husband to disassociate yourself from this person.

With the Love of Christ Jesus.
I agree, what's hard is....there are yet so many things we don't know about, and the Lord reveals here and there to some it seems...my approach yes, I/hubby/we aren't ready for some of it, if the Lord wants to reveal some things to us, we'll let Him do it in His time. We aren't associating with that person (persons) anymore, but pray for him daily.
Thank you so much for that reference--I will look for it!
This auras thing is new age metaphysical philosophy. To me, junk, but.....Let's leave it in the 'iffy' realm.

He was asked to be a channel for a cursed (not fallen) angel...Well the only angels that are cursed are the fallen ones. You do NOT ever become a channel for anybody. That is highly dangerous...God does not ask us to channel Him. He asks us to say what He said. No channeling. Read it in the book, speak it. So then...he was asked to channel a fallen angel.
Astral projection is a, in my opinion a side science. The military uses it for example to spy. It's, again, highly dangerous.. a good thing to fight shy of.
As Christians we do not have to fight demons, we have all the authority that Jesus has. All we need to do is command them to leave. They have no choice but to obey. Healing? That too is already done. Every malady mankind can have is already dealt with. By Jesus stripes we were healed, two thousand years ago.
Yes! Satan will tell any lie he can to mislead a Christian, and that includes praising Jesus. This man, if he did channel that spirit is no doubt led around in total deception by that demon. You too would do well to fight shy of him..Stay away, but pray for him. If you are asking is it angel or demon then you are not yet qualified to deal with him. Your education continues.
Hugs on you Sister.

Hmmm BTW. It would be wise to unfriend him of FB

Yes agreed!! It's so hard to explain why this was such a difficult decision. Like you said, I believe the spirit has deceived the man, which causes me to want to help him all the more (the devil knows this--knows me too well!!!). We're cutting ties, and also praying for him daily. It's sad, like I said he has 3 children, and loves them dearly. I did not know the military uses astral projection!! That makes sense. You're right, I'm not qualified...I know I'm being manipulated. It's crazy just how well the devil knows us, and also how he interweaves the lies with the truth so perfectly (it's unsettling)!!! "Be sober, be vigilant...." also..."For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places...." Also "Put on the whole armor of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. (I'm ashamed that my armor isn't all on right :'( ) , Thank you my friend, thank you for taking the time....this stuff is very real....
@Daughter of God

Pray the Lord of Host would send laborers that He would listen to and receive.

Bind the strong holds satan has been using and loose The Light to fill the places that were once occupied by the enemies strongholds .

Thank God for His deliverance .
Blessings to you
Hi there, I apologize I am just seeing this. Yes, my husband is a Christian, and I had brought him up to speed on everything when it was happening. He did what I would have done if someone had brought the story to me--waved it off as him just being crazy or possessed with a devil.

I was not ever mixed up in any type of new age, or occult. I was in a cult, a religious one, masquerading under the name of "Baptist" but, was in fact a controlling, damaging cult (message me for more info on that if you need me to clarify).

Because I see, sometimes, tens of thousands of people a day, and it is my job to draw them in (as a marketer) to talk about the products I represent, I do have a lot of different types of conversations. One time, an older man, a couple of years ago mentioned my light was very bright. It caught me off guard then. He wasn't even close to me, but observing from afar. He smiled and talked about the other things he could see around him. It was easy for me to dismiss this and see it for what it was, as I have a semi-knowledge of the New Age Movement (Frank Peretti fan). Another time, another woman made the same comment. I started to catch on that either they were seeing things the devil contorts in their minds, or they can see some things, and they were seeing some form of Jesus or protection around me. My inner response was (tell your demons that's Jesus, lol, and I never gave it another thought other than feeling sorry for them). Whether or not, I'm opening myself up to this, I do not know. In 5 years, nothing has ever come of it, because I've never given any place to it (until now of course, but there are other factors).

As far as the FB friending (he friended me, but I did accept), it is not uncommon to have a facebook friend as a fellow marketer or a business owner, because of my job and networking. Business owners contact me about events in my area, or other venues, and I do the same. As far as compliments and friendly engagement, yes I'm friendly again I have to be--I'm representing other people's companies. I'm complimented incessantly whether I'm working, or going to the grocery store (women get used to knowing how to take compliments and respond correctly) I'm friendly, I'm not flirty, and I'm professional. (have you ever spoken to a really kind customer service rep!)People don't always know the difference, but if I sense someone misunderstands, I know how to deflect that type of behavior as well. ALso I wear my wedding ring prominently (lol)

I appreciate the help, I know you are trying to help and you addressed me kindly and respectfully, so thank you. It's hard to explain without you actually being at an event, for example, to see how I/we Promoters work. It does take some skill and measure of wisdom to be able to constantly read people. Again, it's because of the fact that I am good at what I do and good at reading people, and because I have been doing this for so long, that I am so shaken.

Thank you!
Daughter of God


thank you for your reply and all you put into it. Sorry I didn't get back earlier.

praying that you and your family are well and that all is settled in your heart and mind over this whole matter as you trust in the LORD and delight in His care for you.

Bless you ....><>

thank you for your reply and all you put into it. Sorry I didn't get back earlier.

praying that you and your family are well and that all is settled in your heart and mind over this whole matter as you trust in the LORD and delight in His care for you.

Bless you ....><>
Hi there, thank you again, I'm praying for the one who is possessed and has been deceived. I'm still praying of peace and understanding of what happened. THank you again, have a blessed day :-)
Greetings Brad,

there is one thing that many of these people usually do not do nor see that it is of any value.

that is fellowship with the Body. If we don't mix with, in fellowship, other Christians, we are prone and vulnerable to picking up all manner of thoughts and ideas that take us to places that are unholy and any accountability and reproof becomes close to impossible.

I don't know about the man that the OP is talking about but I would not be surprised if he does not have regular Christian fellowship, where reading the Scripture and sharing in all that God has given us in Christ Jesus the Lord is practised.

Bless you ....><>
Still, one must be circumspect about what Christians one fellowships with as well. Many churches do not preach according to the Word.. They preach according to a mans understanding with no Holy Spirit guidance.. Then the people who sit under the preacher....well....They can be really off base...You don't want to take that in either.
My Lady and I went to a bible study some neighbors put on several years back...They followed one of those um...precooked things by some bible society. She would read something then there were a bunch of questions.....It was a basic study, Stuff one learns when they are first saved...No lie..I would look up the answer in the bible and read it aloud and the answer was wrong! Why? They preferred to go by the commentaries rather than the Word. While commentaries can be good, one does have to remember that they are only the opinions of people who have read the Word, and have given their opinions on it based on their own understanding. The Word never takes second place.