Daughter of God
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- Mar 8, 2018
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This is excellent, yes thank you. There was a lot more to thisVery well said..... red flags should of been enough but the devil loves to pique your interest..... and if you take the bait.... he has more
I know someone who lives in my town, I heard about him in a newspaper article in a local paper. Then one day while my internet was down, I went to a local McDonalds to use the WiFi with my laptop. I saw this guy and I could tell he was charismatic. He had a few people show up at his table and he would talk with them a bit and then they would leave, its as if he was counseling them. The holy spirit told me to be wary of him. He noticed me glancing his way from time to time in-between my reading and typing on my laptop. So he was "on the lookout" for interested people to converse with. In a time when no one was with him, he got up and came over to me and engaged me in conversation, bringing up WiFi and what was available locally. One of the local WiFi providers is a christian group that highly keeps users from visiting any sites that are not good. Their software often wont allow you to even view things that are fine, so its often overkill for its providees. He brought this matter up, not liking the christian group, wanting complete freedom to surf as he wishes. I understand his viewpoint and I admitted that I didnt use the service for that reason (there are others), but its their business, so they should get to run it the way they want. He went on to talk about different things and most things I agreed on, and would tell him so, basically wanting him to bait me with more simple things knowing it would lead to other things off base. He eventually went there, talking about Jesus not being exactly as scripture paints him, due to other texts not being added into accepted scripture. I disagreed with him, telling him that indeed we are only told certain things about Christ, and dont know everything, but that what was written in scripture is indeed God breathed. I told him he was welcome to believe what he did, but I agreed with what scripture tells us of Him. I felt a strong compulsion coming upon me to believe and agree with him, and knew this was from an evil spirit he had that helped him to gain many followers. But I had enough of his sliminess, and told him it was time for me to go, and I prayed for him as I left. He had begun to believe all the stuff the evil spirit told him thinking it was from God, but indeed devils can seem like angels of light. I saw him as a slave and felt pity for him.
Thank you so much for taking the time to tell this story. It was most helpful! I have shared my experience with a few other believers, namely my own mother. Her take was that since, nowadays, if someone is possessed with a demon, and showed signs of it, they would be locked up, thus limiting what the devil can do with them. Her point was that surely now the devil must be all the more cunning, and be able to inhabit people without being noticed, also convincing everyone that he is an angel of l light, like you mentioned.
The devil knew my triggers--this guy was raised in a cult like me, so Satan knew that there would be a huge measure of compassion for him (and anyone that comes from anything like that), He had learned about grace and supposedly had come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, and shared that openly (Satan is good at this). He is unusually compassionate with people and more than just sympathetic--like me, there were also quite a few other things that made this one confusing for me. The devil "saw me coming", but what's crazy, guys, is I do know Scripture, I'm not completely without discernment, either. I have a close, personal relationship with the Lord (certainly not as close as it should be obviously). I have been working with the public for over 5 years now, and I know how to protect myself, mentally, emotionally physically.... I can usually see danger/deception coming from a mile away, but Satan knows that. He knew I would let my guard down a little if someone had, had similar experience as I did (AKA came out of a cult)....this whole thing is very unsettling that it got to me like it did.
The example above is so good. I'm glad you caught onto what the guy was saying, and noticed where the devil was trying to deceive you. What if that guy was hand picked, and perfectly crafted to hit every one of your weak points (even ones you don't know are there)....that seems like what happened to me. The devil is devoted, he is patient.... he is far better at this than we realize...
"I felt a strong compulsion coming upon me to believe and agree with him, and knew this was from an evil spirit." Thank you for posting this, I now recognize this happening with me as well. Strangely the guy admitted (again only working aside from me the one day), but he admitted I was "guarded" that I have at least 5 guards on me. I find it interesting that, if that's true, that the Lord has that hedge of protection on me, which He must, then why did this devil persist....wow, everyone be sober be vigilant...I never thought I'd be one to fall for the devil's lies in this way. It's so different when it's happening to you. Thank you for your help, please pray for this person, the human's name is Jay, I still have compassion for the person, though I don't have communication with him, please pray that he will be restored, and cleansed of all of this. It hurts to see someone in a bondage like this, even if they don't know it and seem happy with it...it's so sad. He has 3 daughters. Thank you all, also any further comments/Scripture, must appreciated. It will help as I proceed and process everything.