I never suggested it was a sin to want. I merely suggested that, as Perfection and self-sufficiency are defined as "without deficiency," to want or desire or demand or long for ANYTHING implies a lack. You can't want anything if you already have everything. It implies a deficiency. If something is self-sufficient and perfect (without deficiency), as God is, then that means it cannot possibly want, desire, demand or long for anything. If He's truly perfect and self-sufficient, then He's already got everything. He lacks nothing. Therefore, there exists no thing which He does not have. He can't possibly want anything else without ceasing to be perfect or self-sufficient. He would cease to be perfect and self-sufficient because He wants something that He does not already have...a deficiency. Something He relies on others to give Him (i.e. Worship, praise, sacrifice).
But.. God is not wanting this for Himself!! he is wanting it for us!!!! He knows that we are not perfect.. I inmagine a rich man could want for others to have what he has, but that does not make him any less righ, right/ God does have all, HE is all and is perfect, but for our sakes because we are NOT, He wants for us to be saved.
First off, if this gift were truly free, you wouldn't have to accept it. You would just have it. God created Hell and gave us an ultimatum. "Take this gift, or I'll burn you forever." God has no reason to be upset at us for exercising the free will He gave us, even if He doesn't like the outcome.
Say that you were somewhere, and someone offered you a gift, it was free, all you had to do was go get it. Now, If they have provided evrything for you, and you choose to leave without your gift, then whose fault would that be? Was not there a gift there for you, that was FREE, but if you do not get it, then you will not have it. God needs you to accept this free gift. he sent His Son to die, He offers the free gift of salvation, but we have to accept it!
It's extremely shortsighted on His part to get upset over something He had the foresight to see and the power to alter before He started the universe. Threatening me for not choosing to transfer my offenses to His Son's hide shows a gross misunderstanding of what it means to be a father in the first place.