Since this is an opinion thread and there are differing views I would like to add my own, I believe the problem is from much earlier and cannot be minimalized to only these two models.
As I see it, the issue of this conflict between individuals and groups began with "the fall". The scriptures indicate that the real fruit of the Tree of Knowledge was Genesis 3:5, that each wanted to be as god (a lord unto themselves). Once produced this fruit allowed each human to decide good and evil for themselves. Each of us fallen doing what is right in our own eyes, despite God's parental warning from love in Genesis 2:17 and all subsequent calls to "do it right" (Genesis 4:7 and so many more until the Christ events).
The effect on humanity was that now each wanted there own way, thought it was what should be, and tried to impose their own way onto one another. Self superiority, self satiation, self gratification, and self glorification became the rule rather than the exception. Men strove to rule it over women and women refused and rebelled. Women tried to manipulate men and when men found out they reacted. Clans and tribes and forming wanted whatever the other had and were willing to beat, rob, and even kill to have control. Eventually religious and social philosophies pitted themselves against one another each striving to lord it over the other. Nations then stroive against nations trying to impose their way onto the others, and so on.
So yes there are Jezabels and Ahabs, AND Hoseas and Gomers, AND David and Bathshebas, and so on, but the cause of it all began here in the garden whether literal or metaphorical. We want to be boss of ourselves, lords of our own lives, and want to impose our wills on one another. Self being lord or thought of as our god or a god IS the main issue. In my humble opinion.