Good morning!
“A voice calling out in the wilderness”….This is so much more than just “words written”.
The words in the Bible are multi-dimensional. Meaning they can have multiple meanings and still hold true on different levels. On a physical and a Spiritual.
-A literal body, out in the middle of no where, calling out to those paths crossed, to come and “repent to be saved”. Such as John did. He was “cleaning the path” for Jesus’ coming. The Elijah who was said to come! Those words were quoted a few times. Which were a type of “sign” for those later to be looking for. It’s how they came to recognize him from the prophets. Jesus called it
To say such words today, Would be the same thing. The situation that we find ourself in as a whole “group”, is exactly the same as a wilderness. A Spiritual wilderness. As there is no structure to what we find ourself in, with everyone seeming to do their own thing! So to say these words, means more than you realize! Which is why I asked the question!
God does not take the peace from this World. He brings it and gives it. Even in the book you quoted for this post, it says he turns the hearts of Father to their children!
It is The Truth, (any truth) that divides and separates! That turns family against family. The Sword!(of the Spirit/which is the Word itself)
When The Light shines upon dark places, the darkness flees. Matters not relation! For it destroys a “false” peace that many rest upon, and simply shows the division that was already there but hidden! A crumbling foundation! He “takes away” the false!!! Everything!!!
The time for the judgment came after Jesus ascended. And has been revealed since. (To each person called)
Romans 1:16 “This will take place in the day when God judges peoples secrets through Jesus Christ as my gospel declares”
And has Slowly come about and will eventually culminate into an intense decline and destruction of what is now. You can see this with the leaving of the churches. Or Government. Our social structures. Familial structures! (For who is my father, mother, sister, brother….but those who do the will of my father in heaven)…..And is only a matter of time, before the whole thing will fall. In the past it was attributed to God Wrath and anger….yet…
8-11 ”There will be trouble and distress for every human who does evil , but glory honor and peace for those how do good!”
When you are honest, have integrity, and are transparent, there is nothing anyone or anything can put against you. Yet when you lie, cheat, steal, ect….you are convicted already! The moment it’s done. It just has to be “brought to light”. Or revealed! And this is happening on the entire scale. From the individual, to the masses, and can be seen through the news. Lies are coming to light! And through the aftermath of Covid on a more personal scale, as there is a lot of shifting going on in families also!
Neither do you have to “try your best” to give the gospel. It was already done
The Spirit moves you, and gives the words when they are needed. To those who need to hear it. What we are to do at this point, is to give what was revealed to us through that gospel. Those “nuggets” of truth found within. For at this point, the whole world has heard the gospel. Now, it’s time for us to come together in His Truth. At least the sense I have. Which we were already asked to do! Being of one mind in his Peace! And this we are not!!!!!!
Death was instituted at the fall. And is chosen by us, by our choice. It need not be this way! Hence what was given us through the Bible. This can be proven through biology. As our cells are constantly regenerating!!! It is our thoughts,(and emotions) and what we put in and do with our bodies that bring about (invite/allow) death. A cause and effect!!!
And with the same, can truly live immortal. This is why the choice given to choose life, or -continue- in our death. Through Jesus Christ! As the Way maker (to it!) and Example show(er). He literally displayed it, with the cross, for the world, that it may live and -overcome- death itself! Just as he.
It starts by taking up your own cross, being baptized into his death;(death to the ME) being born again, and raised (into) new Life by/through the Spirit!
This is the -foundation- of that gospel that majority skip…seeking those rewards!