Please hear ...
thoughts are transient things, but we can give them a home, if we decide to believe them.
Our mind is a battlefield, yet a lot of the time, the busy-ness of life keeps us from realizing that and we don't take any time to consider the substance of our thoughts....
however, we do, usually without thinking about it, make little decisions all day about all sorts of things.
If we are not dedicated to only allowing righteous thought to remain, we might, and often do, let thoughts about things have a place on the shelf, so to speak.
If we consider the mind as being like a garden, we might realize the seriousness of how we treat all thoughts.
I don't know if you have done much gardening, planting vegetables or flowers or herbs, etc but as a keen gardener, I can tell you that if we allow bad seed into our garden they will set to growing, whether we like it or not! And, then if we let them go and think, I'll get them out later, the bad little seedlings sink their roots down and before you know it, they over-run areas and set seed and spread. We call them weeds.
Remember that word.... WEEDS
Ask yourself what you want growing in the garden of your soul, friend.
Another thing we can find ourselves doing is watering the weeds. Even letting them have some fertilizer. We can be lazy but the problem only gets worse and our garden can be over-run with weds.
In the Bible ( have you read any of it? ) we find written to take every thought captive. In other words, don't let any thoughts slip in without first checking them. It is a very fast process. I can assure you that if you are a Believer in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, He will help you, if you ask for the Helper, Who Jesus promised to send to those who ask, yes, He will help you to take very thought captive and decide if you are going to give it any place or not.
He has also promised to deliver you from all evil, again, we do need to ask Him for His salvation, for His quickening of our lives. While He wants to do only good for you, He is never One to push His gifts upon you. We need to choose if we want them or not.
Likewise, we need to choose if we want to entertain thoughts, to invite them to stick around and have a cup of tea with them... or not.
The enemy of our souls is an adversary. Lies are the specialty of the devil.
God, in His righteousness, has made it completely possible to not only resist the devil but to prove us, to clean us, through and with the lies, so we can choose if we want right or wrong.
He is looking for genuine people who WANT to live righteously. If we stumble and fall, He doesn't cast us off. He knows our frame and is tender and loving in bring us to the place of His Salvation.
We can not earn our salvation but we find that those who reject so great a salvation found only in and through the Son of God, do so because they choose to ignore and do evil. The reject any idea of humbling themselves under the mighty hand of God that He might lift them up. Proud and arrogant and self filled and self satisfied.
You are not like that, if you truly seek the Lord and want to please Him with your genuine love for Him and all others.
Another point to consider is whether you have un-confessed sin (that which you do not want to accept as being your wrong, your doing and something that really is wrong) OR if you have ill feelings and/or resentment against or towards another.
These can keep the door open to continued 'issues', such as what you have been encountering.
If we continue in sin, we are deciding that trouble and evil has a license and full right to do whatever it wants in and through you.
The only remedy for sin, the only deliverance evil, is Jesus Christ the Son of God. Stop here and repeat that to yourself, say it out loud and let it sink right in.
BUT... if we confess our sins, He is Faithful and just to forgive us our sin.... and fill us with a new life... unstained and no longer hindered by the past. We are still us, but empowered from on High to be overcomers and to persevere with love and patience by faith; to no longer be victims... but victors to His praise and glory.
Say no to stinking thinking.
Say NO to bad thoughts and do not even reconsider them... they will depart and find no home in your mind or heart.
If you are a Christian, say, "In Jesus name, No!" and them praise Him.
Get replacing every incidence of what you think to be blasphemous thought with praise to the Lord.
Praise you Jesus
Bless you Jesus
Thank you Jesus
Thank you Father, bless you Father and Praise you Father.
God is your Father if you acknowledge Jesus as His Son.... in truth.
He has the victory for you... do you want it?
Bless you ....><>
Jesus is the Lord
So do you still struggle with it? Even after many years? I struggle with the same thing and I just want it to be over. I don't want to worry about this anymore. It's tormenting me and I can't get it to stop. I want to believe that what you said is true, but in my mind I can't help but think "what if that's not true?" "What if he's wrong?"
Please hear ...
thoughts are transient things, but we can give them a home, if we decide to believe them.
Our mind is a battlefield, yet a lot of the time, the busy-ness of life keeps us from realizing that and we don't take any time to consider the substance of our thoughts....
however, we do, usually without thinking about it, make little decisions all day about all sorts of things.
If we are not dedicated to only allowing righteous thought to remain, we might, and often do, let thoughts about things have a place on the shelf, so to speak.
If we consider the mind as being like a garden, we might realize the seriousness of how we treat all thoughts.
I don't know if you have done much gardening, planting vegetables or flowers or herbs, etc but as a keen gardener, I can tell you that if we allow bad seed into our garden they will set to growing, whether we like it or not! And, then if we let them go and think, I'll get them out later, the bad little seedlings sink their roots down and before you know it, they over-run areas and set seed and spread. We call them weeds.
Remember that word.... WEEDS
Ask yourself what you want growing in the garden of your soul, friend.
Another thing we can find ourselves doing is watering the weeds. Even letting them have some fertilizer. We can be lazy but the problem only gets worse and our garden can be over-run with weds.
In the Bible ( have you read any of it? ) we find written to take every thought captive. In other words, don't let any thoughts slip in without first checking them. It is a very fast process. I can assure you that if you are a Believer in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, He will help you, if you ask for the Helper, Who Jesus promised to send to those who ask, yes, He will help you to take very thought captive and decide if you are going to give it any place or not.
He has also promised to deliver you from all evil, again, we do need to ask Him for His salvation, for His quickening of our lives. While He wants to do only good for you, He is never One to push His gifts upon you. We need to choose if we want them or not.
Likewise, we need to choose if we want to entertain thoughts, to invite them to stick around and have a cup of tea with them... or not.
The enemy of our souls is an adversary. Lies are the specialty of the devil.
God, in His righteousness, has made it completely possible to not only resist the devil but to prove us, to clean us, through and with the lies, so we can choose if we want right or wrong.
He is looking for genuine people who WANT to live righteously. If we stumble and fall, He doesn't cast us off. He knows our frame and is tender and loving in bring us to the place of His Salvation.
We can not earn our salvation but we find that those who reject so great a salvation found only in and through the Son of God, do so because they choose to ignore and do evil. The reject any idea of humbling themselves under the mighty hand of God that He might lift them up. Proud and arrogant and self filled and self satisfied.
You are not like that, if you truly seek the Lord and want to please Him with your genuine love for Him and all others.
Another point to consider is whether you have un-confessed sin (that which you do not want to accept as being your wrong, your doing and something that really is wrong) OR if you have ill feelings and/or resentment against or towards another.
These can keep the door open to continued 'issues', such as what you have been encountering.
If we continue in sin, we are deciding that trouble and evil has a license and full right to do whatever it wants in and through you.
The only remedy for sin, the only deliverance evil, is Jesus Christ the Son of God. Stop here and repeat that to yourself, say it out loud and let it sink right in.
BUT... if we confess our sins, He is Faithful and just to forgive us our sin.... and fill us with a new life... unstained and no longer hindered by the past. We are still us, but empowered from on High to be overcomers and to persevere with love and patience by faith; to no longer be victims... but victors to His praise and glory.
Say no to stinking thinking.
Say NO to bad thoughts and do not even reconsider them... they will depart and find no home in your mind or heart.
If you are a Christian, say, "In Jesus name, No!" and them praise Him.
Get replacing every incidence of what you think to be blasphemous thought with praise to the Lord.
Praise you Jesus
Bless you Jesus
Thank you Jesus
Thank you Father, bless you Father and Praise you Father.
God is your Father if you acknowledge Jesus as His Son.... in truth.
He has the victory for you... do you want it?
Bless you ....><>
Jesus is the Lord