I'm not judging anyone, just making observations. Rick Warren made a video endorsing Prop. 8 in Cali when it went to the polls (Prop 8 was against homosexual marriage in Oct., 2008) but the in an interview with Larry King, in April of 2009, Warren denied ever supporting Prop. 8, and when asked about the SCOTUS making homosexual marriage legal, Warren said it didn't concern him. He equated homosexuakl marriage with incest and pedophilia in an interview in the news then denied it later on. In an interview on Fox News with Hannity in December of 2012, Warren said that you have to do the "almost impossible" to go to hell, when Yeshua said "broad is the gate that leads to destruction". Rick Warren is promoting Chrislam and is friends with the Pope (Newsmax, 12/20/2014). There's more, but that should be enough for any Christian to stop listening to Rick Warren.