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Casting out demons

i agree with you in general here but as always there are complicating matters.

for example what should my wife do when she gets on a bus and a homeless man starts complaining:
"someone is praying for me and they should stop!"
Lol , that is when you pray even more for that man, as it wasn't the man talking, but the demon in him. Demons do not want you praying for thier host.
May the Lord Jesus bless us and keep us safe from the darkness that wishes to destroy our souls.

There is a lot that could be said about the removal of the darkness from a human. But if this conversation goes into a issue about the RCC versus the Protestants then I will just not answer or talk about it because it's just not worth the argument.

I don't think the one who started this conversation wanted to go that route in the first place.

Before I get into talking about things , remember that anyone who wants to talk about things of the Darkness, you should always start the conversation with a blessing and end the conversation with a blessing.

Casting out demons is a real thing.
And don't think for one minute that just because it happened during the time of Jesus that that was the end of it, because demons are jumping into people left and right, right under your noses and most people don't even realize it.

Some of the most dangerous items out there, the Ouija board. That game invites a spirit into the person who is using the game. It is basically made to cause a person to become possessed.

Every time you choose to go see a psychic or get involved with the zodiac signs or anything New Age for any reason, you are choosing to place the ways of the devil before the ways of the Lord. And when this takes place you become subject to the will of the Darkness.

( why do I say Darkness, it is because I don't even want to give them the glory of being called demons or the devil )

The more you involve yourself with things of the New Age movement or zodiac signs or going to see a psychic for any reason. The more that the Darkness will draw you to itself. God gives us strength to resist, but if you choose to ignore God's hints to resist this Darkness then he will allow it to take place in your life.

No I don't care if you want to sit there and tell me, the Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. I don't care if you want to sit there and scream from the House Top, that Jesus Christ is your lord and savior. If you do not Keep Christ in your heart, if you tempt yourself by watching pornography on your phone, or tempt yourself with all manner of evil saying to yourself I'm a follower of Jesus I can do all these things because I'm saved - you are only fooling yourself.

The Darkness knows your weaknesses and it will play on those things to draw you away from God to itself

There are telltale signs of a person if they are possessed or not . One is demons cannot stand anything to do with Mary the mother of Jesus, demons cannot stand laughter, I mean good hearty laughter. They can't stand it, they hate it. Another sign of possession has to do with Superior strength, beyond what is even normal where it takes five or six people just to hold the person down. And demons cannot stand the Eucharist ( see RCC ) . Often you will hear a person who is possessed speaking in a language that they should not know. Like a child from Michigan that lives in the country and has never known German and the demon speaks in the German language through the child . They will speak human languages but they will not speak languages like those who are filled with the Holy Spirit , demons will not speak the languages of Heaven.

If you encounter someone that you think is possessed, understand that there are possibilities of schizophrenia and other mental illnesses, all these things have to be ruled out before a person experiences the removal of a spirit.

I have friends of mine that work in the area of exorcism, and they go through all of the steps that are necessary to determine whether or not a person really is possessed versus someone who's either Faking It or has a mental illness Etc before they work on the spiritual side of things.

Obviously my friends pray for that person the whole time that they are working with them. And I don't mean they only pray when they are with that person but they pray at the beginning of their day they pray during their day they work with the person they pray with that person and then after they're done with that person then when they go back home they again pray some more yet again.

Removing a person who you absolutely know has a demon in them.

There are a few things that must be done even before you go deal with that person. The first thing is you need to have more than one person. You remember the scripture that says "Where two or more are gathered in my name I am there too" (Jesus)

Never never never, try delivering/exercising a spirit by yourself. If you are by yourself ask the Lord to be present with you. Ask the Lord to send his angels to be with you at least in this regard you will not be by yourself. But you must ask the Lord to be with you you must ask the angels to be with you. It's just more important that way and it makes the spirit aware of the presence of God and the angels.

If you are the one who's going to do the Deliverance or the casting out of the spirit make certain with those who are with you doing this make certain that you ask God to bless you and those who are with you to protect you from the spirit that's within the other person. Because if you forget certain things and the spirit gets out it's going to attack you or it'll attack your team members.

So things that you have to remember the spirit that's inside the person both wants to be there to harass the person that it's in, and also hates the person because it doesn't really want to be there in the first place. It likes its freedom. But if you choose to pull it out it's going to hate you even more.

So in the process of removing the darkness make certain that you say things like. I command you in the name of Jesus that your hands and your feet are bound and that your mouth is shut. What you want is you want the demon to hear what you're going to say but you really do not want to hear the demon yelling at you or screaming at you or swearing all manner of foul language at you. Because it's a deception from the demon who's going to try to make you think about things that's telling you or saying to you or swearing words at you you know the more that you comply to the spirit the more likely you're going to release it and let it get away.

So you want to bind it in the name of Jesus and you command it to release the person so that it doesn't leave anything behind. Demons are notorious about leaving something behind before they are removed from a person or a place. You want to cleanse that person completely you want to cleanse the house completely. Once you've completed everything else now you can say in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I command you to go to the Lord and to let him be your judge. Remember Jesus is the judge of all.

Even in the scripture Michael the Archangel did not tell Lucifer to go to hell, and nor should you do that as you are not the last or final judge of that spirit. Your judgment of that spirit will not end the reign of that spirit in this world and it knows it. But if you cast that demon to Jesus to judge it as he wishes then the reign of that demon is finished.

I hope these instructions help you in understanding how to deal with spirits of the darkness. Remember not to be afraid of them but you should have a serious respect for what they can do if you do not follow the instructions completely. Remember that demons are a heck of a lot smarter than any of us, and if you try to challenge them one-on-one with intelligence you're going to lose. They know the scripture inside out. And they will quote you scripture and mess you up. This is why I tell you to bind their limbs bind their mouth so that they cannot deceive you into trying to let them go without casting them to Jesus.

May the Lord bless us all always, in the name of Jesus Amen
Very informative post Bill, thanks for sharing.
True, but we're not talking about possession in the sense you're referring to i.e. ownership. For example, I am in possession of my rental unit, but I am not the owner of it.

We're talking about a) believers who are oppressed by demons; and b) unbelievers who are oppressed and also possibly possessed by demons.

A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. (James 1:8)

double minded= dípsychos, dip'-soo-khos; from G1364 and G5590; two-spirited
If a man is trying to serve both masters, he is, in the Spiritual Sense, Lost and not devoted to Yashuah. There is only a blurring of that line among the Lost because Scripture is very clear. Yashuah said, "If you love me, obey my commands."
Good post, just wondering what you meant here?
Just a thought meaning restrainer. Maybe he's talking about in the world today how it seems like the floodgates are wide open for all the darkness just to get pouring in
I do not believe anything globally significant has happened in the spiritual realm since 69ad when Jerusalem used up its 40 years to repent since the call to repentance from...not Jesus.. but John the baptist.

the world may be getting better, not worse, since then. i know its hard to see because we get caught up in the 1 week news cycle, and man has invented new ways to sin. but when you look at the overall totality of what percentage of mankind when born today will be harmed by mankind.. its far less now that it ever has been in the past.
As a Christian you have complete power over demons.
Of course. But one must apply that power. The problem is that folks do not know how to effectively apply that power, and further, they are bound up with demonic oppression.

If a man is trying to serve both masters, he is, in the Spiritual Sense, Lost and not devoted to Yashuah. There is only a blurring of that line among the Lost because Scripture is very clear. Yashuah said, "If you love me, obey my commands."
Is a believer trying to "serve both masters", or is a believer trying NOT to "serve both masters"? But you do bring up a good point about the requirement for obedience. By scriptural definition, sinners are those who wilfully remain in sin; whereas saints are sinners who are pursuing the dictates of their Mediator while being forgiven. Salvation is not a one-off; it is conditional. One can accept it, and one can walk away from it. It's not a magical tractor beam. Yes, obedience is a requirement.

So, getting back to the OP's question,

Perhaps you can cast some insight into when an exorcism is required.
Rather, who is serious enough to seek out deliverance? I tell many to come back later, "when you're desperate," because they don't really want to be delivered as much as they want someone to tell them what they want to hear. And there are plenty of powerless clowns around to tell them just that, who "Have a form of godliness, but deny the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth" (1 Tim. 3:1-7).

I have had many ppl wanting help for certain problems, but very few are willing to humble themselves in order to get set free. They only want the quick fix, the easy-out. Rather, "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." (Jam. 4:7). The reason why the demons won't tap out is because most ppl refuse to keep resisting.

I am of the opinion that it is seldom if ever. Those I have experienced were individuals looking for attention.
Yes, attention seekers have cast shade on the deliverance process. But the discerning would expect that.

Another major problem is that folks don't think that a believer can have resident demons. If that be so, then why aren't we seeing such folks walking on water, performing miracles and healing the sick? It's because they are carrying sin and thus its consequences e.g. demons. There is only one who has no resident demons (Jesus) because he has no sin. (2 Cor. 5:21) Sin is the entranceway for demonic oppression, and all of us have sinned, but not all of us are being sanctified.

"I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes" (Psa. 101:3); "Take heed what ye hear" (Mark 4:24). The mind is a demonic playground. Satan has blinded the minds of unbelievers (2 Cor. 4:4); what has he done to yours?

just wondering what you meant here? [re: the restrainer's removal]
Let's stick with the gist of the OP for now.

the world may be getting better, not worse, since then.
Revival is not forthcoming; judgement is.
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I believe that there is a lot to consider on this topic and it deserves a thorough discussion and review.

Many have demons in their house. Many are harassed by demons and don't know it. Many are harassed by demons and do know it. Many think they can cast out demons and can't. Many think they are spiritual warfare experts if they can cast out demons. Do they cast out demons? Why do demons need to be cast out? What are demons? Why are demons around me in the first place? Must a walk around looking to almost have a physical fight with demons?

I believe most peoples thinking and teaching on this topic is erroneous and terrible. I am by no means an expert, but I know enough to call 'nonsense' on a lot of 'nonsense'. I do not believe we should be going around casting demons out of everyone as some do.
New guy here. Ok guess this is where I test the waters as a new member here.
I have always felt that Demons exist but under Grace I pretty much assumed I would never know of their presence.

May 2024, I was leaving my home nice sunny afternoon and drove down my street. Going to pick up my wife.
Pretty nice day. I pull up at the end of the street going to make a right turn on the main road.
I cars are going by and as I am looking straight ahead, to my slight left. I watched two what must have been 12ft high 4 feet wide dark as could be. Move across the road, as cars passed behind it. You could not see them. The black enveloped the light that was there.
It was not a shadow or cloud. They were very close to each other, but had similar forms.
as it moved it then vanished. And I could see the cars moving that had been near it. IT was about 30-40Feet from me. Close enough to
tell they were much taller then the street sign and closer to the poll for lights.

I do not recall feeling anything negative per say. I am in my 60's now. I still have great eye sight. I tried to reason what it was I saw.
But it lasted long enough for me to get a pretty good view of this, as the pace it moved was not fast nor slow.
I have since tried to reason what it was in some scientific way. Also to rationalize what I saw before I told my wife.
She was the one that give me the thought of Demons. I have never seen anything like this. And you repeat this in the wrong setting,
you get the ( " were they walking with BigFoot look" ) I actually have braved discussing this in a few Christian groups and it seldom goes over well. They don't judge, They just tend to ignore I said.
I have seen weird stuff in my life, but never one I was pretty positive was real. I mean lights and shadows play tricks. But this was as clear as the cars on the road that day. I have deep faith in the Lord, and my feeling I get is this was as my wife mentioned Demons.
But why did I see it and no one else was the real picture. I actually bought a dash cam a few weeks later. Just in case.
Don't laugh, when you are trying to discuss biblical events with denier. A video helps. So far, all it has caught is a few aggressive drivers and me blowing through a 4 way stop sign.

But in all seriousness, to say it out loud, I thing this was Demons walking the earth. But I am not sure what a Demon would look like.
It could have been a Guardian Angel distracting me so I did not leave the street when I could have. I am not sure.

Thank you for entertaining this new guys thoughts.
Of course. But one must apply that power. The problem is that folks do not know how to effectively apply that power, and further, they are bound up with demonic oppression.

Is a believer trying to "serve both masters", or is a believer trying NOT to "serve both masters"? But you do bring up a good point about the requirement for obedience. By scriptural definition, sinners are those who wilfully remain in sin; whereas saints are sinners who are pursuing the dictates of their Mediator while being forgiven. Salvation is not a one-off; it is conditional. One can accept it, and one can walk away from it. It's not a magical tractor beam. Yes, obedience is a requirement.

So, getting back to the OP's question,

Rather, who is serious enough to seek out deliverance? I tell many to come back later, "when you're desperate," because they don't really want to be delivered as much as they want someone to tell them what they want to hear. And there are plenty of powerless clowns around to tell them just that, who "Have a form of godliness, but deny the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth" (1 Tim. 3:1-7).

I have had many ppl wanting help for certain problems, but very few are willing to humble themselves in order to get set free. They only want the quick fix, the easy-out. Rather, "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." (Jam. 4:7). The reason why the demons won't tap out is because most ppl refuse to keep resisting.

Yes, attention seekers have cast shade on the deliverance process. But the discerning would expect that.

Another major problem is that folks don't think that a believer can have resident demons. If that be so, then why aren't we seeing such folks walking on water, performing miracles and healing the sick? It's because they are carrying sin and thus its consequences e.g. demons. There is only one who has no resident demons (Jesus) because he has no sin. (2 Cor. 5:21) Sin is the entranceway for demonic oppression, and all of us have sinned, but not all of us are being sanctified.

"I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes" (Psa. 101:3); "Take heed what ye hear" (Mark 4:24). The mind is a demonic playground. Satan has blinded the minds of unbelievers (2 Cor. 4:4); what has he done to yours?

Let's stick with the gist of the OP for now.

Revival is not forthcoming; judgement is.
May the Lord fill us with his love and humor .

A human doesn't have the authority to tell a demon to go jump in the lake. But you you recieve the authority by bringing Jesus into it. " every knee shall Bend"

Even if you think you are a Christian, and have not been ritually pure. The demon will walk all over you. Understanding what it means to be ritually pure - not having one blemish, not one sin. And even though we claim Jesus as our Lord and savior it does not stop us from sinning. This is why we need to be washed in the blood of the Lamb repeatedly.

Certainly by being baptized we only need to be baptized one time to be in with the family of Jesus. But even though a person is baptized does not stop that person from sinning. Let us look at Peter the Apostle. He sinned grievously, by denying Jesus.

Look at what the scripture says about those who deny Jesus, that fear acknowledging that Jesus is the Lord.

Peter knew exactly who Jesus was, after all he's the one that God the Father gave the information to that Jesus was the Messiah. Yet in the moment of trial Peter denied Jesus.

If Peter had not repented his sin would have remained and he would have died with the sin in him still.

In opposition of that we have Judas, Judas Iscariot. Who Jesus sent out to the towns to remove the demons and heal people. It's even written in the scripture that Judas Iscariot is one of those who went.

And after returning to Jesus after being out among all these different towns preaching, they were so excited and went on to exclaim even the demons did as we told them to. And Jesus went on to say rejoice not for all of these things that have happened, but Rejoice that your names are written in heaven.

Judas iscariot's name was written in heaven. But he chose to do what the devil told him to do. He chose that he had a better way to bring the Messiah about then what God had. So he went to the chief priest and betrayed Jesus, he knew his name was written in heaven. He felt he was saved no matter what. He betrayed Jesus

And even after Jesus said your name is written in heaven, it is now that Jesus says leave me I never knew you.

Jesus will say this to all those Christians out there, who received Jesus as the Lord and savior but then throw it away when it comes to a time of trial. Because many Christians are going to experience the mark of the beast. I consider that moment the single most important moment in Christianity. Because we know that anyone who takes the mark of the beast condemns themselves. Yet there are going to be multitudes of Christians, and preachers who will say " I have accepted the Lord as my Lord and Savior it's okay for me to get the mark of the beast because I am protected " every single Christian that takes the mark of the beast will do exactly what Judas has done and they will receive the very same punishment that Judas has received.
Can you cast demons out of yourself? Yes!


can you pray at least two hours every day for cast out demons out of your soul and deliverance from darkness?

can you spread the gospel or Christian teaching Youtube channels on the Internet?

can you be without sin, alcohol, social networks and so on?

if you can do this, the demons won't be with you for a long time...but it can take 6 months ;) or longer
Can you cast demons out of yourself? Yes!


can you pray at least two hours every day for cast out demons out of your soul and deliverance from darkness?

can you spread the gospel or Christian teaching Youtube channels on the Internet?

can you be without sin, alcohol, social networks and so on?

if you can do this, the demons won't be with you for a long time...but it can take 6 months ;) or longer
Where did you dig this up at?

You can not cast out demons by yourself. We already know this via scripture. In acts, a man acted on his own to cast out a demon, and the demon throddled him.

You must have Jesus with You, and you must use the Name and Authority of Jesus to approach and remove the demon. " where two are gathered in my name i am there with them" per Jesus. So I would definitely have two people there or more to do this.

If you yourself are possessed, then you fall under the rule that Jesus laid out that " A house divided against itself cannot stand " . That means you cannot cast your own demons out you need to get help.

You can be without sin, but in this world it is extremely difficult. And sometimes we don't even know when we are sinning. As an example the attitude that is taught often at pulpits towards other churches is an automatic sin. It goes against the word of God, the second greatest commandment is, "Thou shall love your neighbor as yourself".

Please talk to Jesus if you have issues with this as he is the one who stated it.
I believe that there is a lot to consider on this topic and it deserves a thorough discussion and review.

Many have demons in their house. Many are harassed by demons and don't know it. Many are harassed by demons and do know it. Many think they can cast out demons and can't. Many think they are spiritual warfare experts if they can cast out demons. Do they cast out demons? Why do demons need to be cast out? What are demons? Why are demons around me in the first place? Must a walk around looking to almost have a physical fight with demons?

I believe most peoples thinking and teaching on this topic is erroneous and terrible. I am by no means an expert, but I know enough to call 'nonsense' on a lot of 'nonsense'. I do not believe we should be going around casting demons out of everyone as some do.

1. What is a demon.

A demon is a fallen angel. Angels in heaven had free will and many chose to pull the middle finger to God and were removed from His presence. Think of it as sinners whose sin 'became' full measure. Or extremely grievous. If you are a Catholic, they would all be guilty of 'mortal sin'. We see in scripture that God only gives up on sinners when this happens Gen 15:16 'Sin of Amorites was not full measure', Gen 18:20 'Sins of Sodom were grievous'. As such there is no 'nice' demon. They are all 'sold out' to a love of what is evil. At various levels as with all sinners. Sin is sin but it also has degrees. Some demons are currently locked up Jude 1:6 then we know there are many roaming from various scriptures like Mark 5:15.

2. How many demons are there?

If you calculate according to Heb 12:22 you will arrive at 100 million. If you take a third of them being 'fallen stars', you arrive at 33 million. If you assume 10% are locked up, you arrive at a potential 30 million on earth right now. That is 3.75 to each person.

3. What are they busy doing?

Those locked up, probably not much other then what you would expect someone in a prison to do. Those roaming, well this get's interesting. We know that the devil is roaming, but heavily restricted from verse 1 Pet 5:8 as scripture is clear he is looking for 'whom' he can devour. He can't just 'devour' anyone. We also know from 2 Thess 2:6-8 that the Holy Spirit / God restrains him. The other roaming demons? Well, before anyone gets scared, know that we each have a guardian angel who watched over us 24/7 Psalm 34:7, Psalm 91:11, Matt 18:10. So, what are they doing? I believe scripture tells us a lot.

A. They interact with evil society.

During Noah's day they presented themselves as Nephilim Gen 6. Now I personally believe demons made bodies for themselves that they possessed. But many disagree with me and believe demons has relations with woman and their offspring were giants. Either way, the only point I want to make is that demons interacted with mankind when society at large was...evil.

B. They possess people.

We know this from many scriptures. Matt 8:16 for example says 'many' were brought Jesus. Possessions were a real problem in His day. Our body seems to be some kind of vehicle that can offer a ride to them. They clearly want to take part in what we are doing. Now this makes sense with point A above. The two tie up. When we are doing evil things, these fallen angels probably have a chat with our guardian angel and say ''hey, let me past, this guy is doing something I would do''. I do believe it is as simple as that.

They do a lot more, I will post further later. For now, these two are important to grasp as they relate to an exorcism.


So now, exorcism....

We need to consider a few things.

1. We are not living in the days of Jesus or prior.

At the time of Jesus, there was no 'restrainer' 2 Thess 2:6-8. There was no 'Christianity at large'. There was no 'Jesus in us' 1 Cor 6:19. Demons today have a much harder time then they did before Jesus. Fact. I would argue that in a first world Christian country, there are not many instances where you would need to perform an exorcism (if any).

2. God does not hate demons.

We know that God loves animals, yet Jesus cast demons into swine Mark 5:12. We see that by doing this He clearly favored honoring their request over the livelihood of the swine. This says a lot. We must remember this.

3. Wicked people open the door to demons.

You are foolish if you try cast demons out of a wicked person Matt 12:43-45. If the said individual does not want Jesus, they 'want' the demons. They are not possessed because they love Jesus.

4. A Christian has overwhelming authority in Jesus.

As a Christian you have complete power over demons. They know every Christian by name. You are their enemy. What happened in Acts 19:16 will never happen to you. Knowing this, you can become out of order as a Christian where you go around 'harassing demons'. As a Christian, you need to grasp that demons run and leave when someone accepts Jesus. There is hardly a need for an exorcism.


I do not want to throw the baby out with the bath water. Many times exorcism are necessary and needed. I propose that in all those instances where you think one is necessary you find a very mature Christian to share Jesus with the possessed person. You can do more damage then good if you lay hands on just anyone and harass demons.

We are created just beneath the angels Heb 2:7. There is a lot we have in common with each other. Let's not be 'mad' and 'power trip' if we are good at harassing them. We achieve nothing if we cast demons out of a person. We only have victory if someone accepts Jesus as Lord and Savior. Jesus will then chase the demons.

Demons possess and harass because said individuals open the door to them. It is possible to think you are in spiritual warfare but not actually be in it.

Let's not be Matt 7:22 type Christians! Matt 7:22 On that day many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name? And then will I declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.
Once again KingJ shows his inability to understand the Bible!
Demons are not Fallen Angels!
The Bible clearly states Satan's First Gang of Fallen Angels are bound inside Earth until being released for their little season at the end of the Millennium. Popeys chair shows Satan and his demons rising at the start of the little season. It actually has the hair shaped like a beast's head!
Demons are actually the disembodied bodies of the Giant Nephilim that either died battling themselves if we believe Enoch or drowned in the Flood. Either way the Nephilim died but left some of their DNA to infect humans after The Flood including Giant Bradley - the tallest Englishman who lived and died in my town! Local Attractions – Market Weighton Town Council.
As for the number of demons around we cannot know because the fallen angels took all the women they wanted, so logically there would be an unknown number of half-angel children around to be drowned during the flood to release the demon spirit that being born on Earth from fornication could not be allowed to leave Earth and certainly not go to heaven.
Satan's Second Gang is still roaming Earth appearing with materialised bodies as UFOS, aliens, cryptids etc....
I've had a wide variety of experiences myself and I suppose if I was more mature, I would never speak to anyone about them again.

In my former friends house, an unexpected exorcism occured. Its not clear if I cast the demon out, or if he did, or if she did, but it later became evident she won the war against these evil entities that were in her. (She shuddered at even attempting to describe them later.)
When she found some faith to fight back, during the exorcism/manifestation of them, she was able to kick them out, and that's when the chaos ended.

My former friend did express some anger at the situation later, saying "you can't cast a demon out when you're being harassed by your own sin" but i don't know if he had supernatural knowledge of what was hindering me, or if he was talking about himself.

again this was an unexpected exorcism, we didn't really suspect she was demonized (very traumatized though).. and this was the first time for them. i had only cast demons out of 2 other people, behind their back before, so it was completely unexpected.
The elaborate exorcisms are needless as Jesus said 'Resist the devil and he will flee.' And James said demons shudder at mention of Jesus name!
James 2:19 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.2:19 is one thing all translations seem to agree on! James 2:19 - Bible Gateway
It is quite the truth! You are wrong on so many issues!

His post was cringe as he:

A. Put no effort into a reply when the OP shows effort.

B. Did not even try to type a rebuttal.

C. Posted a one liner insult.

Your post is equally cringe, can you guess why?
Once again KingJ shows his inability to understand the Bible!
Demons are not Fallen Angels!
The Bible clearly states Satan's First Gang of Fallen Angels are bound inside Earth until being released for their little season at the end of the Millennium. Popeys chair shows Satan and his demons rising at the start of the little season. It actually has the hair shaped like a beast's head!
Demons are actually the disembodied bodies of the Giant Nephilim that either died battling themselves if we believe Enoch or drowned in the Flood. Either way the Nephilim died but left some of their DNA to infect humans after The Flood including Giant Bradley - the tallest Englishman who lived and died in my town! Local Attractions – Market Weighton Town Council.
As for the number of demons around we cannot know because the fallen angels took all the women they wanted, so logically there would be an unknown number of half-angel children around to be drowned during the flood to release the demon spirit that being born on Earth from fornication could not be allowed to leave Earth and certainly not go to heaven.
Satan's Second Gang is still roaming Earth appearing with materialised bodies as UFOS, aliens, cryptids etc....
what fruit comes of believing this stuff?
Once again KingJ shows his inability to understand the Bible!
Demons are not Fallen Angels!
The Bible clearly states Satan's First Gang of Fallen Angels are bound inside Earth until being released for their little season at the end of the Millennium. Popeys chair shows Satan and his demons rising at the start of the little season. It actually has the hair shaped like a beast's head!
Demons are actually the disembodied bodies of the Giant Nephilim that either died battling themselves if we believe Enoch or drowned in the Flood. Either way the Nephilim died but left some of their DNA to infect humans after The Flood including Giant Bradley - the tallest Englishman who lived and died in my town! Local Attractions – Market Weighton Town Council.
As for the number of demons around we cannot know because the fallen angels took all the women they wanted, so logically there would be an unknown number of half-angel children around to be drowned during the flood to release the demon spirit that being born on Earth from fornication could not be allowed to leave Earth and certainly not go to heaven.
Satan's Second Gang is still roaming Earth appearing with materialised bodies as UFOS, aliens, cryptids etc....

Interesting thoughts. Thanks for sharing.
Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Luk 10:19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.