Ok I made it through 8 full pages before I just had to post. Before I get into the whole catholic situation I would like to address something. Chad, as the admin for this site you need to be careful. Like a Pastor you are in a role which great care is needed as well as great compassion. I would like to direct you to Post 42 when you responded to Logan32.
I do not believe your goal is to bash anyone faith. Most of the responses I have seen would tend to agree with that as well. However, Logan32 clearly felt you were bashing the catholic religion. Even if you weren't you still became a stumbling block for Logan32. Remember brother it is not our place to offend. that is God's place through His Word. The bible offends and convicts the lost just fine without us.
If Logan32 feels like you bashed his religion then you did. His hurt will not go away just because you said that you didn't bash it. You will recall that Jesus taught humility. Sadly among Christians and especially among Moderators of Christian forum board humility is in serious lacking all around. You are in a position of leadership. More over you claim a position of leadership in glorifying God. Humility is a major prerequist for leadership in the Faith. If you haven't repented to both Logan32 and God for the hurt you caused you should. If you look deep inside you know its true.
Logan32 got hurt by you. It doesn't matter if your right if you hurt those you want to help. I believe that you truly believe what you have posted about catholicism and you can tell Logan32 that. But you also need to make it clear that your goal is to put the light of truth up high so that all can see its light and be comforted. Then you apologize for the offense he suffered and ask for forgivness for essentially blowing off his hurt feelings. Then make it know that the entire mod staff as well as many members would be happy to go through each docturine/dogma and discuss what is true and what is a tradition of man.
In truth it probably will not make any difference to Logan32 what evidence you and others can give him. I have been debating with catholics for a long time and that is usually the case. That does not however excuse us for offending someone with harsh words and a lack of compassion.
I know this looks like a lecture and to a point it may even be one. I am not a Mod here but I am a preacher of the Word and the Word commands us to be wise as serpents and as gentle as doves. We Christians have a reputaion, well earned, as hypocrites. We tell others to love and be humble then we go and do the opposite. Show Logan32 and others that Jesus matters, That His Word and His commands are true by following them and asking for forgiveness. If he doesn't forgive you thats on him. You still need to ask.
Again sorry for the seeming lecture its really not supposed to be one. What I said is supposed to convict you and ultimately help you adopt an even more Christ-like demeanor.
Be blessed.
I know you are new here Rogue, and i`m not sure why you aimed straight for the Catholic thread, and felt the need to drag up an old post, and lecture Chad on humility and offenses but I feel the need to interject here as well.
I have been with this forum since its beginning, and with all the mistakes and blunders we all have made, including Chad, there has certainly been no one here who has made it more clear that
"the goal is to put the light of truth up high so that all can see its light"
than he.
At this late date, I think, with your having just joined this fellowship, that you have presumed a little too much, too fast about Chad, and his dealing with those who join this forum, just because you deem some of the responses here offensive.
Speaking of which, this is a direct quote from your profile:
I am a hard charging, non-apologetic Follower of Christ. Often this puts me at odds with those wanting a "warm fuzzy God". I firmly believe that the Holy Bible is the Holy Spirit Inspired, inerrant, Infallible Word of God. Just as firmly, I believe that any tradition held by any church claiming Christ that is not supported by Scripture is a tradition of man and should be treated as such. I believe that any church that holds these same traditions as equal or higher than the Scriptures are Wolves
Excuse me preacher, but after having declared such a non-apologetic stance yourself, why would you expect Chad to apologize for being non-apologetic for his stance?
It shows a lack of humility when one walks into a fellowship, and immediately proceeds to tell the leadership of that fellowship how things aught to be done. In the future, if you have must find fault with Chad, or anyone on this forum, please do as the Scripture teaches, and go to them privately.