(Heavy Sigh)
Scripture is being changed to accommodate what the culture of the day finds acceptable. Bibles are being rewritten to exclude any mention of gender, much less anything that directs one to sin, especially as it pertains to morality. Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Bestiality, Pedophilia, and the list goes on is not new to today's times. Even the acceptability of it is not new.
You have been given Scripture to review, and its valid and right in doing so. You say you are a Christian and read the Bible. In that case the Holy Spirit will provide the insight/understanding of it, not humanity. Yet, reading a Bible that has accommodations to today's morality would not benefit you at all. If you must, then start with the original documents from which the Bibles in general used today have been translated from. And yes, they predate 1946.
Keeping in mind that what was used instead of homosexuality was sodomites. Certain words may change, but the meaning/context of Scripture does not. So, research and you will find them not to agree with what you have been told/taught so far in your life. Sad, that it was so, because it is much more difficult to change your thought processes once they've been geared to see in one direction instead of another. Especially when told to you by one you love, and respect. However, if Christian/Believer is what you say you are, then the truth of Scripture by which you came to Jesus Christ is more important than anyone's sensibilities being hurt. Even your own. More importantly remember that our Lord suffered and died on that Cross for you and there is no sacrifice on own part that could return the price paid!
You have said that God is all about Love. God is also Holy, Just, Righteous, and other attributes/characteristics. It's humanity that tries to place Him in a box forgetting that for us to know Him completely would take an Eternity! We do know that He is Good, and all the time! Not by our standards or wants and desires as evidenced by God sending His Son to be sacrificed as He was, and not just for those who love him, but for those who don't as well! And that is the issue at hand here.
There is sufficient evidence in Scripture, both specific and suggested that what He has tried to save us from is sin/death, that prevents us from being with Him. That is why the closer we get to Him, the more evident the sin in our lives becomes. Like John said:
If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us [our] sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us. 1 John 1:8-10 NKJV
Now what you have to do is identify what God, and His Word says what is considered sin. God will not make you do something that you don't want to do. That's not how God works. If you believe you are doing right, and it's not. Then He will provide you avenues by which you will be presented knowledge to what is right. However, it is up to you to accept it, and going to Him, He will help you change and move in the direction that He knows is best for you. Rarely do we want to or like it even!! The flesh is weak, but in Christ Jesus the Spirit is Stronger!!!
So, to give you a change up to how your reasoning opens the door to everything being permissible though not beneficial. If your reasoning is correct concerning morality then what others believe is right i.e., bestiality, pedophilia is also okay. For their reasoning is the same as yours. God is love and he made me this way!!! So, something has to give. Either you have it right or you don't. You have to follow God's way, or you don't. Don't just Seek/Research both sides of the issue, but in prayer seek the truth! Hold Scripture to be sacrosanct and use other documents only as guide to finding Scripture that will tell you not what other writers thing it says, but to what God wants you to know within the context of the words themselves. Our God is not a God of contusion!
Like I used 1 John 1:8-10 as a reference. Don't take my word for the context. Read it yourself!!! Go read the verses before and after. The chapter and if need be, Book, and Testament!! You have been bought for at great price. Don't allow others to dictate what you can easily do/find out for yourself. What you find in regard to this subject might turn your world upside down as you know it, but it's not this world that you are living for. You are living for Christ Jesus!!
With the Love of Christ Jesus.