Einstein was an atheist?...Einstein may not have met his maker, but he was no full fledged atheist, he has quotes about God or Gods all over the place. Some good, some bad, he was to smart to be a total athiest. And this can be debated as well, some say he was, some say he was'nt.
God bless
Fellowservant is right. Einstein was no atheist. He referred to GOD as the "Old One". I could post a lot more than what I am here, but that will have to await my post count reaching 49.
E = MC <SUP>2</SUP>
The last white magician, was first to proclaim:
Might transmutes to gold<SUP>b3a</SUP> , the two are the same;
In compensation the old one, saw fit to arrange;
Blue velocity squared, as rate of exchange.
So " its energy frozen."
the seers say of mass;
Though solids and liquids , condense from a gas;
These " Myopic Clairvoyants", in quest of a clue;
Can’t perceive " Trinity"<SUP>b3b</SUP>, and envision but two .
Contemplating the Father, you dwelt on the Son;
To acknowledge at last, that these two are one;
But the Infinite Spirit; you blithely denied
Leading legions astray; far better you’d died.
A kaleidoscopic amalgam, ever freshly revealed
Endless symmetries’ secrets, betoken concealed;
Coherence converging, diverse illusions entwine;
The monolithic emerging, Eternal Spirit Devine.
b<SUP>3a</SUP>) "Might transmutes to gold", (a truism in its own right), in this case is a bit of double entente, with the second meaning being "force and matter", (energy and mass), are interchangeable at the rate of E=MC<SUP>2</SUP>
b<SUP>3b</SUP>) The concept of "Trinity" shows up in far more than just "solid - liquid - gas", it’s also there in "neutron - proton - electron", "electron - muon - tauon", "electron neutrino - muon neutrino - tauon neutrino", "up quark - down quark - strange quark", and "charm quark - bottom quark - top quark" to name a few.
Note : I refer to Einstein as the "Last White Magician", (as opposed to practitioners of Black Magic), because Einstein willingly sacrificed his career by standing up for, and proclaiming, his belief in God.
It happened in 1927 at a convocation of scientists in Brussels. Though Einstein had been one of the founders of quantum mechanics, he did not like the direction it was taking. When Heisenberg’s "Uncertainty Principle" was discussed at the Brussels convention, it was attacked by Einstein and defended by Niels Bohr. All of the scientists attending sided with Bohr. Newspaper headlines screamed :
"200 SCIENTISTS AGAINST EINSTEIN !"; but such was the reputation of Einstein, that for a time, the world, remained undecided.
The Last White Magician
Dwarven hordes filled the hall, with sagacities small, to exact securities price;
T’is certain you’ll fall, career in a pall, else grant uncertainty’s nice;
Besieged by them all, his back to the wall, without regret or pause to think twice;
Defying their gall, that giant stood tall, and answered "God doesn’t play dice!"
Note : Or to be more precise "God does not dice with the universe". The gist of the uncertainty principle is that you cannot simultaneously know both the position and the momentum, (direction and rate of travel), of subatomic particles. The more you know about the position, the less you know about the momentum; and vice versa. This makes certain aspects of science unpredictable within the confines of Heisenberg’s equation. Experiments which have been very carefully crafted in an attempt to get around this limitation have always yielded bizarre results. (i.e. 2 slit experiments, wherein an electron, whose momentum is known, must pass through one or the other of the slits,- thereby enabling scientists to determine its precise location, - result in the electron being found to pass through both slits.) The particles which scientists use in their attempts to get measurements, have repeatedly demonstrated a propensity to change states, (point,- wave,- smeared point) in such a manner as to avoid being precisely measured by their detectors.
"If an electron were like a tiny jelly bean, we should – in principle – be able to measure both its position and its momentum at any instant, with unlimited precision
It is not a matter of the practical difficulties of measurement because we assume ideal measuring instruments. Nor is it as if the electron has an infinitely precise position and momentum but that – for some reason nature will not let us find it out What we are dealing with is a fundamental limitation on the concept of ‘particle’."
See Romans 11 <SUP>33 - 36</SUP> : Jerusalem Bible.
Romans 11 <SUP>33-36</SUP> : How rich are the depths of God – how deep his wisdom and knowledge – and how impossible to penetrate his motives or understand his methods! Who could ever know the mind of the Lord? Who could ever be his councillor? Who could ever give him anything or lend him anything? All that exists comes from him; all is by him and for him . To him be glory forever! Amen.
See also Judith 8 <SUP>12 - 14</SUP>: Jerusalem Bible
Judith 8 <SUP>12 -14</SUP> : Who are you, to put God to the test today, you, out of all mankind, to set yourselves above him? You of all people to put the Lord Almighty to the test! You do not understand anything, and never will. If you cannot sound the depths of the heart of a man or unravel the arguments of his mind, how can you fathom the God who made all things, or sound his mind or unravel his purposes?
See Psalm 139 <SUP>1 - 6</SUP>: Jerusalem Bible.
Psalm 139 <SUP>1 - 6</SUP> : Yahweh, you examine me and you know me, you know if I am standing or sitting, you read my thoughts from far away, whether I walk or lie down, you are watching, you know every detail of my conduct. The word is not even on my tongue, Yahweh, before you know all about it; close behind and close in front you fence me round, shielding me with your hand. Such knowledge is beyond my understanding, a height to which my mind cannot attain.
See Job 11 <SUP>6</SUP> : Jerusalem Bible.
Job 11 <SUP>6</SUP> : Can you claim to grasp the mystery of God, to understand the perfection of Shaddai?
Note : I would venture to say that in a sense, both Einstein and Heisenberg were right. Heisenberg was right in the sense that his equation precisely defines the limit to which we can determine the doings of subatomic particles. Einstein was right in the sense that God does not dice with the universe; – but "NO MAN CAN KNOW THE MIND OF GOD".