My skepticism and rejection of such Hollywood religionists, I find illustrated in the Wikipedia article on the actor Mark Wahlberg -
"Wahlberg is Catholic, and has described his religion as "the most important part" of his life; he goes to Mass twice on Sundays. He fervently supports same-sex marriage despite the Church's opposition. In September 2015, he apologized to Pope Francis over the crude jokes he made in the film Ted, and he stated in an interview with Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago in 2017 that he sought forgiveness from God for playing a porn star in Boogie Nights. He later stated on Andy Cohen's radio show that the interview "was a joke taken too seriously". In 2023, Wahlberg stated that the Christian practices of fasting and prayer during Lent were meaningful to him, as he discussed using the Hallow Christian prayer app."
I suppose you can't expect any more when the mafia types wear the crucifixes on gold chains, murder people, and then have their church funeral as if they had led a Christian type life.