Greetings sister
I am sorry you feel that way, but looking back at the conversations, yours have hardly changed, you don't accept Leviticus 19:28, you don't accept 1 Cor 6: you do accept a single website that suits your thoughts, you don't accept anything others have said on here, those who had tattoos and regretted it later, felt guilty later.
Looking at what I have tried to discuss with you, I have tried to explain some of the scriptures to you, I have even gone back to the Greek and Hebrew meanings of the words 'cuttings' and 'marks' to get a clearer view of what was meant in the initial language in Lev 19:28 not just taking the translations.
Leviticus 19:28 (NKJV)
You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you: I am the LORD.
This verse is a two part statement,
1 - You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead... and
2 - nor tattoo any marks on you:
I agree in the first part Moses was trying to prohibit pagan mourning rites referring to 'the dead'
Then in the second part it says,nor tattoo any marks ON YOU.
I also agree with this statement in ChristianCourier you added above...
The immediate context of Leviticus 19:27-28 suggests that Moses was attempting to inoculate Israel against the emulation of certain heathen practices related to idolatry.
Note the word Suggest... and for the first part of the statement the person is totally correct in saying this, but the person does not refer to the second part...
nor tattoo any marks ON YOU.
The person goes on to say... Since the New Testament does not address the issue of tattooing specifically, one must be guided by principle.
The NT doesn't specifically address tattooing, that is correct, and Jesus never came across it, so the Jews knew it was wrong to have tattoos in their body, as quoted in Leviticus 19. But what the person has over looked is 1 Cor 6 as we talked about earlier.
At this point I conclude my discussion, I pray the Truth in the Word will be revealed to you, preferably before you have a tattoo, if you haven't done so already, I have shared all things in love and hope you can see that. What ever you decide to believe, may the Lord Bless you and guide you.
Jesus loves you I do too.
In the end of the day we are just two individuals who have their own take on scripture. Unlike what many Christians would like to believe, the Bible
isn't clear on certain matters, not if you take social and literary context into consideration, and that is the nature of literary interpretation. You can take a line like, "the door is red" and different people will have different takeaways from it. And, unless you could speak to the original author to find out their intent, no interpretation is necessarily a wrong one.
The Bible is no exception. Various events in your life have lead you to a certain mindset where you interpret scripture in a certain way, and that's fine.
Something I've learned on this site is that people always seem to assume that they're right, and everyone else who disagrees with them is wrong, and I'm no exception. After all, we all agree on the basic principle that there is only one Truth, and that truth is God, and His guidelines. But what the Truth means specifically can vary from person to person, thus bringing in the concept of alternative
beliefs that stem from the
Truth. One may believe that there's nothing wrong to get a tattoo, another may see everything wrong with it. These are two conflicting
beliefs, but what is the Truth? You and I, for the past couple of days, have been twisting and interpreting scripture to fit our own beliefs. You use Lev. and 1 Corinth. to prove that your belief if closer to the Truth than mine, but I interpret those scriptures as something completely different, not out of disobedience, but out of the logic and thought that God has given me.
So the Truth is that we can't say for certain what the Bible says on tattoos, not if we're looking at the verses and their contexts. It's not so much that I don't accept Lev. and 1 Corinth, but more so that I can't, not if I'm being honest with myself. No matter how many times you repeat these same verses to me, the meanings behind them don't change. Lev. makes a reference to putting tattoos on your body, yes, but as a means of
worship. If you look at history, you would see that many countries at that time used tattoos and piercings as a form of worship, making it a sin of idolatry that God clearly prohibits in surrounding verses, most notably the ten commandments. {Fun fact, people in the ancient world would put piercings on their bodies because they believed iron can repel demons}. 1 Corinth. makes no clear reference to tattoos, but I can see why you would make the connection. After all, tattoos go on the body, and the body is not ours, so naturally we shouldn't put anything on our bodies and modify it in anyway. But I can't agree with that sentiment, because that is not my interpretation, it's yours. I see the verses for what it really says, that we need to maintain our bodies, just as if we were maintaining the temple. We need to make sure that our bodies are healthy if we can help it, but above all to maintain our sexual morality, as what Paul explicitly states. The reason why Paul goes so hard on sexual immorality was because the gentiles he was preaching to believed that the body and soul are separate, but Paul wanted them to know that what you do to your body also effects your spirit. Tattoos don't hurt your body or your spirit when done correctly, professionally, and with a sound mind, so I don't see how this verse relates to tattooing, and the same with piercings. Also, the bible never says that getting a tattoo is a defacing your body, so even though you've been saying that constantly throughout this discussion, I still have yet to see where in the Bible it says that. And being that you can't, it tells me that this distaste for tattoos is more of a personal conviction, rather than a biblical one, although you would like to believe it is one. This is dangerous, you know? To push personal beliefs as biblical ones, because it can bring the other person shame, guilt, and perhaps discomfort in their own church, which is especially unacceptable, in my belief, as there is no verse or reference in the bible that forbids people from doing so.
It's in times like these, when the Bible makes no clear reference as to what is right or wrong that we simply agree to disagree. To pray that the truth may be revealed to me is presumptuous, as it comes off as you assuming that I don't know any better, that you tried your best to convince me otherwise, and that I am now in the Lord's hands. However, I could very easily say the same thing to you, that you and everyone who doesn't agree with don't know any better, that I tried to convince you guys other wise, and now it's all in the Lord's hands. In other words, it's offensive, and an insult to someone's intelligence and their ability to think and come to their own conclusions, which is why I implore you, Brother Paul, to message me directly if you wish to have a proper discussion to further this topic on tattoos, not as someone who sees me as insolent, but as someone who sees me as a sister in christ with her own views and beliefs. If you don't wish to continue this discussion, then I can respect that, and this will be my last post in this discussion thread.