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When did the "Sabbath Day" of the week stop being "Holy"? For the word "sabbath" means "7th", not 1, not 3, not the number 5 or 4th but the number 7th.
When God created everything He rested on the 7th day. (Saturday).
It seems when Adam and Eve were in charge of the garden, the 10 commandments didn't exist yet. At least there is no mention of them in the Bible at that time. (Rom 5:13-14; )
Perhaps when God came to visit them, He said why don't you take a break... it's Saturday after all. But we don't know.
The title of this thread is "do you think.." I think that is the problem with much theology today. We speculate, we think, instead of just going with what the Bible says.
Will Jesus recognize the Sabbath during the Millennial reign? I don't know, He didn't always observe it when He was here before.
Some say the millennial reign is only Spiritual and is happening right now. (That's not my opinion)
Why would we "think" or speculate about something the Bible doesn't specifically tell us will happen?
The Bible equates a day with a thousand years. God created all things in six days and He rested on the seventh. The early Christians wrote that man would be under the curse for 6 days or six thousand years. The seventh thousand years was considered the seventh day. The millennial reign is Revelation is considered to be the seventh day. Paul speaks of the seventh day also.Remember "The Sabbath Day" and keep it Holy".
The context of all of Romans 14 from beginning to end is about food and ideas with regard to eating or not eating. Nothing is mentioned about the Sabbath.
Colossians 2:16-17 - Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. 17 These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ
Snowrose, I am going to the head of the pack with you on this one, ok. And mediate on this: "To honor the "Sabbath Day the 7th day of the week" is a special blessing for mankind giving to us by God, for that is the only day that He proclaim as bless of The Lord throughout eternity. Now why would a man feel, a sense of hostility in honoring it. And call a Sunday a "7th day of the week" "Sunday a Christian Sabbath". "Sunday The Christians 7th" that God gave no command to, That command is given by the "RCC"! And has been documented. The 1st church did not worship on the 1st day of the week as a command, it is not recorded no where in the Bible whatsoever in such a way. But you may choose anyday of the week to worship, it is ok. The 1st. Church worship God everyday! I myself Worship GOD everyday in "Spirit and Truth".As I was reading the posts, a thought came across my mind about Jesus healing on the Sabbath. The Pharisees were furious with Jesus for doing that and plotted among themselves to harm Him.
In John 7:22-24 (TPT), it reads.....
Yet isn’t it true that Moses and your forefathers [1] ordered you to circumcise your sons even if the eighth day fell on a Sabbath?[2] So if you cut away part of a man on the Sabbath and that doesn’t break the Jewish law,[3] why then would you be indignant with me for making a man completely healed on the Sabbath? Stop judging based on the superficial.[4] First you must embrace the standards of mercy[5] and truth.”
I know this is not the answer you are seeking from me. For now I can't say yes or no... I like to be careful to whom I agree with. Even the Pharisees were blind to what Jesus was doing and they saw Him and heard Him speak. Still they accused Him of going against the Sabbath.
- John 7:22 This is the patriarchs. Circumcision actually began with a sign of the covenant God instituted with Abraham. See Gen. 17.
- John 7:22 A son was to be circumcised eight days after he was born. See Phil. 3:5.
- John 7:23 Or “Torah.” Jesus is saying, “Who are you to judge me when you don’t practice what you preach?”
- John 7:24 Or “Never judge as a hypocrite wearing a mask.”
- John 7:24 Jesus is teaching that the law of mercy (healing the lame man) overrides the laws of Moses (regulations of the Sabbath). Seeing situations and people with the lens of mercy gives us true discernment.
Just sharing one of my thoughts,