In November 2009, Arthur signed an ecumenical statement known as the Manhattan declaration calling on evangelicals, Catholics and Orthodox not to comply with rules and laws permitting abortion, same-sex marriage and other matters that go against their religious consciences. (From: Wikipedia)
What is this manhattan declaration in a nutshell? :
We are seeking to build a movement – hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions,
of Catholic, Evangelical, and Eastern Orthodox Christians who will stand together.
– Manhattan Declaration
There is no such thing as "stand together" with darkness! as this movement is a LIE covertly and deceptively bringing in OUTRIGHT ECUMENICAL COMPROMISE into Christianity under a banner of "supposedly doing good" : HOW EVIL AND WICKED!
Catholism = darkness! and what has darkness to do with Light?
Investigate Kay Arthur and google her name thoroughly as she is a wicked ecumenical disease spreading and compromising (and therefore: lethal) -woman.
Do not listen to her! And no longer support her in any way!
Stop your ears from hearing any ecumenical compromise!
Only Jesus Christ is The Way, The Truth and The Life!
Ephesians 5:
11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
DuchChistian: Thank you for sending me the emails where you have several authors who take the stand that women should not talk to other women or give a Bibe Studies, especially if men or present. That seems to be the main boiling point. The cover of her book looks like a symbol that someone thinks represens the all seeing eye. A big issue is her giving a Bible study incouraging othere to read and understand the Bible. If we look closely w can find evil in just about everything that man is involved in.
In the wide scope of christianity there are different groups that some try to get along and see the proof of God blessing over time to make a judgement. There are some who just love anything that the name of God or the Lord is used, they are not grounded in the word and fall for false teachers. There are some that are ok with anything. Then there are some that look for fault so they can lable someone who genuinely is doing ministry and God is behind, that they see the ministry as wicked or unbiblical, and other names.
We have the same thing when it comes to versions of the Bible. Some are convienced the ONLY God honored, and perfect Bible is the KING JAMES. That's ok for them that they believe so. But I have seen attacks made at solid outstanding versions, like the New American Standard Bible. Lies have been told to assult the translators, they say Bibles should not cost money and should be free. They hate any other Bible but the KING JAMES BIBLE. So it is with some that go after any person that teaches Bible Studies by women. Or that these woman Bible study teachers have spoken in churches. These folk think that for a woman to speak in church are taking over the mens responsiility. Accusations are mad form their fundamentalist mind set, and they openly state what they think is wrong about anything that does not fit in their theology,
I have read all the material you have kindly sent me, and I appreciateit that. However Dutch, all the authors do not say what their qualifications are to make such harsh judgements. Niether do you present what you personally have seen or heard that would lead you to believe Kay Arthur was involved with witchcraf, new age, or what she taught that was false teaching.
I am a conserative Christian, I am a member of a Southern Baptist Church. I consider myself to be very conserative, and belive the Bible cober to cover. I am not a King James only believer, but I enjoy that Bible. I believe that women can have Bible studies, and if men wannt to go them they must be respectful in being a gest group. It makes no difference where they hold their meetings, be it church, or a convention center. I believe when Paul said a woman is to be quiet in church, that he was dealing with a probllem he addressed that existed in that culture and time period. Many women to day are CEO"S, hold positions like teachers in college's and graduate degree schools. There are women as doctors and in every position we can think of. I am fully aware we DO NOT SEE THINGS ABOUT WONEN THE SAME, This is where Kay Arthur, Beth Moore, have been attacked by the people you feel is correct in their understanding.
There is no agrement between our views. I see what Scriptue says about women much different than you,
I refuse to attack your opinion, as you see it as Biblical, and I am 100% in disagreement with you posiion. But there is a way to agree to disagree. I will not slander the people whom you choose to represent your belief about women and their ministry. May I suggest that you label your opinion as stating your opinion without using slander to make your point's. You can say from your understanding of the Bible Kay Arthur and beth Moore are speaking where they should not, or that to be involved with other denominations you believe is not Biblical. But do not slander these women with accusatons with things like witchcraft, newage, false teachers and so forth and so on. That is ugly and is unbecoming of a Christian and Scripture clearly speaks against it.
I sincerely hope ths is how these issues can be overcome with love rather than giving satan the glory.