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Doctrine of Inclusion

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One thing you need to do is be in the right spiritual position yourself. GOD wil take care of everyone else so you don't need to worry about them, although preach to the lost as GOD commanded.

GOD's grace makes the world go around also. Per the Scripture I quoted about GOD not willing for ANYONE to persish, you can see that GOD already has an eye out for the lost ones.

GOD requires ALL to confess and accept Jesus Christ as the Savior, GOD.
I dont mean to sound selfish but it is not "them" that im worried about at the moment.

I do care about humanity as a whole but these questions were not posed to validate their spirituality or salvation in any facet, only my own....

I hope you can imagine the consequent of what is being asserted. If I believe something not because of how I was raised, or merely what ive been told, but because of my own experience with God, much like JLU stated I cant just deny it and pretend I believe something else....

I can confess it willingly but if in my heart and at the core of my being I honestly believe something else does God have any grace for me? Can I be considered one of the Lost that you referred to when you spoke of the verse from Matthew? Or am I damned because of my inability to change what I believe to be the truth?

I guess i am at a loss at this point......
Can I ask what you believe? See I think you need to know that regardless to what was taught to me as a child I still had to make the choice to follow Christ.

When you hear the words Jesus Christ, what comes to your mind? Understand the bible tells to be aware of false religions and beliefs that Jesus is not the only way to God.

I know that Jesus is the way its really that simple.. I would like to know though your thoughts and beliefs what has brought you to where you are.
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I am always reluctant to share my beliefs due to the responses that are normally given but I must say that your previous responses lead me to believe that although you will probably disagree, you will do so in a respectful manner so I will oblige your questions since you have willingly answered mine and for that I thank you.

As far as your choice to follow christ I in no way meant to belittle that life changing decision by implying that you had no choice in the matter so if that is how it sounded I do apologize for that was not my intention. I was using the description more as an analogy to people who are in your same circumstance but with another religion. (I hope I have made myself clear and not confused anyone....)

Jesus Christ.... That word has so many wonderful meanings and ideas associated with it in my mind..... Unfortunately for myself, due to others teachings about him it also has many negative connotations.....

I will answer what i believe after I explain what brought me to where I am....

The conclusions I have come to are the result of a continuing search to know God to the best of my ability. I had what I believe at the core of my being to be an experience with God and that caused me to want to know him more thus I began learning about him and religion in general. Having grown up in church, my father was a pastor, I began with what I was familiar with, christianity.....

I believe that there was a Jesus. I am not sure if I interpret his being a child of God in the way that Christianity teaches. (theres the rub for this is fundamental to the salvation that christianity teaches.) Regardless of what I believe about his divinity, I actively pursue to trust honor and obey his message as I perceive it.

To sum this up I would have to Quote C. S. Lewis. I believe that....

"God is more interested in Good people than good behavior."

I think people are afraid of the consequent of that quote because they fear that it will be used as a justification to do wrong. I guess my rebuttal to that is that good people will undoubtedly exhibit good behavior. I see God as being more interested in the heart of man.

I seem to remember a passage in the bible, I cant remember exactly where but it was discussing Circumcision. It stated that God would prefer the uncircumsised man who lives as he is circumsised over the circumsised man who lives as though he is not....

I believe this teaching to be a perfect analogy for how I perceive the "salvation" that jesus teaches. People are more concerned with this one technicallity of "believing in your heart, and confessing with your mouth" than actually making an effort to be a "real" christian which by definition means to be "christ-like"

I am constantly seeking God and find myself at an impasse regarding christianity because of the issues being discussed on this post.
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We love you brother.

"Jesus Christ.... That word has so many wonderful meanings and ideas associated with it in my mind..... Unfortunately for myself, due to others teachings about him it also has many negative connotations....."

The best thing to do is the following as GOD taught us:

1. Read the Word every day, as much as you can. Study it, meditate on it. Faithfully ask GOD in Jesus' name to reveal the Truth to you.

2. Attend a BIBLE-BASED church and try to be active there as much as possible. Surrounding yourself with Godly people is the best thing for you [the believer]

3. Pray, pray and pray more. Prayer with faith and thanks to GOD is great. GOD loves you and understands your feelings more than you and I do.

4. Ask more questions and help, advice from us on Talk Jesus :D

God bless you.
Hi all and Anonymous I wanted to respond to what you wrote and address this issue of math being objective and religion not, as well as America being predominantly Christian.

So quickly, math is biased. It's created by people to give a language to science or to model something, but the problems are often created so that they work well within the system. I once had a great Calculus teacher and we as a class had an answer that had 10 percent error and he smiled. We thought it was terrible. He said- it's not terrible. But it was 10% away from the theoretical value of about one half. He said, it's close. And we said, Close?!?! and he said Sure! Compared to infinity it's close.

You wrote: Fightingwrmwood, (i like the c. s. lewis referrence by the way. Screwtape letters was a phenomonally insightful book :) ) most belief does seem to be based on the assumption that past experience will continue to be a valid basis to found further judgements upon. But for things of a non physical or non tangible nature how can we base our beliefs on past experience?

Not all beliefs are based in experiences. Hope is an example of that. We have no experience to hope for what we hope for, but we hope. This is not just spiritual, this is how we are wired. Animals too.

I don't know if you have ever heard of Noam Chomsky, but I wrote him, a professor in linguistics and philosophy, if hope wasn't an example of a conclusion with no premise. He wrote back -

"But that we have beliefs with no grounds is pretty clear. Kittens, for example, seem to believe that if they step over a precipice, they will fall, and so do infants. But they didn't reach that belief by argumentation from premises."

However, your beliefs will be limited if you don't grow with experiences to compliment them. Which kinda leads in to what you are saying about America. But I think there is a much more complex picture considering the wealth in this country and the lack of action that goes with the professed belief. As James wrote,

"If one of the brothers or one of the sisters is in need of clothes or has not enough food to live on and one of you says to them, I wish you well, keep yourselves warm and eat plenty, without giving them these bare necessities of life, then what good is that? In the same way, faith, if good deeds do not go with it, it is quiet dead. But someone may say, so you have faith and I have good deeds. Show me this faith of yours then. It is by my deeds I will show you my faith. You believe in the one God, that is creditable enough, but even demons have the same belief and they tremble with fear. Fool! Would you not like to know that faith without deads is useless?"

Although there are organizations that work for His justice, it boggles my mind how much wealth and injustice and be in the same nation. It must be that even though the teachings are there, the actions the teaching teach are not. Which must mean that the faith is useless. This also serves to tear down any witness of the workers in the faith, who profess the same things those that don't act do.

Lastly I just want to encourage you to stay honest with where you are at. I had a very close friend that just didnt' believe in God and stuck around our circle anyway and then one day he realized he did believe in God. There was no sudden shift it was a slow gradual thing for him. It wasn't that way with me, but I don't discount that God works differently in different people. Just as God made a covenant with us, the next step was for my friend to make a decision for Him.

Someone already posted about seeking and knocking on that door that will be opened and my prayer for you is just to continue to maintain an openness to Him. There have been times when I have not wanted to do things God wanted me to do. (Not about belief, but about action.) And I just let God know, I don't want to do this, and I know You want me to and I still don't want to. So please change my heart.

Ask God for what you need and don't be afraid to go before Him right where you are.

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Well I have to say I wasnt expecting that answer...

By what you just said you are not as far off (not meant meanly) as I thought you where. (once again not an insult) (oh by the way I didnt think you where being insulting earlier I just had to write that so you know it was a choice for me )

I agree that we (christians) need to be making a actual effort to be Christ-like. Now are you referring to the confession of mouth and belief in heart as a "show" or do you mean to much is focused on that ? Because the bible teaches that we need to..

You know sometimes "thoughts" can be our worst enemy (its mine often) If you are truely seeking God, He will reveil Himself to you.

know though at the same time satan is trying to stop you at any means needed.

Can i ask you more questions? (only if you are comfortable)
To FWW.... As far as the math comments Im now realizing that i did not articulate myself in a manner that communicated my idea. I guess The entire point about math can be summed up by JLU's comment about not changing her belief because of what she believed to be true.

I feel just as JLU that what i believe is the truth. Because I have come to these conclusions through the only yet all means that i possess (personal experience and logic) it will take some type of evidence to alter the beliefs that i currently have. I cant bring myself to believe something that I dont believe not because a lack of evidence but due to a contradiction of what I do believe.

I do in fact have beliefs that have no tangible evidence so i completely understand that concept. What i dont understand is how to change those beliefs without any understood way of doing so.....

most beliefs are a response to a thought. If u see someone get hit by a car you would assume based on past experience that it would hurt to be that person.

As for Noam Chomsky and his explanation of infants on the edge of a surface..... That is a perfect analogy that not all belief is based on evidence. In this case i guess the question is how do you convince the baby to disbelieve that innate instinct? if they proceed beyond the edge and fall they would indeed prove they were originally correct but without the actual test how do you disprove an instinctual or innate belief?

To JLU, as far as the believe confess I dont believe it to be a pretension for most people I was just stating that I dont believe it to be necessary thus my understanding is that too much focus is placed on it. I understand that the bible says that it is necessary. The result of that is my contradiction with most Christians belief about the nature of the bible. I do value the bible immensely and read it daily. I do not however believe it to be infallible.

As far as asking me more questions? Absolutely. Far be it for me to deny your curiousities when you have so willingly obliged my own.

Everyone, Thank you again for your patience and assistance
Is it actions of others that has started you on a path that is different then Christianity ? (or what most see christianity as) Or is it a path that you found thru seeing other cultures / religions ? I want to make it clear I am not trying to judge in any way I am just curious.

Thank you
JLU... I assure you i do not perceive your inquiry as judgemental and I do appreciate the sensitivity with which you approach a topic so personal as religion.

As far as your questions I do not mind at all. I have always been open to answering questions because people have so rarely been open to answer my own without hostility.

I cant really say that the actions of others deterred me from christianity in any way if you mean so in the sense of them being a bad example. I will not be so judgemental to say that the poor behavior of supposed "christians" invalidates Christianity as a theory as many would. I just see them as exactly that.....as bad examples of that practice. Although they did not deter me from christianity they did deter me from church as I will explain later.

Is it a path I found thru seeing other cultures? Partially yes but not originally.

My original turn from Organized Christianity as I saw it was not as voluntary as you would think. Even as a small child, the Pastor's son at that, I had many questions about the things I was taught. I found at a young age that my ability to accept things without reason was much more limited than the other people I knew. The questions I asked often got me in trouble and I was never given answers that could satisfy the requirements of my analytical nature.

Since no one was willing to answer my questions I often frustrated people and was told to just be quiet. Obviously as a small child my resources were limited so I had little else to go off of and my questions remained unanswered for quite some time.

I essentially became disinterested in actively pursuing religion because nobody appreciated my GENUINE interest. I Loved Jesus and God I just didnt understand everything about them and no one was willing to take the time to satisfy my inquiries. Imagine the result a judgemental attitude can have on a 6 year old who is told they would go to hell for questioning what I was told.

As I grew, I had fewer and fewer leigitimate examples of christians who actually lived according to what they supposedly believed and the ones that did believed what I personally perceive to be nonsense. I dont judge them for it but I didnt want to be around it either so I stopped going to church. I felt that what people did in response to what they said was the holy spirit was a mockery of God and saw many examples of people doing it for show. They had turned the house of God into a circus. I wanted no part of it.

I fell away from God and my own morality for some time. It was during this time that I had what I believe to be my truest experience with God. I then renewed my interest in actively pursuing answers which has lead me to some wonderful experiences with God but frustrating instances with other religious people including my own family. I have very few people with whom to discuss these questions although I feel blessed to have re acquainted myself with some wonderful people from my past. This lack of people to discuss these issues with led me to search where ever I could to find answers to my questions. thus I ended up here.

As far as other cultures or religions influincing my beliefs? I would say if anything my knowledge of other cultures or religions only presented me with more questions to which I wanted to find answers.

I know this post is quite lengthy but I thought it would satisfy the majority of your questions in regards to what it is that shaped my beliefs.

The best answer that I can give you is that the way i believe has been established by finding the best answers I could to my own questions and those answers being validated by experiences in my own life. I hope this helps.......
Hi Anonymous,

You wrote:
I do in fact have beliefs that have no tangible evidence so i completely understand that concept. What i dont understand is how to change those beliefs without any understood way of doing so.....

I am not sure i understand your question. Do you want to change you or do you want God to change you? If you try and change yourself you need an understood way. If you want God to you'd have to let go of that.

---most beliefs are a response to a thought. If u see someone get hit by a car you would assume based on past experience that it would hurt to be that person.

But people don't behave that way. Addiction would have no power if that were true.

---As for Noam Chomsky and his explanation of infants on the edge of a surface..... That is a perfect analogy that not all belief is based on evidence. In this case i guess the question is how do you convince the baby to disbelieve that innate instinct?

The baby will experience changes and make decisions through development, but there are innate senses that don't need to be changed as well. Babies have to depend on people. We outgrow that and hopefully come to depend on God. It isn't that the vunerability should change, it's who we cling to.

---if they proceed beyond the edge and fall they would indeed prove they were originally correct but without the actual test how do you disprove an instinctual or innate belief?

You can certainly and unfortunately learn from watching others fall.

I think of the prodigal son story - the angry brother. It is too bad that we view things comparitively instead of cooperatively. If you are obediant to the Word, you may be blessed by never having to take a personal hit - since the Word is such a great guide. But if you choose to go against it to test it... ouch. ("Everyone is put to the test by being attracted or seduced by that person's own wrong desire. THen desire conceives and gives birth to sin and when sin reaches full growth, gives birth to death." James 1)

I think children have instinctual spirituality. There is no reason for that to change. If there is false belief - like the dependence on one person or irrational fear, then love can change that. Love between people models God's love for us when we cannot experience God's love.

"But Jesus said, 'Allow the little children, and don't forbid them to come to me; for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to ones like these.'"  Matthew 19:14

After reading your post- I do understand what you mean about being sure of what you know to be true, it 's just my experience (CS Lewis writes this as being a house of cards) is that gets shattered. It's not pleasant. But there is such great growth and freedom when we are able to let go.

Some things I think are worth holding onto and never letting go of - loving God with all we are, loving our neighbor as ourself. I love my Lord Jesus as son of the Father and God and I include Jesus in the loving God with all I am. He frees me to love and be loved in ways I can't achieve on my own. My hope for all those seeking truth is to be in His love like that. And for those not seeking truth, I pray He turns them.

God bless you, brother, hope this helps.
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I will do my best to reply to your comments as i understand them.....

"Do you want to change you or do you want God to change you? If you try and change yourself you need an understood way. If you want God to you'd have to let go of that."

So with this is mind am I to ask God to help me override my existing set of values and beliefs with those of other people who i believe to be incorrect?

Wow that sounds worse than i mean it to but i dont know how else to phrase it so I apologize if it seems harsh. I mean no disrespect by it....

As for this comment....

"Babies have to depend on people. We outgrow that and hopefully come to depend on God. It isn't that the vunerability should change, it's who we cling to."

I dont think u might understand how much I agree with you on this point but probably not in the context that you may be thinking of. I will do my best to explain.

As children and young adults we do depend on people. Please dont be offended by this but I see how people respond to religion in the same way. We depend too much on people and not enough on God. To quote C. S. Lewis again he posed a question that he then answered. Why did God make religion so difficult? His answer? God didnt make religion, man did.
I guess what im tryin to say is that I believe that people focus too much on what other people say about God instead of seeking God for themself. Im not fully convinced that the bible is perfect because it was in fact written by man. I doubt that this can be and as far as a I know is not disputed at all. People asert that the bible was written by man, but under the influence and inspiration of the holy spirit thus making it infallible. How do we know this? because the same bible tells us so.
I dont mean to argue the inerrancy of the scriptures but only to make the point that we rely on what other people tell us about God, assuming that they knew God better than we possibly could so we should ignore our own beliefs and follow theirs just because they say so. In my opinion there has never been a more true evidence for my belief in God than my own experience. This is subjective and I will concede that.

"It is too bad that we view things comparitively instead of cooperatively."
once again I agree. The one thing I think of in this instance is the value of the message taught by other religions. Throughout my brief study of other religions I learned one interesting fact. They are much more similar in their core values than what I would have thought. The main differences in them are in the theology and not the moral expectations. This is really an unrelated point its just what the comment made me think of.

"I do understand what you mean about being sure of what you know to be true, it 's just my experience (CS Lewis writes this as being a house of cards) is that gets shattered. It's not pleasant. But there is such great growth and freedom when we are able to let go."

I couldnt agree more. To be honest an experience like that house of cards collapsing is nearly identical to the experience i went through in my transition. Everything that I "knew" was not at all what I thought. I began to realize that i believed many of the same things but with different consequence. Its like i knew the same basic idea I just knew it differently, knew it better and more accurately. The growth and freedom you are referring to is exactly what I feel I have experienced as a result of what I believed God gracefully revealed to me. To believe as many people do would be considered bondage from the perspective of which I understand it.

"Some things I think are worth holding onto and never letting go of - loving God with all we are, loving our neighbor as ourself."
I couldnt agree more.... I believe it was Christ himself that said Love was the fulfillment of the law. I try to exemplify this in every moment of my life as I believe God would have me to.

In closing, (sorry yet another lengthy post)

At the beginning I asked if I ask God to help me overcome what is perceived by many as a faulty belief and help me accept something that I currently do not believe to be true.
The only thing I can say to that is when I had the experience with God that I referred to I broke down in the midst of my sin, my anguish, my despair, and my tears and begged God to reveal himself to me. I was confused about so many things and it was then I remembered in church many years back someone stating that when they felt confused or afraid about anything they remembered a vital phrase in the Bible that comforted and encouraged them..... It was the first 4 words of the bible.......

"In the beginning God....."
It was then I feel that God began to work in me and gave me exactly what I asked for. In fact he had already given it to me. I began to see my whole life in a different perspective. I began to understand the significance of so many events in my life and what I gained from them.... I finally understood the meaning of the scripture that "all things work for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose." I believe that what was revealed to me that night was from God. I cant deny the experience that was my own. The things that I believe God revealed to me contradict quite a few things I was taught in church. I had a new understanding and greater respect for the scriptures. I could finally understand the answers to so many questions I had even as a child. I had a new outlook on life. I hope you can now understand why it is I feel troubled about being told I have to deny that experience, take a step backwards, and accept something that everything within me tells me is incorrect.

I view this as a vital issue that i must ensure resolution of because according to christian belief as its being taught I am damned to an eternity in hell because I am having trouble denying what i perceive to be the will of the Most High God.

Thank you all again for your kind words and willingness to listen and respond....
anonymous, the Bible says

John 3:3 "Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."

John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."

John 8:32 "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

That is the truth of God's Word. You either accept Christ or you don't. You either believe God or you don't. :love:

I want to let you know that alot of people think I am going to hell (someone recently even posted it in open lol who cares) Am I ? My answer is no! Just because someone thinks I am going doesnt mean I am. I really am not sure what fully you believe I can tell you what I see when I read your posts I dont mean it in a judging way at all.. I see hurt ..pain .. I see someone who loves God but is relying on what someone says. Right now i am sure someone is shaking their head at what I am posting and saying to themselves " What in the world is she doing" .. I tell you what I am doing... I am telling you that I will lift you up in prayer I will be your friend I will talk to you and try and anwser questions (many I have asked myself) ... (many I dont have a answer to) I want to say this more than anything else do not be worried about who is telling you that you are going to hell (man) worry about what God wants of you..

As far as the bible is conserned I am honestly a little worried about that situation I suggest that when in prayer you ask God to reveal His truth to you.

Please feel free to contact me if you want in a pm if you feel at any time this thread is getting to uncomfortable for you .. (can you imagine now whats being said lol ) I m not worried (well not much lol)

Do you attend any church? Or have any fellowship other than what you had already mentioned? ( I promise I am not trying to be the spanish (ohh I dont know how to spell that word ...you know what I mean) )

You know I totally took over the question asking ...opps...lol... please feel free to answer and ask..
To sunshine....

I understand exactly where you are coming from....

John 3:3 "Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."

John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."

John 8:32 "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

One thing I feel the need to explain is that although I do not believe the bible to be perfect... I DO believe it to be invaluable. I DO believe there to be vital truth found there.

I agree with all of these scriptures I just believe and understand them differently...

As for John 3:3 I have been born again, which as a pastors child you can imagine that as a child I of course went through the Romans 10:9-10 path and sinners prayer. However nothing in my life has compared to the experience I had that one day that has changed my life ever since. I feel more born again from that moment than from any other time in my life. However it did not involve a confession of or a belief in Jesus christ as God.

As for John 3:16 This scripture has always puzzled me the way its been taught. For God so loved the world - GREAT - that he gave his only begotten son - Wonderful - that whosoever believes in him - does this mean believes he is the son of God or believes the validity of his message? I seem to remember that belief without action is pointless. If you believe God you will obey his commands. Regardless of how i view Christs divine status I do see his message as vital, valid, and I do my best to follow his teachings.

As for the shall not perish but have everlasting life. Well in church I was taught that regardless of whether you ended up in heaven or hell that you had everlasting life and no choice in the matter. You ended up in heaven or hell but it was everlasting either way. To me this defies the nature of the word perish. Im not asserting anything at this point just stating that i dont understand it in the way that most present.

As for john 8:32 I guess what im tryin to say is thats how i feel.

To JLU....

I appreciate how sincere you have been throughout this time. It shows the heart of someone who has the love of God in them. I appreciate your prayers and your suggestions.

I feel that I need to say at this point that I really dont feel as though I am going to hell. I will continue to follow God and serve him to the best of my ability. I understand that it sounds like a statement coming from one who has little morals and uses such a philosophy to justify their sin. I assure u it is not. I do live to serve God. When I feel like I am in the wrong I try to correct it. When I feel I am hearing God I listen. I am trying at this point in my life to be a man of integrity - To live whole-heartedly for the God I serve and submit to his will for my life.

My inquiries here are not as much for the purpose of ensuring my salvation because the more I know about God and the closer I get to God the more I feel secure in that.

I have always been an open minded person and willing to listen to other peoples View points, opinions, advice, and correction. Just as with my own beliefs I test to approve everything. (cont.....)

I think we got a little sidetracked earlier from the questions I was asking so If you all dont mind I would still like to get your opinion on them.

I was told earlier that for people who have not heard the message of Christ that God should not will to lose them so his grace is sufficient for their lack of knowledge thus they are not condemned to hell.....

"Now when it comes to people who have not heard the Gospel of Christ I think that grace is there."
Matthew 18:14
Even so it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish.

GOD will take care of the lost children and the innocent.

(Feel free to correct me if I misunderstood this...)

If that is the case then these answers seem incorrect....

"Is it necessary to accept Christ to be saved?
If so, Is it necessary to be saved to enter heaven?
If you are not "saved" are you automatically condemned to hell?
Is romans 10:9-10 the only method of salvation available?"

"1. yes
2. yes
3. yes
4. yes"

For #1 if they dont know they cant believe to accept so they cant be saved.
for #2 and #3 if they are not saved they cant enter heaven and are automatically condemned to hell.
#4 since this is the only method of salvation where does gods grace come in?

If his grace does come for those who dont hear of christ then these questions seemed to have been answered incorrectly.

I hope you dont perceive this as me trying to be difficult but these are just some of the questions that come to mind that have always posed difficulty to me.
Hey anon! God bless you brother as your search and seek the Lord our God! I pray that His wisdom and Truth will be revealed to your earnest heart! Everyone has counseled you wisely when they say turn to God's Word for your answers....

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom;
all who follow his precepts have good understanding.
To him belongs eternal praise. (Psalm 111:10)

I am your servant; give me discernment
that I may understand your statutes. (Psalm 119:125)

anon, if you are truly seeking to understand God and His ways, search His Word with the understanding that we are living this life in the flesh. Because of this, you will find that you're flesh will fight tooth and nail to put God in the man-made box of logic. Resist this tempation of the flesh! Pray for God to send the Holy Spirit to enlighten your mind with understanding beyond your flesh concerning God's Word and the things of the Lord found therein! He will do this for you! With that wonderfully earnest heart of yours, pray asking the Holy Spirit to teach you from God's Word then pick up your Bible and read.

Something else to remember during your search is this:

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,"
declares the LORD.

"As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8-9)

Our flesh will rebel against the Gospel Truth of the Cross that's why we have to nail our flesh to the Cross daily so that our spirit-man can thrive!

With a sincere heart, I hope this helps you anon!

In His Love
Thank you for your response and for your prayers....

I do have questions about the nature of the response though...

I do search the Bible and read it quite frequently... More so than any christian I personally know to be honest.....

Could you please explain what you mean in regards to the flesh affecting the effectiveness of the mind and logic? Im not sure I completely understand accurately what you might mean by this and I dont want to assume incorrectly.

As for this....

Pray for God to send the Holy Spirit to enlighten your mind with understanding beyond your flesh concerning God's Word and the things of the Lord found therein! He will do this for you! With that wonderfully earnest heart of yours, pray asking the Holy Spirit to teach you from God's Word then pick up your Bible and read.

I guess in my own perception this is what I did.

When I think of the flesh the connotation that comes to mind is the sinful nature that is my desire to sin...... To rebel against the flesh would to me be to fight the good fight of faith follow god and flee from the devil and sin.

I guess the major question that comes to mind is in response to what seems to be the underlying theme of the response...... This theme is obviously an inference so I may be wrong......

It would seem that the answer you are giving to these important questions is to not ask questions. Instead ask God to change my thinking so that I dont have these questions at all. If I am incorrect please enlighten my thinking so that I may better understand your response.

If I am incorrect and what you are saying is just ask that God reveal the answers to the above questions, then my question to each of you would be have any of you asked God these questions?

I remember that some stated they had indeed had the same questions. If you did indeed seek God what answers did he give you in regards to something so fundamental to the religion as Salvation.

I cant think of many things more important, by the standards of religion, than salvation for someone that that very religion, if i am interpreting correctly, teaches they dont currently have.

Please continue to bear with me as I search for understanding in your responses and thank you for your patience
Hi Anon,

Wish I had more time to reply to some of your good questions! Just wanted to clarify what I wrote on 2 points.

You wrote:So with this is mind am I to ask God to help me override my existing set of values and beliefs with those of other people who i believe to be incorrect?

Sorry if I wasn't explicit enough - that isn't what I meant. When I talk about these things asking God to change us it is always asking the Spirit of God to make us more like Christ or to reveal God's will for us, not a person's standard or opinion.

The reason I posted that question was ask - who is it that you want to be in control of your change- you or Him. That's all. It's not a "nice" question, and I didn't mean it to provoke you. I am just earnestly asking not if you want other people's opinion to override your own, but if you are okay with God overriding your own. From what you wrote after that I gather the answer is yes.

As far as what you wrote about the baby, yes, not to rely on individuals is good. I do know the phenomenon of people relying on a relationship (and in some cases a hope of a relationship) more than on God. That is poor priorities and detrimental. However, to isolate yourself from accoutability, family, and not allow yourself to be part of a church body robs you of allowing others to minister to you and God to use them to help you and it robs the body of an essential part where you could be of service and minister to others. I don't see healthy church relationship as codependent but interdependent. Brothers and sisters who love God above all and love each other the way He intends.

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However, to isolate yourself from accoutability, family, and not allow yourself to be part of a church body robs you of allowing others to minister to you and God to use them to help you and it robs the body of an essential part where you could be of service and minister to others. I don't see healthy church relationship as codependent but interdependent. Brothers and sisters who love God above all and love each other the way He intends.

I couldnt agree more..... Accountability was one of the primary facets of a successful walk with God that I lacked in my trials..... I am working actively to build a set of people with whom i can be accountable and who I can build Godly relationships with. It would seem that this is also what is happening on this site. I understand a website couldnt exactly replace actual christian fellowship on a daily basis.... However, Regardless of whether or not we agree on every matter regarding religion I do find that because of my on going focus on these discussions I am encouraged to continue to learn more and live a holy life.

I would genuinely appreciate it if anyone could answer the questions I have posed but regardless of if that happens many who have responded to my posts have been shining examples of loving people. I appreciate that also.

As far as myself I would have to say that I will continue to seek God and live according to what I believe his good and perfect will to be for my life. I will continue to read what others think of him in an attempt to further validate my views. I am not using them to create my views but the more I understand others views the better i am able to test and approve my own.

Even as a child, I believe I was 10-11 years old when I first found it vital to have my OWN reasons to believe something If I expected that belief to survive my OWN questions.

I remember Romans 12:2 where Paul says "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."

Even the word repent so often misunderstood to mean "ask for forgiveness" actually means to re-think.

One final quote I once heard that always stuck with me is.....

"Faith that can't withstand confronting truth(or examination) isnt worth many regrets."

I continue to examine all claims about God not to prove them false, I ASSURE YOU THAT IS NOT MY INTENTION, but ONLY to understand him better.

The problem that I so often have encountered when discussing religion is that many claims that are made by the religious do not stand up to the either the tenets of the faith or the beliefs of its adherents.

I thank God for the past few days because of what has been solidified and what better understanding I do have of a few things. Thank you all.

This is not goodbye if it sounds like that. I just dont have any further questions at the moment if the previous questions can not be answered.

To ask again if anyone has any answers to those questions please let me know for I am very VERY curious on how to proceed with the matter.

Thanks again,

Anonymous. aka A.non
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