Just a Sheep
- Joined
- Sep 6, 2014
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- 26
Thank you to all who have taken the time to read my questions. The topic is "Relationships" and is more in depth than a simple question and actually involves some thinking. I've yet to come to the answer, but maybe fresh perspectives will be beneficial. Here goes:
There are 7 billion people on the planet and relationships amongst each other are so important that they help to shape how our lives unfold, especially romantic relationships. Nearly all the problems we as people face deal in some way shape or form with another person. We're directly affected by some and indirectly affected by others. Since faith can only be created based on the promises of God, this entire discussion will center around God's promises, so are there promises of God that deal with personal relationships, especially romantic? Now i don't mean a general promise such as "It is not good than man be alone so i shall make him a helper", because that's general and not specific to a certain person or situation. What I'm referring to is a specific individual.
Take for example:
Let's say we have a couple named Rick and Jennifer. Rick and Jennifer love each other, but at some point in time during their relationship problems arise. Maybe Jennifer get's depressed and falls into drugs an alcohol, adultery, lying, etc. Maybe Jennifer leaves Rick for another man. Let's say that Rick talks with God and wants Jennifer restored. Does God promise Rick that it will happen? If so, then what choice does Jennifer have? Who has dominion in this situation?
Let's say Rick and Jennifer were married and they divorced. Jennifer remarries someone else out of spite and so does Rick. Now Rick's new wife is Lisa, and Jennifer's new husband is Tom (Rick & Lisa and Jennifer & Tom); the new marriages aren't working out so well and unbeknownst to each other Rick and Jennifer both ask God to restore their first marriage. Does God promise to do so? What if Lisa and Tom are also praying to God to restore their current marriages with Rick and Jennifer? It seems like a lose lose situation. If God promises to restore Rick and Jennifer then he can't promise to restore Lisa & Rick and Tom & Jennifer. If God refrains from promising anyone to keep their relationship in tact or restore their previous one then he match makes, but doesn't care much about the relationship. What good is match making if it never stays a match?
Does God promise 1 person for each person on Earth? I don't think so. I think God wants his children to seek a prudent mate (Proverbs 19:14); more like a pool of potential candidates for marriage and allow you to choose the one you want, but then again what promises, if any are there from God to keep the marriage in tact? And even if a prudent woman dates an unprudent man God has to have the ability to develop the man into prudence or praying for people would become obsolete. It almost seems illogical and contradictory for God to always promise mankind a helper suitable for him/her, but never promise to keep the relationship together. That's like almost giving a man or woman the freedom to have hundreds and thousands of partners and children from different relationships just so man/ woman would never be alone. I think that's more detrimental than being alone.
Some Christians will say:
1. God has someone better in store for Rick than Jennifer or Lisa. I say hogwash! David stole his best friends wife and sent his best friend to death and even though God didn't want David to do this, He still blessed David and loved him none-the-less. God didn't want Abraham to lay with Hagar, but he still blessed Ishmael and Hagar, so that theory does not hold water.
2. God won't give you something you're not ready for or won't be beneficial for you; again, hogwash. He gave Solomon extensive wealth and power knowing full well Solomon would go off the deep end. God placed Satan in garden knowing full well Eve would eat from the tree. God gave Saul power knowing full well it would go to his head. To claim this theory implies the problems that arise are greater than God and we all know that isn't true. We know that wherever sin abounds grace abounds that much more.
3. God doesn't bless a situation if you're in sin. Once more, Hogwash. Check all the examples above along with every other example in the bible. Sin is done, over, finished. One can perform sinful acts, but that doesn't mean they are "in" sin. we do this all the time, every day. If God doesn't bless you because you act foolishly then no one would have anything.
4. You have to get right with God. Still more hogwash because this deals with you having to get to a position of goodness so God can bless you (this is self righteousness and Law). Did Jesus tell people to get right with God so he could heal and bless them? Of course not. this is a legalistic view of many who don't have a grasp on Grace. Exactly how many prostitutes did God bless, heal, and save in the bible? Clearly they weren't "Right" with God, but he blessed them anyway. How about the solider who was arresting Jesus?; the one who's ear Jesus restored. He sure wasn't right with God, yet he was blessed. Jesus came for the sinner, not the self righteous.
5. God doesn't bless the situation if you are not putting him first or serving him. Hogwash hogwash hogwash. For starters, God is omnipotent which means he never needs anything, so he doesn't need you or I to serve him. Remember this is the guy who created everything we see with spoken words. He doesn't need you or I to do something for him. Now our spoken words in a world where he has given us the authority do play a role in the outcomes, so one can say that God works side by side with mankind when they speak his word over a situation. The hierarchy of heaven shows that the greater in power you are the more you serve others. Hence why Jesus washed the feet of the disciples and Satan himself rebelled. God is not the Roman Catholic or Greek version of a deity who sits in judgement of others demanding things from us, so this theory is debunked.
I know that God has given mankind dominion over the Earth. When Satan deceived Adam and Eve mankind gave that authority to Satan. Jesus came to restore that which was lost, and part of what was lost was mankind's authoritative dominion. Now Jesus took our position in heaven, but since he is our representative, as he is so are we; this means we now have that authority once again. Nearly every Christian I know prays to God in an asking format, "God please do this, God please do that, God will you do this, God will you do that?" To me that indicates just how little people understand about who they are in Christ. The Greek word for "ask" actually means to command with confidence and knowledge. God explains that his people perish for a lack of knowledge. Could that be connected with why Christians aren't living with authority? Because they don't know what rightfully belongs to them (another discussion for another time)? God gave mankind the dominion and the power in their words along with his promises that stretch throughout their entire existence, so the concept of going to God to ask him to do something is gravely misunderstood. We have the power, but don't know we do or what, said power entails. I could provide countless biblical evidence to support this, but that wasn't my motive or overall point.
Since mankind has dominion over the earth does an individual such as Rick above, have dominion over his relationship with Jennifer? Now what about Jennifer, does she have dominion over her relationship with Rick? What if Jennifer still wants to sleep around, do drugs, drink, and destroy herself and not want the same things Rick wants? It almost seems silly that God promises to bring compatible people together like he's the universal match maker, but has no promises to keep the marriage that he deems to important, together. Does Rick have the dominion over his ex wife or vice versa? Does Rick's parents have dominion over him or Jennifer's parents over her?
Take for example:
The Centurion who went to Jesus to heal his servant. The servant didn't come for the healing, but the Centurion acted as he had dominion over the well being of his servant. So who plays the role in our Rick and Jennifer situation of the dominion oriented Centurion and the servant who's living in despair?
I know that when i was 13 (many years ago!!) i suffered from depression from not having an involved father. My father was more career focused and my parents were divorced. I suffered a lot of emotional problems of never feeling good enough and it grew to the point where i was in a dark place emotionally and mentally. Thank Jesus my mother had a very close relationship with Christ and was led to speak God's word over and over and over myself even when the situations looked bleak and a disaster. Long story short i came through it and have a very close relationship with Jesus till this day. So did my mother act like the Centurion in this situation? Can we act as the Centurion in all of our relationships or does it only work with children or servants (who has servants today)?
Some Christians may argue that God doesn't override man's free will, but that would indicate that mankind's free will is greater than God's will, which would be in contradiction seeing how God is omnipotent; which means no one or no thing is greater than Him. Even Job tells us that no man can thwart the will of God, which only helps to emphasize God's sovereignty, which we already knew. While God may allow mankind to take whatever route or direction they want, the end result or destination will always be what God wants.
I'm not saying that you can walk down the street and spot a pretty girl and say "She will marry me and love me". That's almost like witchcraft, but where is the line when an individual has the dominion? Can God restore an ex boyfriend or girlfriend to a loving state with you? Can God (I guess the better choice of words are "Will God") place those once established feelings back inside the individual who lost the feelings? What if Jennifer doesn't love Rick anymore, at least to her knowledge she doesn't. Does God override her free will and place those feelings inside her for Rick's benefit? Isn't that unfair to Jennifer? Would God tell Rick to pray for Jennifer to see Jesus' love for her only to "fix" her so she can be a mate for someone else? Why wouldn't God just work with someone else or the eventual new mate of Jennifer to pray for her? Why use Rick if he stands to gain nothing from it?
Since i used the word "marriage" directly above, what actually constitutes a marriage? Is "marriage" a legal document in your state, a mentality, a spiritual connection? Today we as people embark in relationships that pretty much encompass all the requirements of how our society views "marriage". We date, we get emotionally involved, we sleep together, we live together, even some have children before the ring is on the finger. At what point in time does the relationship become a marriage? Is it when a minister performs a pagan ritual at the alter?, when the couple says "I do", when the ring is secured on the finger?, Is it when both parties agree to eventually wed, say at an engagement proposal? How about when they fall in love? When they sleep together? When they kiss? In God's eyes, when does marriage take place? Is there a promise of God to sustain and keep the marriage in tact? Well why not a promise to keep the relationship in tact during the engagement? Isn't the engagement important as well? What about when Rick and Jennifer are dating and a couple? If their boyfriend girlfriend relationship doesn't stay in tact an engagement never occurs, which means a wedding can't occur in our society's procedure, so isn't the boyfriend/girlfriend relationship just as important as the marriage?
Even though we as people may not do everything the way God deems best, doesn't mean he doesn't bless or isn't involved in situations that are not currently ideal for us. If you have a son who is 5'5 145lbs and doesn't have any athletic ability whatsoever, but he want's to play football so badly, do you crush his dreams and tell him "no it's not the best thing for you and i won't support it", or do you run to the store and buy him some cleats, pads, and equipment? Do you throw the pigskin around in the backyard and go to his games and cheer him on, wash his jersey and dirty socks? Of course you do because you love your son. Clearly God is the same way and evidence is shown with Abraham and David's situations.
So as you can see by now there were a lot of questions, but I hope the reader/responder grasps the overall theme of this discussion. What promises, if any, does God provide us with in regards to restoring a broken relationship or keeping a relationship in tact? God can't just be a match maker with no ability to keep the match together, because in all actuality if the relationship doesn't stay in tact then the couple we're never really a match to begin with, thus not making God a match maker at all. We all know God is great and everything is possible with God, but are there direct promises about this topic?
Thanks again for anyone who takes the time to read and respond. I greatly appreciate it!!
There are 7 billion people on the planet and relationships amongst each other are so important that they help to shape how our lives unfold, especially romantic relationships. Nearly all the problems we as people face deal in some way shape or form with another person. We're directly affected by some and indirectly affected by others. Since faith can only be created based on the promises of God, this entire discussion will center around God's promises, so are there promises of God that deal with personal relationships, especially romantic? Now i don't mean a general promise such as "It is not good than man be alone so i shall make him a helper", because that's general and not specific to a certain person or situation. What I'm referring to is a specific individual.
Take for example:
Let's say we have a couple named Rick and Jennifer. Rick and Jennifer love each other, but at some point in time during their relationship problems arise. Maybe Jennifer get's depressed and falls into drugs an alcohol, adultery, lying, etc. Maybe Jennifer leaves Rick for another man. Let's say that Rick talks with God and wants Jennifer restored. Does God promise Rick that it will happen? If so, then what choice does Jennifer have? Who has dominion in this situation?
Let's say Rick and Jennifer were married and they divorced. Jennifer remarries someone else out of spite and so does Rick. Now Rick's new wife is Lisa, and Jennifer's new husband is Tom (Rick & Lisa and Jennifer & Tom); the new marriages aren't working out so well and unbeknownst to each other Rick and Jennifer both ask God to restore their first marriage. Does God promise to do so? What if Lisa and Tom are also praying to God to restore their current marriages with Rick and Jennifer? It seems like a lose lose situation. If God promises to restore Rick and Jennifer then he can't promise to restore Lisa & Rick and Tom & Jennifer. If God refrains from promising anyone to keep their relationship in tact or restore their previous one then he match makes, but doesn't care much about the relationship. What good is match making if it never stays a match?
Does God promise 1 person for each person on Earth? I don't think so. I think God wants his children to seek a prudent mate (Proverbs 19:14); more like a pool of potential candidates for marriage and allow you to choose the one you want, but then again what promises, if any are there from God to keep the marriage in tact? And even if a prudent woman dates an unprudent man God has to have the ability to develop the man into prudence or praying for people would become obsolete. It almost seems illogical and contradictory for God to always promise mankind a helper suitable for him/her, but never promise to keep the relationship together. That's like almost giving a man or woman the freedom to have hundreds and thousands of partners and children from different relationships just so man/ woman would never be alone. I think that's more detrimental than being alone.
Some Christians will say:
1. God has someone better in store for Rick than Jennifer or Lisa. I say hogwash! David stole his best friends wife and sent his best friend to death and even though God didn't want David to do this, He still blessed David and loved him none-the-less. God didn't want Abraham to lay with Hagar, but he still blessed Ishmael and Hagar, so that theory does not hold water.
2. God won't give you something you're not ready for or won't be beneficial for you; again, hogwash. He gave Solomon extensive wealth and power knowing full well Solomon would go off the deep end. God placed Satan in garden knowing full well Eve would eat from the tree. God gave Saul power knowing full well it would go to his head. To claim this theory implies the problems that arise are greater than God and we all know that isn't true. We know that wherever sin abounds grace abounds that much more.
3. God doesn't bless a situation if you're in sin. Once more, Hogwash. Check all the examples above along with every other example in the bible. Sin is done, over, finished. One can perform sinful acts, but that doesn't mean they are "in" sin. we do this all the time, every day. If God doesn't bless you because you act foolishly then no one would have anything.
4. You have to get right with God. Still more hogwash because this deals with you having to get to a position of goodness so God can bless you (this is self righteousness and Law). Did Jesus tell people to get right with God so he could heal and bless them? Of course not. this is a legalistic view of many who don't have a grasp on Grace. Exactly how many prostitutes did God bless, heal, and save in the bible? Clearly they weren't "Right" with God, but he blessed them anyway. How about the solider who was arresting Jesus?; the one who's ear Jesus restored. He sure wasn't right with God, yet he was blessed. Jesus came for the sinner, not the self righteous.
5. God doesn't bless the situation if you are not putting him first or serving him. Hogwash hogwash hogwash. For starters, God is omnipotent which means he never needs anything, so he doesn't need you or I to serve him. Remember this is the guy who created everything we see with spoken words. He doesn't need you or I to do something for him. Now our spoken words in a world where he has given us the authority do play a role in the outcomes, so one can say that God works side by side with mankind when they speak his word over a situation. The hierarchy of heaven shows that the greater in power you are the more you serve others. Hence why Jesus washed the feet of the disciples and Satan himself rebelled. God is not the Roman Catholic or Greek version of a deity who sits in judgement of others demanding things from us, so this theory is debunked.
I know that God has given mankind dominion over the Earth. When Satan deceived Adam and Eve mankind gave that authority to Satan. Jesus came to restore that which was lost, and part of what was lost was mankind's authoritative dominion. Now Jesus took our position in heaven, but since he is our representative, as he is so are we; this means we now have that authority once again. Nearly every Christian I know prays to God in an asking format, "God please do this, God please do that, God will you do this, God will you do that?" To me that indicates just how little people understand about who they are in Christ. The Greek word for "ask" actually means to command with confidence and knowledge. God explains that his people perish for a lack of knowledge. Could that be connected with why Christians aren't living with authority? Because they don't know what rightfully belongs to them (another discussion for another time)? God gave mankind the dominion and the power in their words along with his promises that stretch throughout their entire existence, so the concept of going to God to ask him to do something is gravely misunderstood. We have the power, but don't know we do or what, said power entails. I could provide countless biblical evidence to support this, but that wasn't my motive or overall point.
Since mankind has dominion over the earth does an individual such as Rick above, have dominion over his relationship with Jennifer? Now what about Jennifer, does she have dominion over her relationship with Rick? What if Jennifer still wants to sleep around, do drugs, drink, and destroy herself and not want the same things Rick wants? It almost seems silly that God promises to bring compatible people together like he's the universal match maker, but has no promises to keep the marriage that he deems to important, together. Does Rick have the dominion over his ex wife or vice versa? Does Rick's parents have dominion over him or Jennifer's parents over her?
Take for example:
The Centurion who went to Jesus to heal his servant. The servant didn't come for the healing, but the Centurion acted as he had dominion over the well being of his servant. So who plays the role in our Rick and Jennifer situation of the dominion oriented Centurion and the servant who's living in despair?
I know that when i was 13 (many years ago!!) i suffered from depression from not having an involved father. My father was more career focused and my parents were divorced. I suffered a lot of emotional problems of never feeling good enough and it grew to the point where i was in a dark place emotionally and mentally. Thank Jesus my mother had a very close relationship with Christ and was led to speak God's word over and over and over myself even when the situations looked bleak and a disaster. Long story short i came through it and have a very close relationship with Jesus till this day. So did my mother act like the Centurion in this situation? Can we act as the Centurion in all of our relationships or does it only work with children or servants (who has servants today)?
Some Christians may argue that God doesn't override man's free will, but that would indicate that mankind's free will is greater than God's will, which would be in contradiction seeing how God is omnipotent; which means no one or no thing is greater than Him. Even Job tells us that no man can thwart the will of God, which only helps to emphasize God's sovereignty, which we already knew. While God may allow mankind to take whatever route or direction they want, the end result or destination will always be what God wants.
I'm not saying that you can walk down the street and spot a pretty girl and say "She will marry me and love me". That's almost like witchcraft, but where is the line when an individual has the dominion? Can God restore an ex boyfriend or girlfriend to a loving state with you? Can God (I guess the better choice of words are "Will God") place those once established feelings back inside the individual who lost the feelings? What if Jennifer doesn't love Rick anymore, at least to her knowledge she doesn't. Does God override her free will and place those feelings inside her for Rick's benefit? Isn't that unfair to Jennifer? Would God tell Rick to pray for Jennifer to see Jesus' love for her only to "fix" her so she can be a mate for someone else? Why wouldn't God just work with someone else or the eventual new mate of Jennifer to pray for her? Why use Rick if he stands to gain nothing from it?
Since i used the word "marriage" directly above, what actually constitutes a marriage? Is "marriage" a legal document in your state, a mentality, a spiritual connection? Today we as people embark in relationships that pretty much encompass all the requirements of how our society views "marriage". We date, we get emotionally involved, we sleep together, we live together, even some have children before the ring is on the finger. At what point in time does the relationship become a marriage? Is it when a minister performs a pagan ritual at the alter?, when the couple says "I do", when the ring is secured on the finger?, Is it when both parties agree to eventually wed, say at an engagement proposal? How about when they fall in love? When they sleep together? When they kiss? In God's eyes, when does marriage take place? Is there a promise of God to sustain and keep the marriage in tact? Well why not a promise to keep the relationship in tact during the engagement? Isn't the engagement important as well? What about when Rick and Jennifer are dating and a couple? If their boyfriend girlfriend relationship doesn't stay in tact an engagement never occurs, which means a wedding can't occur in our society's procedure, so isn't the boyfriend/girlfriend relationship just as important as the marriage?
Even though we as people may not do everything the way God deems best, doesn't mean he doesn't bless or isn't involved in situations that are not currently ideal for us. If you have a son who is 5'5 145lbs and doesn't have any athletic ability whatsoever, but he want's to play football so badly, do you crush his dreams and tell him "no it's not the best thing for you and i won't support it", or do you run to the store and buy him some cleats, pads, and equipment? Do you throw the pigskin around in the backyard and go to his games and cheer him on, wash his jersey and dirty socks? Of course you do because you love your son. Clearly God is the same way and evidence is shown with Abraham and David's situations.
So as you can see by now there were a lot of questions, but I hope the reader/responder grasps the overall theme of this discussion. What promises, if any, does God provide us with in regards to restoring a broken relationship or keeping a relationship in tact? God can't just be a match maker with no ability to keep the match together, because in all actuality if the relationship doesn't stay in tact then the couple we're never really a match to begin with, thus not making God a match maker at all. We all know God is great and everything is possible with God, but are there direct promises about this topic?
Thanks again for anyone who takes the time to read and respond. I greatly appreciate it!!
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