It is my opinion/theory that Christians have been deceived into believing that God does not have provisions for broken relationships, both dating, engagement, and marriage (along with so much more). The traditional view is that God can bring compatible people together, but it's up to the people to make it work. While I believe people have a role, i don't believe God has zero role. I believe it's the devil's deception to make mankind believe God is not involved, not a part of, will not assist, and has not created promises, spiritual authority, and provisions to fix and restore broken relationships. Divorces, broken hearts, infidelity, breakups plague the human species. To believe God is not able and will not solve the problem is putting God in box and illuminating the power of Satan. You are making Satan's ability to destroy (the thief came to kill and destroy), far greater than Jesus' ability to heal and fix that which was broken. What I want to know is where said promises are.
Example was Rick and Jennifer. Let's say Jennifer went off the deep end and was emotionally destroyed for some reason. She turned to cheating, lying, drugs, and alcohol. Where did those perversions come from? Clearly they didn't stem from God and we know we are not to wrestle with flesh, but the spiritual domain. So without having to illustrates 10 hours of scriptures and connecting all the dots (i leave that up to you) one can easily see that Jennifer's choices and behaviors and feelings are directly linked to some form of spiritual, emotional, and mental deception cause by demons (hence where the phrase, wrestling demons). So traditional Christianity tells us that Satan can pervert and enter a marriage to destroy it, yet God can not enter it to fix it? Satan doesn't have to get permission from the normal sense to enter into Jennifer's psyche to corrupt her, but God has to? So Satan is greater than God? I hardly think so.
Christianity has been duped into believing they are helpless in the matter of relationships. We've accepted circumstance as truth. Christians are not living the abundant life and part of that abundance is spiritual authority over your relations, both romantic, friendly, and business. Christians are playing from behind in nearly all aspects of their lives, especially relationships and I've had enough of it. I pose the hard questions that traditional churchianity does not want to answer because they can't. Either you are on board with my understanding or you're going to continue to swim in the pool of defeat and helplessness.