You have very interesting positions.
So you picked it out for your own purpose and as
a secondary it seems you like the idea that it is good
for others as well.
Your English teachers desire to be able to easily read your work.
I got a good laugh out of this one...thank you.
What I had meant though was if he were born in the
age of computes and had to choose his own font to use.
lol...thanks again, always good to laugh.
As for Martha. Yes, the point of some things being more important or necessary than others for sure but I don't believe he meant for us to consider things trivial. And not to be given any priority but proper priority. It is the part of your life that you don't surrender to Christ that will get you in the end if your not careful. Martha was an example of someone who wasn't surrendering her life to Christ but busy busy in life. She was actually a victim of Gen 3:16 at that point. Rather than truly seek Jesus she subtle as a serpent calls him unrighteous and commands him to judge righteously. Our Lord chooses to be gentle in his answer back to her as he his awesome. He simply corrects Martha's perception for her. That said, if you search it out, you will find in John where Martha does not behave in such a way again, she simply serves while Mary chooses to anoint the feet of Christ.
Not familiar with the tune.
Have a great day,
I wanted to be able to pick out my post quickly and
easily when in a discussion. Everyone's font tends to
look the same. It is also easier when I respond to
a quote someone made like I am now to distinguish my
answer from someone else. Organization. I do so in the chat room
too, by making my font a different color so as not to be
confused with someone else.
So you picked it out for your own purpose and as
a secondary it seems you like the idea that it is good
for others as well.
Certain situations call for an appropriate font. Like my
English research papers. They want something plain like
Ariel font and nothing too cursive to the point where they
can't read it.
Your English teachers desire to be able to easily read your work.
I suppose however his handwriting developed is the font
in which he used. Then again, He is the example of not
worrying about unimportant things. If He told Martha about
not getting frustrated over dinner, then worrying about a
font shouldn't be a tedious frustrating task to us.
I got a good laugh out of this one...thank you.
What I had meant though was if he were born in the
age of computes and had to choose his own font to use.
lol...thanks again, always good to laugh.
As for Martha. Yes, the point of some things being more important or necessary than others for sure but I don't believe he meant for us to consider things trivial. And not to be given any priority but proper priority. It is the part of your life that you don't surrender to Christ that will get you in the end if your not careful. Martha was an example of someone who wasn't surrendering her life to Christ but busy busy in life. She was actually a victim of Gen 3:16 at that point. Rather than truly seek Jesus she subtle as a serpent calls him unrighteous and commands him to judge righteously. Our Lord chooses to be gentle in his answer back to her as he his awesome. He simply corrects Martha's perception for her. That said, if you search it out, you will find in John where Martha does not behave in such a way again, she simply serves while Mary chooses to anoint the feet of Christ.
Reminds me something I heard somewhere. A singer perhaps.
Someone who said I shall not worry until my problems
have been put in your hands. Something like that.
Not familiar with the tune.
Have a great day,