Hello Jesus just saved me but I dont sense Him anymore. I have had blasphemous thoughts. I Don't have the fruits of the Spirit anymore. No joy, just depression. I don't want to do much. My heart is also very hardened.
Being under spiritual attack is something we all as believers face
The enemy doesn’t need to torment the people of the world because
they already serve him
But he loves to attack us, putting thoughts, putting doubt anything he can do to sever that connection to our father
The Father won’t leave you,Pray to him and keep praying and ask
“ Lord increase my faith” “ Make my body a temple for your spirit, send your angels down to protect me tonight, I confess jesus died on the cross for all of our sins, And I loose myself from any unclean spirits!”
It’s true we come from a worldly life, speaking for myself I drank did drugs used women I was as worldly as they come, and as a believer it took a lot of time to “
reprogram” my thoughts, my actions but it wasn’t an overnight thing.
Infact one preacher used to say he had a guy come to him and say
“ MAN ever since I found Jesus all my troubles went away”
The preacher looked and said “ Really?! Cause that’s when mine started!”
I can relate it’s easy to live worldly, but being a believer and trying to live righteous is a lifelong journey
Brother these thoughts they are natural and after awhile you will be able with
confidence say
“ not today satan!” , “ not today unclean spirit”
Read the word, pray, learn all you can about spiritual warfare
Learn to put on the armor of God and ask him daily to increase your faith
There are skeletons in my closet that like to peek out from time to time
That’s my take but I see some of our brothers and sisters have jumped in already with good advice
* that’s another point— you are
not alone you have a family that has been there ( I know I have) and will try to lift you up