I want to be in the right church denomination while im young.. Which one is the most Biblical church and why? Also what does Matthew 7:17-20 mean in a simplified answer plesee and thank you very much!
Hello Frank,
First to understand when you were drawn to come to Christ Jesus as your Savior. You became part of the Body of Christ which is the Church with Jesus as the Head. This is the Universal Church.
Now what you are seeking is a place where you can Assemble with God fearing, Bible believing, Brothers & Sisters in Christ Jesus who seek to live it and don't just talk about it. Now that can be in a main denomination or a non-denominational assembly. It could even be in a House Church, that is a person's home, store front building etc.
As Member Saginon has stated there are many to choose from, so your work is cut out for you!!! First and foremost what you need to do is bring this request of yours before the Lord in prayer. Ask and you shall receive brother! He knows better than any of us which one will suit you best, or the one He wants you in that you may grow and be fruitful! Alleluia!!
Even still forewarned is forearmed! There are some out there to take care with. Why do I tell you this? The devil disguises himself as an angel of light. (2 Corinthians 11:13-14) There are more churches out there than we can to admit that do not conform to what would considered to be foundational Christian beliefs i.e. Bible is the Word of God, Jesus is the Son of God, He died on the Cross, He is Resurrected, He will Return! This is why many are called cults. Which is another reason why it is important that the assembly you choose studies the Bible, and applies its teachings just as you should be doing (Acts 17:11, 2 Timothy 2:15, 3:16-17, Psalm 119:105).
Visiting some of the churches to see what they are about is a good idea. Also, if these churches have online sites, check them out. Most have a Statement of Faith or in other words, a document that states what they believe. Search these out and look them over with a fine tooth comb. :smile: Didn't I tell you it'd be work!!! However, better now then finding out later as you become tuned to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, and knowledgeable in the Word of God, that things are not what they appear to be!!!
Well, you do have Brothers & Sisters in Christ Jesus here as you have found out, that are willing to answer questions. Don't be afraid to use us and ask the questions that come to mind as you've been doing.
I'll be praying that you will find a church that assembles regularly, has an abundant number who are part of the Body of Christ who will love you as we do, is true to the word of God, and will help you become a Defender of the Faith in Christ Jesus! All the while praising & worshiping with great Joy!
With the Love of Christ Jesus!