Romans 1:18,19
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the Truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shown it unto them.
Does God desire His wrath to come upon us?
NO! His wrath is indeed come down from heaven; why? Because we still have not believed on the only begotten Son of God.
Lets go check out Jonah for a moment. Jonah was a chosen vessel by God, for God. Now, God sent Jonah to preach against it; for their wickedness had come before Him. And Jonah ran from God. Not only was Jonah in (grave) danger, but the entire ship. Jonah was thrown overboard and swallowed up by a fish and spit out on the shore.
Jonah cried against the city (Nineveh) and the people believed God, and the king believed. And every creature in the city fasted and prayed and repented of their wickedness.
Here it comes (Jonah 3:10) And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and GOD REPENTED OF THE EVIL, THAT HE HAD SAID THAT HE WOULD DO UNTO THEM; AND DID IT NOT.
Now, Jonah journey continues...
Does God bring forth wrath, death and destruction. Yes He does, Yes He will... Because of our own rebellion against Him; we must repent and believe on the only begotten Son of God.
Now, lets see what is going on in the world around us. Sinkholes swallowing people up fast asleep in bed, hurrican Katrina in New Orleans (yeah, there is no wickedness there). The entire city flooded, except for one little mound. Did the city repent? No, they built it again, and carry themselves to a greater destruction. And those who say they know God is building it back right beside them.
Japan (the giant wave)
Indonesia (the great wave)
Chili (massive earthquakes)
San Francisco (massive quake)
Mudslides engulfing and entire city.
New York and D.C. buried in snow (yeah, there is no wickedness in those places either). Right...
The lies are being exposed.
Wait we haven't done anything! Exactly, nothing.
Preachers at the pulpit continue to appease itching ears, it cost them money if they really preach God. Oh God didn't do this to you. Then who's wrath came down from heaven? Because of our own wickedness and unrighteousness He sends His wrath upon us.
God desires that none parish. How many little warnings will God send before that great and terrible day of the Lord comes back in vengeance and wrath?
They didn't listen to Noah either; eight people were saved by the water. EIGHT!
This time He will send FIRE. God is going to cleanse this earth again. And bodies lay dead so thick that the fowls of the air will feast upon rotting flesh.
Thou I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me...
Do you know Him?
He has not changed.
And since God has not changed, well we better be looking in the mirror at self. Be Christ like; He will show you the Way, the Truth and the Life, also.
Jeses did not fight back; He knew He had come into the world to be SALVATION unto as many as called upon His name and believe.
God bless us all.
Have mercy upon me Lord, a sinner. Forgive me for running away for awhile Lord. I know my life is not my own, it belongs to You. In Jesus name I pray thee. Thank you Lord for hearing me. Amen
It is true that traditional theology argues God is wholly immutable. But is that really biblical? In point of fact, there are about 100 biblical passages that speak of God as changing, for example, Gen. 6:6, Hosea 11: 8, Malachi 3:5-7. IN point of actual fact, the notion of a wholly immutable God entered into Christendom through the influx of Hellenic metaphysics, which enshrined the immune and the immutable. In recent times, alternative models of God have been presented which allow one to better appreciate that God is a synthesis of both consistency and also change. Indeed, a wholly immutable God is a totally indifferent God. Nevertheless, the church became so imbued in Hellenic standards of perfection that many Christians yet today state, without blinking an eye, that God does not change in any way.