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I'm 22 male Never dated anyone Am I missing out?


Apr 9, 2005
I'm 22 male Never dated anyone Am I missing out? When I got save I had no problem of not dating but know I feel like a need someone. I believe I have matured enough in my work with God. I've been prayin for like a year know. I'm starting to be desperate what must I do?
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Is there someone you have in mind ? What is motivating you to want to date now ? I am asking these questions to understand more , not to embarrass you . I want to help you . GOD said that it was not good for a man to be alone , so out of the man he took a rib , and made for him a helpmate , or companion . If you are sharing the LORD with someone , whom you are also becoming attracted to , then this could be good . But in proverbs , the bible teaches us about the problems you will have with trying to build a relationship with an unbeliever . Please fill me in more if you want , and maybe , through the scriptures , we can figure this out . BROTHER
just wait... be patient. When it's the right time God will bring you to the woman you were meant for. If you rush it or do your own will you might get in an awful situation. Relatonships are over rated. They always hurt anyways... eventually. In order to survive a relationship has to be founded on God. Dont rush it though save yourself pain. It's a beautiful thing to have a family and knowing that no matter what the person wont desert you and that you can always talk things through. Good luck!
dont worry brother i've been there but i came to a point that i desided that god was more important and i needed to serve him. I told god that i wasnt going to date and leave that up to him and made it my hearts desire to serve god and do what he wants and then one day i met my now boyfreind under the weirdest of circumstances. Paul says it is better to be single because you are focused on pleasing god and now your spouse, but it is hard because we all think about this stuff. its not a question of spiritual maturity sometimes but of gods timing and his timing is always perfect wheither we except it or not, im only 16 but i've found that person(god reveiled that to me) and i cant understnad why he would do that NOW but when we work on gods time we cant go wrong.
keep pressing on brother,
Dont give up! Keep praying! Please keep praying. I cant stress this enough to people when I talk to them. Keep praying. Dont stop. God is hearing you. Trust me. Wait for God to move for you
God Bless
Sis in Christ :love:
Some just date because of peer pressure- so they will be like everyone else. But really its safer and you an develope more meaningful relationships with a group; those who believe like you. When we are in fellowship with those of like faith the Lord can begin to show us what direction He has chosen for us and will bring the right person to you at the right time when you put His calling for you first.

2 Cor. 6:14Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

15And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?

16And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

17Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.

18And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.
I agree with what witty said.. It's true. The Bible even says, DO NOT awaken love before it's time. Please.. if you do nothing else.. wait on the one that God has for you, don't spend your time with the wrong person, and then years later wake up with nothing but regrets. Love is a many splendored thing.. like the old song says, but.. if you awaken it too soon, you will be hurt. "WAIT ON THE ONE GOD HAS FOR YOU"!!! Trust me.. it's worth the wait! That's in Song of Solomon in the Bible about waiting to awaken love.. God bless you and keep you and prepare you for the one HE has for you!
hes growing in you

yeah you know im 22 and never dated but god has put me in a place where idont care about and not worried cause like witty said god has a perfect person for us. well the reason i dont have a boyfriend is that god doesnt think im ready and he is still growing me for a relationship and i believe thats why he keeps us single is to grow in us and get us prepared. and when he thinks were erady and he has prepared he will bring in the person that he has prepared for us. so just hang in there buddy and wait patiently the right person will come you just keep believing in god and be strong.
hes growing in you

yeah you know im 22 and never dated but god has put me in a place where idont care about and not worried cause like witty said god has a perfect person for us. well the reason i dont have a boyfriend is that god doesnt think im ready and he is still growing me for a relationship and i believe thats why he keeps us single is to grow in us and get us prepared. and when he thinks were erady and he has prepared he will bring in the person that he has prepared for us. so just hang in there buddy and wait patiently the right person will come you just keep believing in god and be strong. :thumbs_up
melforgod or you can call me mel
mel aka melforgod
Conqueror1 said:
I'm 22 male Never dated anyone Am I missing out? When I got save I had no problem of not dating but know I feel like a need someone. I believe I have matured enough in my work with God. I've been prayin for like a year know. I'm starting to be desperate what must I do?

Hey Conqueror1, just been praying for your situation.
I get lonely at times being single. Make sure you are visiting churches, fellowships and meeting other singles who belong to our Lord.
God bless you friend.
I have to agree with all that's been said so far. I can attest to it all. I'm 23 goin on 24 in August, and I was dating a guy for 3 years, and it was ALL wrong! When we met, I was the most content i had ever been, and i felt my relationship with God was STRONG. I met this guy (he's a christian also) and we clicked right away. But I started putting him before God, and before I knew it, we had problems after problems after problems. Now, God has moved me far away from him so i can draw closer to HIM (GOD). My point is, dont rush, and God wants you to be content in him before you get into a relationship. Keep God first.

Your sister in Christ,
right now i'm 19, and i have never dated anyone. I feel that if you rush things before God's timing there will be consequences or you will never truly be happy. If you wait and be patient God will bring you someone and you will definitely be happy because God knows the desires of our hearts, and He knows who will be the perfect mate for you. Whenever people ask me why i don't have a boyfriend and i tell them that i don't date, they think that that is the oddest thing they have ever heard. Its hard to explain to people really because they don't truly understand, but if you wait for God you will definitely have an awesome reward. Just wait for God's timing, and stay focused on Him. God bless!!
Missing out according to whoes standards. It sounds to me like you are doing all the right things now this may be God letting you know that He is getting ready to send you a wife. Just don't allow the devil to allow you to become confused and desperate because when she does come you need to be sure she is the one God has chosen for you.
Be Blessed!

Conqueror1 said:
I'm 22 male Never dated anyone Am I missing out? When I got save I had no problem of not dating but know I feel like a need someone. I believe I have matured enough in my work with God. I've been prayin for like a year know. I'm starting to be desperate what must I do?
Well, I didn`t have a date until I was 19! Now I have found a person I believe is my soulmate, for she is all those things I prayed for so many years.. just think it this way, God wants to give you something special, someone who is everything you have always hoped for, a girl that He picked himself to be your partner and one He made, before you were even born, to be your companion for life. He didn`t want you to go thru 22 years of failed relationships and heartaches, He wanted to spare you from that and give you something that would last. And believe me, once you find the woman of your dreams, it`s worth all the waiting and something better than what you would ever have even dreamed of, becouse you know that she isn`t just anyone, but someone specifically for you and the relationship something that will indeed last, because it`s something that God himself has destined to happen. So, keep praying and keep believing and dreaming, and don`t lose your hope. Tomorrow might be the day! :thumbs_up
don't worry

this is sooo amazing since i joined talk Jesus it's like every forum i goto someone has the same problem like me or like i had. ne ways this isn't about me.

well conqueror 1 i don't think u have that name just for show. i am in the same situation right now 22 and never dated but i have reached the point where its not so much a problem as it is a time to develop more. but i still pray for whoever God has for me, i pray for the decsions that they will make and everything, because in the nd it will affect me and in praying i ask God for certain things and i myself now have to use this time of being single to prepare myself for the wonderful blessibg i will recieve. that person has to recieve a wonderful blessing as well so as much as u thuink that u are ready even if its not happening still develop yourself some more so when that person comes they wiil be recieving this person that is irresistable spiritually and all those other ally's. i 'm here if u need to talk.
God Bless
in all things give thanks

I'm 21 havin the same problem.

Something that's been helpful to me:

Life isn't about getting married. It's not about dating. It's not even about finding that special someone. Life IS about God. We are no more guarenteed a "special someone" in life then we are our very next breath.

Marriage is something sacred and holy, but it's not a requirement of life on earth and it's certainly not a guarentee. Some people will never date or marry, just like some people will never have children. We are only guarenteed that God is real. God is faithful; God is loving, and God is strong.
"One thing God has spoken,
two things have I heard:
that you, O God, are strong,
and that you, O Lord, are loving." Psalm 62:11-12

It's way easy to get caught up in our own desires and interests and forget that God is really the most important part of life. Instead of focussing on why you don't have a date, or how long it will be before God places someone in your life--focus on how awesome our great God is and focus on listening to Him and following Him before all things. He will guide you to exactly the right places, the right circumstances and exactly the right people.

Be in prayer,

In Jesus,
Hey ,
Being single is hard and lonely , because we feel like we have no one. But trust the LORD , he never left adam alone , he will provide . Maybe sometimes we are not ready for relationships , although we might think we are pray and hope to meet the right girl.
Praise GOD and may HE bless you.
Jesus knows the right moment we are ready for marriage and if we don't get there yet that's because He have to work a litle more in our lives, so I completely agree with you Jesus know all.
God bless you !
I also had a date for 3 years and seh was also crhristian and we both keep us pure but at one time I thing also she was putting my person inthe place of Jesus at som kind, and finally I was filling bad, we had never, never done nothing wrong, but i stiil waiting in Jesus name. Isn't suficient they be part of a church, there is more much more important things. Be patient.
God bless you !