Just so it's understood that scripture is silent about anyone meeting on the first day of the week in honor of the resurrection.
So? Depending on the point you are trying to make, I'll respond from two perspectives. In the New Covenant,
there is NO command about what day of the week the saints were to gather for preaching, Bible study, prayer and fellowship, etc. We could meet on the 3rd or 5th day of the week for that matter. Yet, by example, we see the first gatherings of believers meeting on the day of the resurrection, the first day of the week, our Sunday:
"When it was evening on that day,
the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, 'Peace be with you.'” (John 20:19 NRSV)
A week later his disciples were again in the house, and Thomas was with them. Although the doors were shut, Jesus came and stood among them and said, 'Peace be with you.'” (John 20:26 NRSV)
the first day of the week, when we met to break bread, Paul was holding a discussion with them; since he intended to leave the next day, he continued speaking until midnight." (Acts 20:7 NRSV)
the first day of every week, each of you is to put aside and save whatever extra you earn, so that collections need not be taken when I come." (1Cor 16:2 NRSV)
"I was in the spirit on
the Lord’s day, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet" (Rev 1:10 NRSV) *
If the "Lord's Supper" symbolizes the death of Christ, it is logical to view the day of the resurrection as "the Lord's Day", the first day of the week.
While it is
not stated that the first day of the week, the Lord's Day, was because it was the day of His resurrection, it is a pretty good guess. Yet, again, there is NO command about what day of the week to gather together.
It is certainly NOT the Old Covenant sabbath!
"Who are you to pass judgment on servants of another? It is before their own lord that they stand or fall. And they will be upheld, for the Lord is able to make them stand.
Some judge one day to be better than another, while others judge all days to be alike. Let all be fully convinced in their own minds. Those who observe the day, observe it in honor of the Lord. Also those who eat, eat in honor of the Lord, since they give thanks to God; while those who abstain, abstain in honor of the Lord and give thanks to God." (Rom 14:4-6 NRSV)
"Now, however, that you have come to know God, or rather to be known by God, how can you turn back again to the weak and beggarly elemental spirits? How can you want to be enslaved to them again?
You are observing special days, and months, and seasons, and years." (Gal 4:9-10 NRSV)
"Therefore do not let anyone condemn you in matters of food and drink or of observing
festivals, new moons, or sabbaths. These are only a shadow of what is to come, but the substance belongs to Christ." (Col 2:16-17 NRSV)