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Is the goal of being likeminded with other Christians even realistic? If we think about all the church denominations and all the various doctrines and theologies and practices which are out there, is it even possible that we could all be of one mind, united in spirit?
In the flesh alone, it is not realistic, but in the Spirit it certainly is:

"And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible." Mark 10:27

Yes, walking along with the best of intentions we will still miss the mark of the high calling in Jesus [see Phil 3:14] for which we should be pressing. Yes, we are to press, but without the Holy Spirit in us we will fail. We will fall short. But, the good thing is that we do not have to press alone toward that goal:

I mean, there are those who believe water baptism is essential for salvation, and there are those who believe not in this. There are those who believe in OSAS, and there are those who are certain this is not true. And, there are those who believe tongues is THE evidence of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and there are those who think not. And, the list goes on and on.
Yes, and some will insist that it must be in effect, "my way of the highway". In other words if you don't go the way I am going and/or the way I am pointing, you will not make it to the end with Jesus. That is a lie. The trying to go alone is what will cause anyone to miss out. Remember the verse quoted above says, "for with God all things are possible".

So, who is right and who is wrong? Which way of thinking are we all supposed to be like? Who sets the standard of what is right theology?

The Lord Jesus led me to read Philippians 2:1-8 (NASB).

Therefore if there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and compassion, make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose. Vv. 1-2

Well, the obvious answer to the question posed above this scripture is God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. His is the mind we are to be like. He is the one after which we are to pattern our beliefs, doctrines, theologies and practices. And, yes, I know, we all have differing ideas of what that looks like, which is why we have all these divisions in the church. So, what do we do?

We work as hard as we can but we also surrender to God. Our work alone will fail, but if we are surrendered to God and work with Him, we will accomplish His purpose. Did Jesus come for nothing? He came to bring Life [John 10:10] to us. We simply must choose that Life. When we really do then we are choosing to follow Him wherever and however the path leads us:

"O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps." Jerem 10:23

"O that my ways were directed to keep thy statutes!" Psalm 119:5
"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105

And the Word is Jesus, is it not?
"And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth." John 1:14

And so then where does the Holy Ghost come into it? Jesus tells us specifically:

"But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you." John 14:26

When I was a young woman in my 20’s, I had a pastor who was a great expositor of the scriptures. He was a godly man who taught holiness and righteousness and the fear of the Lord. I learned so much from his teaching, but one of the most profound things he taught me was to go into the Word of God fresh, with my heart willing to hear from the Lord whatever he wanted to teach me, and to not go into the Word with preconceived notions about what it said or with my mind already made up. I was just to let God speak to my heart, and He did! Boy, did he!

As I took this approach to scripture, I had to unlearn so many things I was taught by other humans who had taken scriptures out of context to make them say what they wanted them to say, but not in the context in which they were written. This is how we get so many varied doctrines, because people take scriptures out of the context in which they were written and they build entire theologies around them, which fit with the way they want to believe. But, this is not to say that I have everything right, either.

Amen! This was God leading you first through the Holy Ghost filled man of God and then by the Holy Ghost directly as you "unlearned" things and then "learned" them again as you were led.

Test Them
So, we need to take this approach to scripture, and we need to pray to the Lord to speak God’s truths to our hearts. If we are challenged in our faith, then we should search the scriptures and pray that God will lead us to truth. And, then, we must obey the truth we know. We also must test everything we read, hear or see in prayer, asking God to reveal to us what is truth and what is lies, and test, too, all teachings against the scriptures to make certain that what is being taught is God’s truth, and not man’s truth.

I believe we also have so many differences in beliefs, because so many people are followers of man - which includes following denominations - more than they are followers of God/Christ. And, so they end up following a denomination rather than Christ, who is the head of his body. And, so they have the mind of men, and not of Christ, or a mixture of both, and this makes it very difficult, then, for all of us who follow Christ to be likeminded.

So, we do really have to be diligent in making certain that what we are being taught is truth according to Jesus Christ and his Word, remembering that, as followers of Christ, we are to follow after the teachings of the New Covenant.

As the Apostle Paul put it:

"Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ." I Cor 11:1

He expressed himself that way because he knew that at times he might for a moment or longer quench the Holy Spirit in him [I Thess 5:19], and in that period of time, lead others astray.

It is this, I believe, quenching of the Spirit that has resulted in the literally thousands of denomination would are supposedly based on the Bible yet holding onto at times contradictory doctrines. God is never wrong, but sometimes people follow Him imperfectly because they jump to fast or too slow in response to the Holy Spirit in them. We want to lead because we think we know, or we fall behind and miss a turn in direction we did not anticipate. The Holy Spirit does not mislead, but sometimes people fail to follow closely.

So, this is what we should all be like. We should have the same attitude, mind, and thinking of Jesus Christ. Even though he was God the Son, he left his throne in heaven, came to earth, humbled himself, took on the likeness of man, and became obedient to death on a cross for you and for me.

So, why did he do this? Because we were all born into sin, with sin natures, separate from God, and unable to attain God’s acceptance, i.e. his divine approval, in our own flesh. Thus, we were destined to live our lives on this earth without hope and without the life of God in us, and without the promise of eternal life with God.

So, Jesus gave his life up for us so that we could be saved from our sins, be delivered from our bondage (slavery, addiction) to sin, and be set free to now walk in his holiness and righteousness. He didn’t come just to free us from sin, but to give us new life in him, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. He came to give us abundant life in the Spirit of God, that we might walk in his ways and in his truth all of our days.

So, when we are Christ-like in mind, in heart, and in attitude and actions, we will empty ourselves of what is selfish (deny self), and we will consider the legitimate needs of others above our own. And, we will reach out to meet those needs in the power of the Spirit living within us, and as directed by the Holy Spirit. Our lives will be committed to Christ and his kingdom work, and we won’t be focused on just doing what brings pleasure to ourselves.
Amen! God had a plan and it was to be implemented by the sacrifice of His and be led by the Holy Spirit in us. Jesus opened the Way and then the necessary tools were provided for us to enter in and partake of the Tree of Life.

Give God the glory!
Perhaps We Should Get back on topic and not high jack @Sue J Love thread

I suppose that is something that Sue needs to address if she so thinks. It appears that her questions and content have invited comment and so far members are doing that. Sue's OP has generated some interest and it all seems to be connected to the OP title. Unless i am missing something? There was a comment or two which perhaps didn't need to be made but as you know, on open forums, that does happen.
Can we be like-minded enough to allow others to share from what they have in their baskets?

Bless you ....><>
Even children of this world know how to be children.
Those reborn of God's seed know they need never stray from being reborn.
We will all grow in grace and knowledge, but being Godly people is innate in Christians.
Still there is a training period, Jesus picked twelve disciples to follow him and showed by example what being godly was like and what He expected. When he ascended to heaven, he sent the helper, but to bring to mind scripture, but people wont know unless that is shared, we arent reborn with a bible inside of us. The desire and hunger for His word is something he puts in us though, but there is still a certain amount of seeking and finding the Kingdom. Perhaps God made it that way so He could know who really desires Him rather than who just takes Him for granted.

Paul wrote he one spoke as a child, and understood as a child, but now he is an man (adult) he put childish things away. Many people are born again when they are adults, they do have to unlearn things they may have received as a child that were lies.

Good, and thank God.

The manuscripts for the bible are almost 2000 years old, but what we call the bible, the organized collection of scripture, is much younger, and till the 1600 unavailable to the common man.
Ok well, scripture is scripture but that is what people mean by the bible, the old and new testaments, and they were available in various forms and collected together and organised before 1600. Those letters were read in those churches of corinth, galatia, ephesus, thessalonica etc. It wasnt unavailable to them, but it did get preserved and shut away for a time for next generations, as the word spread to people of other tongues. The english translation came around 1600 yea but there were other translations eg gutenberg bible in german that were distributed en masse with the advent of the priniting press. Before that all scriptures were hand copied. On papryus or scrolls or codexes.

Yay for books, and now, internet! Internet bible make it easier to search scripture, but reading is easier when you have your own copy bound in a book. Some people like to hear scripture being read out loud, we need to share it not keep it to ourselves. Jesus wants us to speak the word.

The bible is ancient, yet its timeless. Its not an ordinary book that people can claim it was written by such and such you cant even claim copyright to it..it's God's inspired word to his People yesterday, today and forever.. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.

If we are to be likeminded, we must simply read His word together. Gods first part of his commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your mind.. how do we so that, renew our minds with His word. Be thinking on things that are true, things that are lovely. Like heaven, as thats where believers are headed...Jesus prepares a place for us. So lets look forward to Jesus rather than focusing on ourselves. Amen?
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I would say ask God even if you think you are sure about something, for if we are sure of something we might have pride and be blinded perhaps?
Yep ask God first and it can be confirmed with two or three witnesses.

Sometimes we forget we can ask God. His word is sure, even if we arent.

He might lead you to a scripture you may have missed. He will bring things to your memory. Or He will show you..for some people, they dont make a regular habit of searching scripture daily, God can reach them through a dream or vision or through circumstances and other believers. But He has given us His word and does expect us to read it and cherish it! All of it!

Thinking of Eve and how she was blinded when she chose the forbidden fruit, and the serpent was telling her to eat it and causing her to doubt what God has said.

Well in that scenario she wasnt sure when she was before. She could have said to the serpent well I dont know I will ask my husband first.

It might have given Adam an opporrunity to be smarter than Eve had she asked him. Well, failing that Eve could just say serpent you are wrong God did say! Thats not showing pride thats being humble to our God, putting what He says over what we might think.
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Ok well, scripture is scripture but that is what people mean by the bible, the old and new testaments, and they were available in various forms and collected together and organised before 1600. Those letters were read in those churches of corinth, galatia, ephesus, thessalonica etc. It wasnt unavailable to them, but it did get preserved and shut away for a time for next generations, as the word spread to people of other tongues. The english translation came around 1600 yea but there were other translations eg gutenberg bible in german that were distributed en masse with the advent of the priniting press. Before that all scriptures were hand copied. On papryus or scrolls or codexes.

Yay for books, and now, internet! Internet bible make it easier to search scripture, but reading is easier when you have your own copy bound in a book. Some people like to hear scripture being read out loud, we need to share it not keep it to ourselves. Jesus wants us to speak the word.

The bible is ancient, yet its timeless. Its not an ordinary book that people can claim it was written by such and such you cant even claim copyright to it..it's God's inspired word to his People yesterday, today and forever.. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.

If we are to be likeminded, we must simply read His word together. Gods first part of his commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your mind.. how do we so that, renew our minds with His word. Be thinking on things that are true, things that are lovely. Like heaven, as thats where believers are headed...Jesus prepares a place for us. So lets look forward to Jesus rather than focusing on ourselves. Amen?