1 Paulus {Paul}, and Silvanus, and Timatheus {Timothy}, unto The Edtha d'Thessalaniqaye {The Assembly of the Thessalonians} which is in Alaha Aba {God, The Father}, and in Maran Eshu Meshikha {Our Lord Yeshua, The Anointed One}: Taybutha {Grace} be with you, and Shlama {Peace}.
3 and we recall to memory the bade d'Haymanuthkun {the works of your Faith} before {i.e. in the presence of} Alaha Aba {God, The Father}; the labor of Khubakun {your Love}, and the patience of Sabrakun {your Hope} which is in Maran Eshu Meshikha {Our Lord Yeshua, The Anointed One},
6 and you, by imitating us, and by Maran {Our Lord}, have received The Word in great affliction, and in The Khadutha d'Rukha d’Qudsha {The Joy of The Spirit of Holiness},
8 For, from you The Miltheh d'Maran {The Word of Our Lord} was heard, not only in Macedonia, and in Achaia, but, in every region, your Faith, which is in Alaha {God}, was heard. So there is no need that we should speak a thing concerning you.
9 For, they related what an entrance we had unto you, and how you turned towards Alaha {God} from the reverence of idols, unto serving The Living and True Alaha {God},
10 while you all look unto His Son from the Heavens; unto Eshu {Yeshua}, who was raised from the place of the dead; for, He delivered us from The Wrath that will come.