I already posted this to Sue D so perhaps you missed it:
Were Adam and Eve married legally? Did they make vows before a celebrant? Did their offspring? No, of course they didn't but they were married in the real sense of the word and blessed by God and told to go forth and multiply. God is still the same today, he hasn't changed.
I believe in two people committing to each other in a traditional marriage ceremony but I also believe that if they are committed then it is not a sin if they don't.
I understand your point fully Pearl, I posted earlier in the thread, exactly what you say here, but they were the only two humans on earth at that time.
Marriage certification came in later through the law, through Moses, followed by divorce certification.
When Jesus came to earth, he came to bring salvation to the Jews, we know the rest regarding that, but he also came to correct errors in the Jewish thinking, did he not?
As we know from the Gospel accounts, the Pharisee's tried to trick Jesus, regarding the certificate of divorce, you cannot have a certificate of divorce without a certificate of marriage, what did Jesus say? It wasn't like that from the beginning, Moses allowed a certificate of divorce due to the sinfulness of the people.
Jesus' first miracle was at a wedding feast at Canaan in Galilee, there was ample opportunity at that time to correct any wrongs, he didn't, he used the situation of the wedding to compare it to the Church, that is the ekklesia, not the congregation of saved and unsaved souls. And what an beautiful example he gave, he compared the wedding feast of the day to himself as the groom and the church, the ekklesia, as his bride.
So, I see a number of important factors here.
1 - We must not take pieces of scripture to fit our views, we are to see God's view from His Word.
2 - We must not take everything in the OT as Gospel, I say that reverently, all scripture is God breathed, allow me to add more to explain this...
a) - The OT is God's Word to all generation, to the Jews first and then to the Gentiles
b) - Because Jesus came to correct the wrongs of the Jews, we must read what Jesus in the NT says, if it agrees it is correct, if it disagrees we are to 'listen to Jesus and take note' Something the Jews stubbornly didn't do.
c) - If we accept every word of the OT, without comparing to find if Jesus condemned their ways or practices, we will end up misinformed, we will end up believing an error.
All scripture is God breathed, but we must listen to Jesus and ask ourselves WWJS, WWJD.
A marriage from Moses' included a certificate of marriage to be lawful in God's eyes.
A marriage in Jesus day, at Canaan in Galilee included
1 - The man asks the woman, will you marry me.
2 - They go to the outskirts of the town/city, where the lawmakers were waiting.
3 - The man offers the woman a drink of wine, today an engagement ring. If she accepts the drink of wine they then consult the lawmaker.
4 - A covenant is prepared, they are legally betrothed to each other, called in those day, married.
5 - The woman would go back home and prepare or have prepared her wedding gown, and lady in waiting or bridesmaids clothing.
6 - The man goes back to HIS FATHER's house, and a room is prepared there for the bride and groom when they come together.
7 - When the Father says, only when the Father says, the son can go get his bride.
8 - They then have a coming together and the wedding feast.
Our Lord Jesus Christ, used a wedding at Canaan in Galilee, to show us, using that procedure, what it is like for the Father in Heaven, Jesus the groom, the church His Bride, the fact he had to go back to his father, for a period, but when the Father says, He the groom, can go get His Bride, the ekklesia.
If there ever was a time for Jesus to say you have got things wrong, it would have been then, and he wouldn't have used the wedding ceremony as an example of His Church and our time together with him in eternity