Greetings folks, son introduced me to mySpace, and informed me that his brother had a page on it, as did he. Sure, I was umm, moved(?) by what I saw. But I was moved to do something.
What I'm about to write might get some upset, so if you are too squeeky, or say, "Gosh ! Horror !" or the like, and the thought of profanity makes you want to run, then perhaps don't read anymore. I understand if you get upset, but if you think you can handle it, read on...there is too much fear of getting dirty hands in the business of being a Christian, and not enough willingness to go to battle...stay at home, but check as to why you do, is it because of self indulgent piety, or fear of evil, or misunderstanding of the mighty power of God in your life. Think about it, our Lord see's all that goes on...ALL ! I think I'm safe to say that the most miserable and disgusting thing that He sees is the dirtiness of professing Christians, taking His name in vain...vanity. Recall some instances of dirty and unclean, socially unacceptable people in the Bible...yes, the Bible, and just how close the Lord got to LOVE.
So, two of my boys (who, by the way, don't live with me...thousands of miles apart) are using mySpace. I saw a door, wide open, for me. And I have used this opportunity to the Glory of God.
PLEASE NOTE HERE.....if you think of doing what I have done, be very prayerful, and get back-up prayer and support. The devil may be a defeated foe, but he still bites...and you are the one you need to watch out for...if you are easily mislead, succumb to temptation, have fear of man, or can't think straight when dealing with sinners, you had best ask the Lord for a more suitable task...He knows you and your faith, and will not put you under any load that you can not handle. PLEASE LISTEN TO WHAT I JUST SAID.
Years ago I went swimming...metaphorically, in the shark infested waters, desiring to save some. A few years later I realised that I didn't mind the bites, and I was getting very sloppy in my witness. Where I had intended to help, I became one of them, so to speak...but worse, in fact, not worse, as those who are lost and in darkness are not bad...but I, I knew better...and I was doing things that a Christian ought not to do. To shorten the story, the Lord pulled the carpet from under my feet. It cost me dearly and the pain I would not wish upon anyone. I want you to know that He also caught me in His arms...he is love. But, the damage has been irreversible. SO BE CAREFUL AS TO HOW INVINCIBLE YOU THINK YOU ARE, AND REMEMBER THAT THE HEART IS DECEITFUL ABOVE ALL THINGS.
Back to mySpace, I saw that I had opportunity to reach out to the friends of my sons. So I asked to be shown more about it and one of them helped set me up on mySpace. I have made contact with their friends since.
It is so very important to keep in mind that these youngsters, the world over, need encouragement. Look around you. This world is not much for them. I am a fully-fledged man of scripture, and I know the power of the scriptures as living and effective for the salvation of souls. But (and I don't like using 'but' in reference to scripture), remember the disciple who drew His sword when they came to take Jesus away, and what did he do with his sword? The Word of God is a Sword. But, (again) it is not for cutting ears off with. Many would do well if they remember this. Many might also want to burn me on a stake too.
The young folks need the scriptures, we all do. But (again!), Jesus became flesh and dwelt amongst us....and went about doing ...good. He is the living word, and we need to follow Him into this sick and needy world full of demon posessed people, all needing a touch of His love.
When I was young, me and my friends would do all the wrong things, away from our parents sight. Back then, pornography, paedophiles,(edited by LLJ) and perversion were the today. I had a few encounters with all of it, and I was not the only was normal, everyday life in this world. Saying BOOOOO!!!! to mySpace is not going to change it. Sorry if you're still reading this and you are getting upset, but (it's OK here-but), mySpace is NOT the problem.
People are killed everyday in car accidents. Young and old. Many are ruined for life. Do you drive one of those killing machines? To go a bit further, cars pollute this you drive one ? They also cost lots of money ... are you a good steward of money ?
People don't need to be told constantly....they need friendship and love...Christ's love.
If you have children using mySpace, ask them to set you up. Open your eyes to the world they are in. If it upsets you....good, yes, good...pray about it, but don't become so righteous as to condemn and boycott them and don't forbid your children from staying at home and keeping safe off the streets. Look and see .... now you will have things to instruct them on, to guide them as they fact, you will have so much more understanding of what their needs are. WHEN our children are young, we tell them to be careful of the fire, and caution them about dangers...they don't always listen at they ? Well, when they grow, and stop thinking as children, the dangers change with them. YOU need to know what dangers they are in in order to caution them. AND... you need to be their FRIEND. And their friends friend. Be there for them. NO ONE ELSE WILL !!!
More than ten years ago people were trying to get me interested in filth on the internet. My point being, mySpace is not the source of trouble. We are meant to be lights shining in the darkness, doing things that without Jesus we wouldn't do, and as He did. Jesus was very unpopular for mixing with the scum of the earth - in the eyes of the religious leaders. He dined with them, and gave them hope, He restored them to dignity, but it did not sit well with the 'righteous'. Those multitudes that He ministered to were not 'nice' decent people who never did anything wrong. There were no doubt perverts and sex-maniacs amongst them. Listen to His teachings. He didn't preach to the converted, dear friends. And He didn't just quote scriptures at them, telling them of their naughty ways. He opened the scriptures up to them, and gave them life, bread that they could eat and be nourished with.
I do not for a moment consider any immoral activity, including things that go on with mySpace, worthy of commending, but remember that God's love is unbiased and He is not willing that ANY should perish. Hate the sin.....but love the sinner. And, rather than focussing on the evil, seek out the lost, and look with the heart of God at everyone...feel His longing for them - the person - and show them the love wherewith you have been loved, Jesus Christ. Whether on mySpace or not, our loved ones will come across bad elements, sickness and disease. Teach them how to stay clean. Remember, we would all be proud if our children were great men and/or women of God, renown for their Christian walk, so use this opportunity to teach them how to walk......I know for a fact that all my young ones had my help with their early walking experience as toddlers, and held my hands as I held theirs, and they knew that I was there, and held tight in case they fell...and if they stumbled, I didn't chide them, tell them off, make them feel bad or caught them up in my loving embrace. And do you know what ? They kept trying, holding tight...until they could walk uprightly.
If your children or those you love are learning to walk as young men and women, be there for their encouragement, help and friends.
Bless you,
Br. Bear.