4givN&hope4U said:
The Lord is good and greatly to be praised!
Amen Glory to God!
I have a scripture tacked to the wall behind my desk, it says
"YOU O LORD keep my lamp burning, my GOD turns my darkness into light",and we as parents know, there are seasons when this night is very long,
but note there who is providing the oil, who assures you the fire wont go out, and who finally brings the dawn!
It is not for you or I, mom or dad reading this, to spend our time trying to figure out how God is going to save our children, but it is more consolation than any boot camp, school, hospital, intervention program has to offer to know He will, if we but bring them to Him in prayer. PRAISE GOD!
Parents I`m here to tell you, that no matter what your child may be involved in, no matter how faithless and ruined thier lives may seem, bring them to GOD! It doesnt matter what you see them doing now, it only matters what the outcome is, that they one day come to know Christ in this life!
God is able to take every wasted year, every foolish choice, and every heartbreaking detail that you may not even know about your child, and use these very things to bring them to Him. Trust the Master Potter. He knows just how much sand, how much water, how much mud, (oh how we hate the muddy messes they get themselves into) how much pressure is needed to mold these young lives into vessels of honor!
God also knows how much time it will take, and our God is not limited by time or the things we stumble over. You may say, well little johnny or little suzy really messed up this time, they did the very thing I feared they would do, or they went the very way I feared they would take! Will you thus allow satan to blind you to the almighty power of your God. Do we so easily forget that God is also a Father, and loves our children so much more than we can or do?
I think some of you have witnessed this, that a little child will keep trying to touch something hot, in spite of how many times you say 'hot', until they finally touch it and feel the burn for themselves, and they come crying to you and tell you the same thing you`ve been trying to tell them all along.
It is this way in the kingdom of God, He will let your child touch the flame, He might even let him or her walk thru the flames if they are so willful, and yes they may have to bear scars for thier choices, but God will allow
all our willful choices, just to show us the only way we can truly have life, is in Him. God doesnt want any of us being deceived, so as the story of the prodical son goes, He will allow us to see sins ugly side, even allow us to revel in it, if it keep us from ever being deceived by those greener pastures satan tries to lure us away with again.
So while you and I are praying, remember that God is hearing every prayer, and in His great wisdom He knows the very way to answer those prayers, by allowing the things our children need to bring them home to Him. Praise God!