I pray at all times of the day....and I must admit that some days have more prayer in them than others as I find myself "talking" to Our Father more on the days with trouble or some sadness, etc. When that happens, I do my very best to remember to praise Him on the good days just as much as I call out to Him on the "bad" days.....in this way, whenever I have a quiet moment or even when something suddenly makes me smile, I make a concious effort to always thank Him for being so wonderful as He makes me smile as well as carries me when I need it.....How great He is! I guess what my run-on sentence is trying to say is to remember to take even a moment to thank Him always, on the bad and good days, as it is He that is truly getting us thru. Try to remember, even if it is only a few seconds, to remind Him of how much you love Him and make His day as He always makes ours.