Hi I'm not sure if anyone can answer this. I'm doing alot of meditation, reading, going for walks and stuff I like doing, things that lifts my spirit. Also I do alot of prayer work. But the question I have is why must we suffer? Like, why do good people go through bad things? Cause I hear its to grow, but I started my growth process and I'm still going through stuff with the same person as I was before my growth started. A family member. So I just....I don't understand, why's it still like that???
Hi Lauriel22,
It sounds like you've got each foot on 2 opposing paths. Follow Jesus with your whole heart, get away from that new age-y "all about me" stuff because it's poison. Focus your mind on things above not on things of this earth; Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Meditation is not emptying the mind, meditation should be focusing on specific things and being vigilant to take control of what your thought are.
It's good you're praying, but you need the Word of God and a real relationship with Jesus not a half-hearted walk to lift you. And reading is endless labor -- get yourself into the Holy Bible, the ONE thing of it's kind and you get to know God; spending time at the feet of Jesus is the one necessary thing. God inhabits the praise of His people so being in praise, singing, worshipping God lifts. Isaiah 60something says to put on a garment of praise to get rid of the spirit of heaviness. Read this in relation to your question on suffering and after that I will talk about your family member.
1-Why do we suffer?
8Although He was a Son, He learned obedience through what He suffered.
9And being made perfect, He became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey Him Heb 5
Since therefore Christ suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves with the same way of thinking, for whoever has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, 1Pet4
...and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with Him in order that we may also be glorified with Him. Rom 8
3Share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. 2Tim2
2- Problem with a family member:
I've lived this one. Only 2 of the 5 members of my family belong to Jesus, so the other 3 are Judas; they are literal devils and will never be redeemed. Jesus told me about my sister closest in age that her soul is black, and from that I know she does not, and will never belong to Jesus. The devil has children too, we see this first referenced in Genesis 3. Regardless of your status with the Lord or your family member's status with the Lord pray for God's will and direction and
ask God what He wants you to do. God told me about my sister directly, and you may have a similar situation, or not. Loving everyone does not mean loving all people the same way. Love God over all. Love the saints (those who prove to be saints) with love and understanding and forgiveness, then love those who are not us differently -- with a love that feeds them and gives them water when they need it, but not a forever vibrant close-knit love. Notice how the disciples loved Judas, as one of them, then when he was found to be a devil, they were at peace knowing he's gone to hell, because he belongs there. Seek God on this, He knows everything, and He will not steer you wrong. Just be sure that everything God gives you lines up with the Holy Bible because God will never be in conflict with the Holy Bible -- The Holy Bible is the ABSOLUTE authority over everything, over every church, pastor, denomination, so be sure to know the Holy Bible well. Forgive the people always but it may be best for you to untangle yourself from them and move on.
In my situation, my family (and their families), although I avoided all of them, they were a source of woe and discord. God demanded that I depart from them. Come out from among them and be separate... and He also told me to forget my family and my father's house more than once. Praise God, He has taken me in; God is my family now.
Much love.
Turn Right.
Follow Jesus ONLY; Holy Bible ONLY.
Stay in the New Testament and Psalms and Proverbs until God gives you understanding, then enjoy the entire Holy Bible.
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