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LOL!!!! Dear Sister, I beg your forgiveness for calling you Brother!
The Holy Spirit gave me a twitch that it was so, but I'm a bit obstinate at times, and sadly don't always listen as much as I should and so the
I agree with what you are saying, but it really doesn't answer the "what if" scenario I posed. I don't usually use what if scenarios, but in all my years, I find in certain cases it helps to clarify certain positions. Now, where was I??...Oh, you're assuming that everyone will sin, while my scenario is one based on if one were not to sin, even though they have the propensity for it.
I realize that it's not fair asking this. For I know we have no way of knowing for sure, but the possibility is there since as Brother spiriteddove05 states, and the whole basis for this thread being loosely based upon when sin is imputed on humanity and is conditioned upon the act of sin. The belief that it would be unfair of God to punish us if sin were unavoidable, makes for the possibility of one being able to be without sin from birth.
Keeping that in mind. What you stated as far as the rejection of Christ and His atonement, would in truth only apply to someone who has sinned. In all fairness to God, we must allow for the possibility that it could happen, at least according to our Brother. So, could said person be able to enter the Kingdom of God, without the need for knowing Christ as their Savior or is that a sin in and of itself?
So, as to not make this more then it is. For I personally just have a difficult time believing that our God would send Jesus to die on the Cross if it were possible for one to live a life of many years without ever sinning. However, I do have to ask.....What say you Sister!
With the Love of Christ Jesus.
The Holy Spirit gave me a twitch that it was so, but I'm a bit obstinate at times, and sadly don't always listen as much as I should and so the
“So, were it possible, which I do not believe it so. A person could be without sin, but still not enter the Kingdom of God. Unless by the rejection of Jesus it would be as one who has blasphemed the Holy Spirit and so, has sinned according to Scripture.”
I believe this is not possible. Firstly, according to Scriptures’ prophecy, there is not one righteous, except the sinless Jesus. (Psalm 53, Romans 3:10) Every single person who has ever walked the earth for a good deal of time has fallen short of the grace of God, and therefore is in need of repentance of sin committed somewhere in their lives. So it is already impossible for anyone to be without sin, unless they died an infant or a child. By rejecting Jesus, they also reject the only propitiation for sin, which means they remain spiritually dead (ie. not born again). According to Scriptures, they are already condemned (John 3:18), because their sin never gets blotted out due to their unbelief. So it is not possible for a person to be without sin, and even more impossible for such a person to enter the kingdom of God should they choose to reject Jesus.
“So, do you also believe that this propensity to sin (not to actually commit sin) in this corruptible flesh will continue to be the Cross we bare until which time we receive the promise given to us of Glorified Bodies (Philippians 3:21, 1 Corinthians 15:42)?”
Yes, this is exactly why Jesus commanded us to deny ourselves take up our crosses and follow Him. (Matthew 16:14). Take up the cross for what purpose? To crucify the flesh with its passions and desires (Galatians 5:24). To put to death the deeds of the flesh. (Romans 8:13) This is the work accomplished of the cross.
I agree with what you are saying, but it really doesn't answer the "what if" scenario I posed. I don't usually use what if scenarios, but in all my years, I find in certain cases it helps to clarify certain positions. Now, where was I??...Oh, you're assuming that everyone will sin, while my scenario is one based on if one were not to sin, even though they have the propensity for it.
I realize that it's not fair asking this. For I know we have no way of knowing for sure, but the possibility is there since as Brother spiriteddove05 states, and the whole basis for this thread being loosely based upon when sin is imputed on humanity and is conditioned upon the act of sin. The belief that it would be unfair of God to punish us if sin were unavoidable, makes for the possibility of one being able to be without sin from birth.
Keeping that in mind. What you stated as far as the rejection of Christ and His atonement, would in truth only apply to someone who has sinned. In all fairness to God, we must allow for the possibility that it could happen, at least according to our Brother. So, could said person be able to enter the Kingdom of God, without the need for knowing Christ as their Savior or is that a sin in and of itself?
So, as to not make this more then it is. For I personally just have a difficult time believing that our God would send Jesus to die on the Cross if it were possible for one to live a life of many years without ever sinning. However, I do have to ask.....What say you Sister!
With the Love of Christ Jesus.