On 4/26/05 at 10:36AM jmh137 writes:
My point being, HE laid HIS glory aside became human to redeem fallen man, died, was ressurected, appeared to the disciples (keep in mind that it said of that recording that HE apeared to some of them in another form, because they did not recogniz. HIM until their eyes were made to be open), ascended up to the right hand of the FATHER and resumed to have the glory and majesty that HE had always, always had before the foundation of the world (I'll go further and say all worlds or anything that may be out "there" or known to any being HE created). Anyway gotta go, I still very much disagree with the thread starter. Sorry if I took you wrong. I'm sure you will let me know, or maybe not. The LORD'S wii be done!!! Sorry to all for any misspelled words or other mistakes....jmh137
I am not good at following all the threads, but they do weave together into a whole cloth if we trust the weaver, the Hand that moves the thread without end.
Anyway, my response below is veering fromn the origuinal thread, it is a response to your above post about the incarnation of the Lord.
I am new and do not have the time or inclination right now to start a new thread, and this way you might even see my response. I am not out to persuade other to see, feel, or think about systematic theology the way I do, but I will offer food for though for you if interested.
You mentioned Jesus leaving His glory to incarnate in the flesh.
Many current idea in philosophy and theology discount the idea of an anthropormorphic God clinging to the old idea of an old man on a throne in some part of a spacial heaven
Islam will not allow any thoughts of God in the human form, but for Christianity, I see the incarnation of God to put on the Divine Human even unto the natual level, world, or plane as premier.
There have always been arguments about the immanence of an unchanging God versus the manifestation of the incarnation in a human form that becomes born into this world, and grows and transcends to an assumption of the Divine Natural Human to become, in my humble view, infinite and omnipresent Human on all levels, even unto the natural plane. It is a big concept because we are bound by our ideas of natural space and time, and I am proposing a transcendent state that transcends space and time while manifesting the Presence of God in all Totality at the inmost of even the natural plane. I can't explain it and it goes against the grain for many I am sure, but there it is. But I do not think it is something we should not think about or consider because of the fruitlessness of the consideration, as say, "what was before the creation" Another time and spacial bound concept.
Take what you need and leave the reat, but I offer the idea that God is now Being Itself, Uncreated, Infilite All in Totality at the Inmost of All, the Same in the greatest and least of all things, and since the assumption of the Divine Natural is also Manifestation Itself as the Lord God Jesus Christ.
(which, by the way, is why we can all have a personal relationship and talk with a God who is totally with us in all completeness and not a part of God with me and another part with you)