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SignUp Now!Can't recall who said this but rib being from the side of Adam meant for the woman to be beside him; not the head to be ahead of him or the feet to be behind him, but the rib to be beside him. I know it is not Biblical, but it makes sense as a one flesh as being married together.The heart is why the rib, it is why women is made to be next to men so to make man remember what God ut in the heart. Know women are like children some will argue and be bitter when they grow old but remember the heart to remember the love God gave children why worshipping God is the model of children. Children won't question god they will obey with so much love verse in the bible. Jesus said to be the greatest in heaven you have to be like A child. The bible does not say to have A child of the heart but we all know. Children do in thier hearts love and do the good God put inmen and women.
Be like A child to inherit the kindgom of heaven, what God gave from heaven and we arrive here is in how children act in life. Women know to find the apth God gave them they must remember to be children in thier heart and do it subconsciously. Psychologist find that inner selfs are children indeed and people never change inside when they grow up becuase reality we are children all of us. The giants are adults in A way. But still does A heart of A child exist in the bible ? yes Jesus does not say it Heart of A child but in the old testament in deuteronmy says have to search it. God tell Israelites to teach the law to thier childen and uses the heart of adult to endoctrinate the heart of child so the child learns the law that way.
Heart does exist and children must learn the law to learn the way of the adults. We all know to listen your innerslef and you child like to remember what God put in. That is way women are put next to men in the ribs because it is whats next to the heart so Women can remind men about the law because psalm 40:8 his commandments are in our heart . God has put love in your heart because the law is fulfill with 2 commandments love they God and thy nieghbor witha ll the heart it is why . Women are next to thier ribs to unite the heart and thus they complete the law with loving each other and loving God with all your heart. Women are enxt so man always rememebr God's law people why they are made of rib to be next to his heart where the law and commandments were written.
Man made thier hearts like stone says the bible and forgotten why God send men and women to this world. Jesus explains it he came without power to this world to show how to fulfill God's law by living. What God went to be man to show how men do what his intended them to do love. Love thy neighbor and thy God and that is it ? simple pray, pray and pray put things in God's hands. And to be thankful always even when things go bad is wha God wants men to have in their hearts and women to do the same.
That is why women are amde fro men's rib to be next to the law as A companion suitable helper says the bible and best helper is to alawys remember the law so man does not forget the law and fulfill it. Truly God wanted men and women not to be in pain but love in the garden but the fall happen Women were thier to make man remember to love like A child, love like God loves, and love her too. Man fail this all the time men cannot love because of the fall men went to the laws of " By the point of A sword to get what he wants ", " The law of the strongest shall rule", and " An eye for an eye". Is why man falls but women reminds them of the law of God that is in thier heart and they since love more than man they understand what Jesus wants and he's will.
That may be the sense due to culture but I have to wonder how Adam was in the beginning; before the fall.Nope simple women are part of the character of God as men. The loving part of men are women that why they are sensible and feel like God is the most sensible being in the universe and feels everything. More sensetive than any being.
A pastor said it and said why the heart is next to the rib God does not say it but position the rib next to the heart and the ehart is where the law is put and the law is love. Suitable helper for men, remember place in bible the student will never surpass the teacher !!! But the student can be as good as the teacher !!!
Women can learn from men can be as good as men in everything but neither will never surpass the teacher Jesus in love but love like he did is our purpose.
And in fact there was no "Rib" (men and women both have 24).
We really have no real idea WHAT the Original "Adam" was (except that he was in the IMAGE, and LIKENESS of God). What is indicated is that he did NOT procreate until after his expulsion from Eden. The rest is "just Theology".Pretty sure Adam was not a hermaphrodite, but I do not think you meant that.
The commandment to multiply was given after their creation and so the fall must have happened soon after that since there was no birth of any perfect children without sin.We really have no real idea WHAT the Original "Adam" was (except that he was in the IMAGE, and LIKENESS of God). What is indicated is that he did NOT procreate until after his expulsion from Eden. The rest is "just Theology".
All births are "perfect" and Sinless - until the person themselves invariably begins to SIN, and fall short. Humans have a HUMAN nature, just like Adam, me and Jesus. Since our first born died (came too early/hyaline membrane) I 'spect to meet her on the other side as she really is.The commandment to multiply was given after their creation and so the fall must have happened soon after that since there was no birth of any perfect children without sin.
Psalm 51:5 Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.All births are "perfect" and Sinless - until the person themselves invariably begins to SIN, and fall short. Humans have a HUMAN nature, just like Adam, me and Jesus. Since our first born died (came too early/hyaline membrane) I 'spect to meet her on the other side as she really is.