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Seeing 11:11 and it's Meaning in the Bible

I agree @amadeus2

This infatuation with numbers or "signs" is more superstition and dangerous than anything edifying to your walk with Christ. What GOD desires is for us to seek Him with our hearts, in prayer and bible reading.
God can speak to us however he likes. If you aren’t seeing repeating numbers, that doesn’t mean that others aren’t. Don’t limit God in your mind. Satan perverts everything God does or has created.
First of all I know this thread is very old but I want to comment anyway. God made numbers and has a history of using specific numbers over and over again in the Bible. Numerology is NOT what this is. God can choose to speak to people through ANY MEANS. God speaks to me through numbers everyday. This is of him and not the enemy. I think people need to realize that Satan perverts everything God creates. Satan has perverted the meaning and patterns of numbers through numerology. Angel numbers are numerology and fall in line with other forms of divination. God doesn’t speak to everyone the same just as God doesn’t have the same plan for everyone. If God isn’t speaking to you through numbers it doesn’t mean that he’s not using numbers for others. I think that people are too legalistic in Christianity these days. When you see 333, 555, 1111, etc, look up 11:11 bible verses, 3:33, 33:3 verses as an example. You WILL find a verse or a prophetic word that fits what you’re going through or something that just makes sense to you. Open up your minds but keep it biblical.


Hello @Chaney75,

The link (above) shows how God uses numbers in Scripture. We dare not go beyond what is written.

Thank you
In Christ Jesus
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It’s all nonsense. Like the Divinci Code.
Pure speculation,superstition and hogwash
It’s all nonsense. Like the Divinci Code.
Pure speculation,superstition and hogwash
'And God said,
Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven
to divide the day from the night;
.. and let them be for signs,
.... and for seasons,
...... and for days,
........ and years:'
(Gen_1:14 )

Hello @lentz,

There is a significance to numbers, when used of God in Scripture: but the subject has been misused and abused, as have other Scriptural truths.

It is the same in relation to the stars and their formation in the sky, which have significance in Scripture: but that has also been misused and abused.

Thank you
In Christ Jesus
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'The heavens declare the glory of God;
.. and the firmament sheweth His handywork.
.... Day unto day uttereth speech,
...... and night unto night sheweth knowledge.
........ There is no speech nor language,
.......... where their voice is not heard.
............ Their line is gone out through all the earth,
.............. and their words to the end of the world.
In them hath He set a tabernacle for the sun,
Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber,
and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race.
His going forth is from the end of the heaven,
and his circuit unto the ends of it:
and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.'
(Psa 19:1-6)

Praise God!
Seven. Denotes spiritual perfection. It is the number or hall-mark of the Holy Spirit's work. He is the Author of God's Word, and seven is stamped on it as the water-mark is seen in the manufacture of paper. He is the Author and Giver of life; and seven is the number which regulates every period of Incubation and Gestation, in insects, birds, animals, and man.

Eight. Denotes resurrection, regeneration; a new beginning or commencement. The eighth is a new first. Hence the octave in music, color, days of the week, &c. It is the number which has to do with the LORD, Who rose on the eighth, or new "first-day". This is, therefore, the Dominical number. By Gematria (see above), 'JJjjIhsous (Jesus) makes the number 888. It, or its multiple is impressed on all that has to do with the Lord's Names, the Lord's People, the Lord's works.

(Number in Scripture' by E.W. Bullinger)