Dear Sister,
In a society where all things are considered equal, the experiences of men and women can still differ significantly. The societal norms and the church one attends may impose greater expectations or burdens on women compared to men. Especially, if one is not married.
Without knowledge of where or under what circumstances our Sister in Christ, Keara99, is living her life, one can still discern a profound sense of solitude through her words, and the apparent lack of an escape from this isolation. These observations lead me to certain thoughts, in how Churches through Scripture seem to align themselves. That is why I suggested other women to communicate with, and if she were a man, I would have suggested other men.
Oh, I could go on and delve deeper into the subject, but this is not the thread to do so in. I trust you'll grasp my unspoken point: that one's gender may confer advantages or disadvantages, a situation that, as previously mentioned, varies based on societal norms and the specific church in question.
With the Love of Christ Jesus.