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Should a Christian date someone who isn't?

jesusisthegod said:
Brother Bob:
i remember once you said catholic wont go to heaven, and i agree with you. so no matter whom the catholic girl will marry, the new couple definiately will go to hell , unless both of them follow Jesus. Am i right?
Can you explain to me how a Catholic can not go to heaven? How can any person know who only God does! It is not about a religion it is about a relationship its not about each persons doctrine (unless it is false) It is about Haveing Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and walking in the path God wants living a life pleaseing to God and not one doctrine is better than another. Love in Christ JLU
Lauren7, please reconsider your relationship with this fellow. I'm sure he is a nice person, but in no way should you ever turn your back on your Christian faith if you are a true believer. The bible tells us very clearly that we should marry people of similar faith. Don't listen to all the warm fuzzy talk about how love is all that matters. Love matters, yes, but the emotional love you feel now will be long gone by your second year of marriage and reality will be with you every day. If you are not with a committed Christian, your life will be very difficult.

Take it from someone who married a non-believer.

Please take a look at 1 Corinthians 7:17-24 and 7:39-40.
Also 2 Corinthians 6:14-15
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jesusisthegod said:
Brother Bob:
i remember once you said catholic wont go to heaven, and i agree with you. so no matter whom the catholic girl will marry, the new couple definiately will go to hell , unless both of them follow Jesus. Am i right?

jesusisthegod said:
haven't got your reply. what i meant was
do you remember the beggar before the temple asking money for Peter
and Peter said he didn't have money ,but he would give him what the beggar really need. so i think instead of giving her the answer for the question, you should give her the answer for the life. do you agree??

Dear JesusistheGod,

I am sorry, brother, you are incorrect. I never stated what you claim from your first quote so how can you agree with me? Please provide the post you are referring to along with scripture that I do not agree with regarding Catholicism?

Regarding your second quote, JesusistheGod, it is way out of text of what the original thread is presenting from Lauren7. You are referring to Acts 3:1-10, Peter Heals the Crippled Beggar.

When we love, seek, commune, repent, with our Lord, and read His Word daily, then we are receiving the answer for Life, eternal Life.

Sister Lauren is doing the right thing here, seeking the answer to her question, Godly wisdom, the right path in Christ, regarding her relationship with the gentleman from another faith. Not just from my leading, but from our brothers and sisters who also were led to minister to our sister.

I hope this helps with the reply you requested, brother.

Your servant in Christ Jesus.
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Yes I agree with you Bob, our Father is a jealous God and you have to do everything at his will, talk to him Lauren, you will get a pesponce!
God bless you, your sister in Christ, Jesuschick!:)
The answer to your question is no. It won't work. It's hard to get along with somebody who doesn't have the same belief as you. He will pull you into his beleifs. It happens often.
God commands us not to be unequally yoked... As people have allready posted..
This wasnt a plea or please dont do this.. It was a command.

God doesnt do this to mean or restricted but out of concern for us.. We are not to compromise ourselves and there is no bigger compromise then when your faith is at stake..

If he is a devout Muslim he only is misleading you into beliveing about sharing of faith of your kids... There will be no mention of Jesus in prayers no church nothing... A muslim is commanded to put his religion above all things..

They are so far removed from christians.. They do not pray to the same God .. ALLAH is not the Christain God...

Will your compromise your Jesus for a man..? Is this what your faith means ? these are some serious questions you should ask yourself.. are you ready to break a command ? are you ready to pay for the consequences of this even at the cost of what it could do to your children ?

I say trust in the Lord.. he ways are higher then ours.. He knows what he is doing.. Trust in The Lord and his word.. He does what he commands out of love for us do not go against his word in this..

Should a Christian date someone who isn't? ...of course not. We're supposed to witness to the world, not marry to it.
Well, this is quite debatable but let's see what God says.

"Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?" - 2 Corinthians 6:14

You can apply that to this also since Muslims don't believe in the same God as Christians or Catholics.

It will only cause disagreements and nothing will work out. That's why when you're courting, you should be equally yoked with a fellow believer, thus not causing any quarrels.
My belief is that as Christians we are to spread the word to non-believers. People who are not raised with Christ must be taught about the good news in order to understand it. None of us would be Christians today if those that taught our ancestors didn't believe that. Paul says about marriage:

"For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, as it is, they are Holy." 1 Corinthians 7:14

We also know this:

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perserves." 1 Corinthians 13:4, 5, 6

I feel that if you love each other, he is a good man, and you love the Lord with all your heart, you could be the vessel of his deliverance. Remember, Jesus is our model in life. The goal of all Christians put very simply is, be like Christ.

"While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew's house many tax collectors and sinners came and ate with him and his disciples. When the Pharisees saw this they asked his disciples, "why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?" On hearing this, Jesus said, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor but the sick." Matthew 9:10, 11, 12

The most important thing for you should be your faith. If that foundation is solid in the Lord I do not believe you can be yoked.

God bless,
One thing I forgot...A yoke is a device set upon a beast of burden, an ox or a horse in order to drive it where you want it to go. If you are yoked together with nonbelievers then you are being steered by the world not by the Lord. If the Lord is already steering your life then the you cannot be yoked by the world.
I still feel that ministry knows no bounds. One can't say that they can't date because he is currently a nonbeliever. The Idea of sharing different faiths in a marriage is foolish I agree, but as Christians are we not obligated to spread the gospel to those who do not believe? The truest advice there is: Prayer gives answers. The guidence recieved from prayer is worth more than any person's interpretation. My belief is that Love is Love. I think more scientifically i suppose but, Love = God (see Corinthians) and a marriage is founded on Love then that marriage is founded on God.

My wife was my vessel to salvation.
in the bible there are 3 reasons a marriage should be desolved one is death one is adulitry and the other is if one will not change thier heart tords christ and become a believer DO NOT COMPRIMISE YOUR FAITH. You must have faith in your faith.I mean you would actually risk your childrens soul for the love of a man over the love of christ.Im deeply sorry if i offend but i have faith in my faith and jesus is the only way to heaven.How can this christain walk be taken so lightly?Oh and by the way being catholic and marrying another catholic is a religous rule it shouldnt be a belief
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Hi Lauren
Quick question: Do you know Jesus?
Second: If you do. . .
He might want you to introduce him to your friend. . . I might never become more than this. . . But remember: You might be the one reason, that Jesus is as close to your friend than never before!
But FIRST THE QUESTION: Do you know Jesus?
I pray, that you will take your time with God and search for his will, answer and purpose for your life!
United in Christ we stand before God for you, Lauren7 :love: peeps
Be careful of "sweeping" statements like that "love is love" Gods love is far above anything man knows as love.
Lauren7 said:
I'm a Catholic, and until recently I'd never had a serious boyfriend. I met my boyfriend at my university last term, and we clicked immediately. He is gentlemanly, respectful and patient, and unlike other men I've dated he never pushes me to sleep with him or teases me for my religion. However, he's not a Catholic, in fact he's a practising Muslim.

Well since the bible tells us you cant get into the kingdom of God unless your "born again" it dont matter if you are catholic or muslim you are both headed to the same place. Solomon "the wisest man in the bible" had 700
wives and a bunch of concubines but he "loved" them all and they turned him from his God. When you "love" anyone above God you are in danger of losing any relationship you may have with God.
i have to say no you shouldnt date and especially not marry someone who isnt a christain paul talks about it in i think chorinthians(sp?). im sure that everyone else has covered the bases but let me tell you something i doubt anyones said yet and its that you dont have to! You dont have to date someone whos not a christain cuz god has a wonderful strong christain man for you and hes gonna be more than you could have ever dreamed of(take it from someone who knows!). I know that by now you have feelings for this guy but if you leave your relationship in gods hands i think you'll see that gods got someone better(no offence) and this isnt what god wants or is ment to be.

I don't really know how to advice you, but whatever it happens, DON'T change your beliefs and ask for God's help. He is the only One who knows what's better for you.
But if you don't mind, I'd like to say my opinion. I was thinking of what you've said about your children. They will have a difficult choice to make if you marry him. their mother would tell them about her faith, their father about his faith and so they will be very confused. But also, I suppose that you don't want to convert to his religion, so this is another thing that would stop you to marry him. Muslim's religion is very, very strict and hard, I think you know that. You would never be able to go with to the church (let's say) on holy days...and so on. Just find out more about him and about his religion and then try to put in balance all.
However, Jesus said to love one another, so loving him is nothing wrong.
I hope my advice will be useful. If it itsn't, I'm sorry and I hope that somehow you'll find the right way and the right decision.

All I can say is time will tell.I really dont have a specific verse in scripture in mind. Wait until you really know in your heart what the situation holds it's between you and Jesus Id keeping searching him out in my heart until he answers you.It sounds like a really good learning ground if you can bear it out.Sometimes I just sit and dont move until I receive an answer. May the Lord lead you in all your ways shalom Christan
Greetings! First, no talk of religion but you must have apersonal relationship with Jesus Christ. Jesus as your personal Savior and Lord.It is done by praying and confessing Jesus is Lord of your life and Savior.Both of you must do this and if not, logically speaking it is not right for there will be clashes of beliefs whether you believe me or not.Compromise will do temporarily but in along run, it's either you or him will be carried to once religion.But the best, both of you receive Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. God bless us.