When I was oh 13ish (which meant I was in 6th/7th grade or middle school here in the US), part of gym class was learning how to square dance and line dance! So, are you saying that since I participated I did something evil?? :crazy:
That was actually the only time I ever square danced or danced with a boy/guy until I met my husband. I have barely danced with my own husband, but I would understand if the dancing was some I have seen in movies and I would call it "evil." Think "Dirty Dancing." I must admit I have watched that movie :S THAT dancing is quite inappropriate for anyone who isn't married to their dance partner to do or even watch :S
I dance at church, but it isn't erotic. Is this thread about just square dancing or dancing in general? Dancing is a HUGE part of the Jewish culture if you didn't know.
I think personally, that not ALL dancing is evil. David danced before the Lord. The dancing I do at church is before the Lord. It just so happens I also dance as ministry. People are moved, not because of me, but because of God.
We are so quick to point out what we CAN'T do, but forget a lot about what we can or should do. I will worship God the way He made me to worship Him and that includes dance!