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It's for the reason that you won't answer a certain questions that I don't bother really don't want to talk to you. Because you still didn't answer my question about who is John talking about in the Gospel of John 1 Chapter 1? Who is the Word? And if you can answer that you'll probably answer all of your questions.How exactly does that statement fit these scriptures:
2 Co 1:3 Blessed be the GOD AND FATHER of our Lord Jesus Christ...........
Rom 15:6 so that with one accord you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Eph 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.........
2 Co 11:31 The God and Father of our Lord Jesus...............
1 Pe 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.......
So Pauls salutations to the Corinthians, Romans and Ephesians along with Peters letter to 5 different groups scattered about were all wrong according to your doctrine?
Looks like Paul and Peter did not see it your way.
The God of Jesus is His Father and the God of the Father is no one for He is the ONLY TRUE GOD as stated by Jesus in Jo 17:3 wonder why He would say that
and it not be true as He never lied?
He called us His brethren, and never referred to Himself as our God, wonder why that is? The only person to call Him that was doubting Thomas. Jesus is
never mentioned as our God, only our Lord, our King, the High Priest, the Captain of our salvation, many titles but never our God.
Now you say coequal, but it seems the above would be enough to quash that idea, but add to them Jo 14:28."...........for the Father is greater than I."
Sounds like this coequal stuff is calling Jesus a liar.
Lets look at co-eternal in Rev 3:14 .........the Amen, the true and faithful witness, the BEGINNING OF THE CREATION OF GOD.
Just so we understand each other your trying to tell me that Jesus wasn't the beginning of the creation of God but rather created Himself for He is co eternal you said.
If co-eternal then how does He as a creation of God have a beginning? Keep in mind these are the words given to Him by His Father.
So do you also call God a liar? Let Gods word be true.............
We will have to agree to disagree on that one. As I see it He was Jesus of Nazareth until He was baptized by the Father with the Spirit and then was Jesus Christ.
Christ=messiah Jo 1:41 If you find the time look at the dissertation of the generations of Jesus Christ in Matt 1:1-17 count the generations and you will see that
Jesus of Nazareth was the 41st, but Jesus Christ was the 42nd, He was the Christ AFTER His Spiritual baptism, a man first, then spiritually begotten of God.
The Spirit that He was baptized with was the Fathers Spirit, and God says that "My Spirit that is upon thee shall never leave thee" Isa 59:21 How is it that He needed the
Spirit of God to remain on Him if He was God before He got here?
I was under the belief that our salvation was based on the fact that a man kept the law, was crucified even though He did not qualify for death, for our sins, then
God raised Him from the dead and He then was declared to be the Son of God with Power by the resurrection from the dead. Rom 1:4 Rom 10:9
So the Son of God in the flesh first-a man, then spiritually begotten at Jordan-the Christ, then Declared to be the Son of God WITH POWER after He was resurrected.
Seems to be a pattern here. Man then begotten, then declared to be a son with power. Hmm are we not men, who are begotten of God, and once perfected into sons
are glorified with power as well? No wonder He calls us His brethren??? Is He not continually calling us His brethren and that His Father is our Father?
And lastly why is it that Jesus will be in subjection to His Father when the kingdom is delivered up to the Father if they are co-equal? 1 Co 15:28
Just thoughts
Yet it is written right in the very scripture that you want to argue from. About your own thinking, and yet it is in one of the Gospels. If I recall gospel means that it is Undisputed word of the author. That it is been proven as who wrote it with no doubt.
I'm sure you've heard the term when someone's talking and he refers to it as the gospel truth meaning that there's Undisputed Truth about what he's saying.
So we know without a doubt that this is something that has been preached from the beginning. in the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God in the Word was God.
This tells us that the Word and God are two separate beings and yet the same.
It's not much clearer than that
In your own defense, and in our defense, we can all say the same thing about scripture which says that God is a mystery and we do not understand the mystery.