may Jesus fill us with his love and wisdom
If you would have said that the first time around us, things would have been different.
Judas was a member of the zealots, and their focus was to put the Messiah on the throne of david. The only problem with the zealots concept is that they were trying force the issue. And that in itself is pretty much like saying I know better than you do God.
This also happens often when people try to interpret the scripture. They will sit there and tell God that we know the scripture better than you do. And I'll give you an example of this. Jesus tells us that we have to quote eat my body and drink my blood"
Jesus showed us how to do this with the bread and the wine being blessed before God. And Jesus tells us to do this in remembrance of him. Yet somehow in the great wisdom of mankind, people choose not to do this. The excuse commonly is the Catholics do it I'm not going to do it. The problem with that phrase is this is something that God, via Jesus has told us to do. So those who claim to be Christian and choose not to do this are actually doing the exact same thing that Judas has done when he betrayed Jesus. He figured that he knew the best way to do everything and he knew the route for Jesus to become crowned as king. And in so doing breaking the first commandment. Placing his will above God. Just like those who do not listen to God have placed their will above God because they don't want to look like a Catholic.
As in any parable Jesus spoke, He used physical things people understood to open up spiritual growth and understanding.
Yes, I ask the Lord to bless my food for nutrients for (our) body, as well as remove any impurities within it so it doesn't hurt (our) body. Yes, He lives in me, we are one; it is our body.
But it goes so much deeper than praying for your food.
Take this bread, and eat it, it is the bread of life.
When we read the Word, we are feasting upon His flesh that lives in our spiritual house, being transformed from glory to glory and glory to holiness.
Yes, Jesus came in the flesh, and continues to do so through those of us that has the Holy Ghost living within this flesh temple.
And drinking His cup, is the blood that was spilled for me, and you. His afflictions, persecutions, betrayals,..even His death for us; now, He has asked us to deny self, lay down our life for Him (pick up your cross) as He did for us, even unto death, if it be His will.
If one serve God, first. One will serve all neighbors too.
I am worthy of death; but in His good timing will it come.
Not only am I covered by His blood, but His blood bleeds in my veins. We are one, just as He and the Father are One.
He is in me, and I am in Him, and we go unto the Father.
Jesus said if anyone come after me, let him deny himself, pick up his cross and follow me.
He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
No one goes to the Father except through Jesus.
Only by dying in Him, by Him, for Him, can one escape Judgment.
For all will stand before the judgement seat of God.
I only know these things because the Holy Ghost, the only true Teacher, and the Spirit of truth has taught me.
I have not been taught by man, nor do I need man to teach me.
All my faith is in God.
All praise glory and honor be unto God. Amen