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SignUp Now!Another way of looking at prayer is: ***If the request is wrong, God says NO ***If the timing is wrong, God says SLOW ***If you are wrong, God says GROW ***If the request is right, God says GO
I am having problems with not knowing how much time to spend with the Lord during the day. I have these small short prayers at night and that is about it. I thank him durning the day along with the nightly prayer but I feel like I am missing someting here. I should feel a little bit differeint if I am having fellowship with the Lord i would believe.
I need help in my walk with Jesus, I have been failing miserably, this kinda woke me up, for lack of a better term. I need fellowship, i need to be able to talk to other Christian people, I dont get out much, i am not really "social"
Yes, I admit that sometimes my problem is the hearing the answer part. I hope to get better at it every day, and I know the Lord is not sitting idly by leaving me to work it out all by myself. He is the author and finisher of our faith and He knows all our needs.Since our Father already knows what we are going to pray,he always has the answer even before we ask for it. It is not the problem of our Lord in answering,it is our problem in the hearing of that answer.
That's a big one, being thankful! We have so much to be thankful for. Just waking up and hearing the birds that God made singing away, is reason enough to be thankful. Because if suddenly there were no more birds in the world, we would wish we could have them back and would then be thankful that we did. That's just a small example, never mind being thankful that while we were lost sinners Jesus came to save us and loved us when we didn't love Him! So hopefully your message resonates with all of us, that we must always be thankful, as we get nowhere with God when we have a thankless heart.I fought this for many years!! How can it be my fault?? I am doing the very best I know how!! Except for one thing I forgot to do!!
Thank him for the answer he gave!!
Sometimes my prayers at night can be kind of long, because I lose track of time as I am enjoying having a chat with my friend the Lord. But at the same time I recall the verse about not thinking that our long-winded prayers will make us all the more heard by God. So hopefully I am not hurting my prayers by improperly praying!David was willing to wait all day at times to find out.( Psalm 25:5) teaching us can take some time. What we are looking for is the assurance to our prayer. This assurance we should wait on until we have it when we pray. A wise preacher once told me,if you have prayed for the same thing 4 times,then you have prayed 3 times in unbelief. What? The Lord is hard of hearing??
Matthew 6:7
"And when you are praying, do not use meaningless repetition, as the Gentiles do, for they suppose that they will be heard for their many words. Therefore do not be like them; for your Father knows what you need, before you ask Him."
I am definitely going to remember your point about : "if you have prayed for the same thing 4 times,then you have prayed 3 times in unbelief." Wow! that really hit the nail on the head!!
Yes, so true He is not heard of hearing, and thank God we have the Holy Spirit helping us when we pray!
ROMANS 8:26-27 Likewise the Holy Spirit also helps our infirmities: For we know not what we should pray for as we ought: But the Holy Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. And God that searches the hearts knows what is the mind of the Holy Spirit, because the Holy Spirit makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.No, you never do talk down, your posts have blessed me!As you all know,God searches our hearts,and he tests the mind!( Jeremiah 17:10) Do we?? If we do,then we can receive the greater measure we need. We know what we believe by what we speak, and do. So does our Jesus! I am talking down to NO ONE!!
Are you saying that the devil is not in the knocking realm because at that point one is praying in the Spirit? I want to learn more about this idea!There are 3 realms in prayer.( Matt 7:7) ask,seek,knock Asking is never our problem,seeking can be!! In this realm the devil is also with us,saying things like,hey!! you might have an email,or your phone my ring shortly,or the kids or husband is coming home soon, you better get ready for dinner or whatever!
Our mind puts pressure on our flesh,and usually our flesh yields to it. OOPS! BUT!! If we do not yield!! we get to the knocking realm!! The devil is not here in this realm!! But few ever get to this,because few wish to wait long enough to get to this area. I sure know I have failed many times in this my own self!! Ah!! but that is what being taught is all about!! IF!!! we learn!
Great tips, brother! God bless!And we only can learn,as long as we are willing to follow our teacher!Jesus! A help to me, is to question the prayer we are making. Is this prayer a need? Could this need also help others beside me? How? Will I speak this to others as a testimony of my Lord's grace, and mercy, and power, and love? Just some tips.
What I have found is that our Jesus really wants us to use the brain he has given us.If we were him would we grant this request? If yes,then no problem! ask!! seek, and Knock!! But if there is doubt,we understand we will do without. I hope this has helped you all!! Blessing!
Thanks for your post, Mark, it is very informative and helpful! This whole thread has been a blessing to me!
Here's what I've taken from (and been reminded of) your posts :
I must ask according to God's will, and I must have praise and thankfulness for God's blessings and provisions for all my needs. God loves a thankful heart. I need to be cleansed of my sins (and forgive others so that I can pray without hindrance).
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Phil. 4:6
Mark 11:25 And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.”
I do this by asking God to do something (the faith part), then acting out my faith by seeking out the outcome I expect.
Seeking out the possibilities with which God may answer my prayer.
I know by faith that He will answer, and now I want to seek out how He will. And I don't know how He will unless I explore the possibilities! :wink:
If (to make an example) I have a poor relationship with an estranged sibling, I can ask God to repair it, and that's all good and fine to do so. But If I am asking and seeking, maybe I will pick up the phone and call him, believing that this may be the possible means by which God wants to set in motion the answer to my prayer.
God could be saying, "what do you want me to do, drag your brother over to you and force him to make up with you"? And He could be saying to me, "How about you show me that you believe I will answer your prayer, by calling him? Faith with works! Seek and ye shall find!
And if I am afraid to call him, then I am showing God that I am not trusting Him to take my act of faith (the phone call) and turn it into something good.
What if I never call my brother, and that's all I needed to do to have my prayer answered??? So it is a real blessing to me to realize that faith with works doesn't just apply to doing good works to others, it is also applicable to our prayer life!! That is so awesome!
So we have to ask (faith), to seek (do), and now the knocking part, which is perseverance. When we knock on a friend's door we don't just knock once, we knock several times. When we phone someone, how many times do we let it ring before we hang up? So Jesus’ Teaching on Prayer in Luke shows us how to knock - keep persevering.
Luke 11:5-10
Then Jesus said to them, “Suppose you have a friend, and you go to him at midnight and say, ‘Friend, lend me three loaves of bread; 6 a friend of mine on a journey has come to me, and I have no food to offer him.’ 7 And suppose the one inside answers, ‘Don’t bother me. The door is already locked, and my children and I are in bed. I can’t get up and give you anything.’ 8 I tell you, even though he will not get up and give you the bread because of friendship, yet because of your shameless audacity[e] he will surely get up and give you as much as you need.
9 “So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 10 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
So in summary, I shouldn't always just ask God for things. I need to step out and seek ways that He might answer them, and then knock on the doors of opportunity that are presented. In this way, praying is more than just asking God for things and then sitting around, waiting for Him to respond.
Blessings to you!